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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectWill the Geto Boys get the same amount of love as De La on Kickstarter
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2935230&mesg_id=2935230
2935230, Will the Geto Boys get the same amount of love as De La on Kickstarter
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Mon Jun-15-15 04:12 PM


The Geto Boys are Scarface, Willie D and Bushwick Bill. We are three totally different dudes from the hood who was thrown together in a group for the sole purpose of representing the voice of the voiceless. As you can tell by our name, we didn’t shy away from the ghetto on our journey to the top, we embraced it. The bold way in which we deliver our message has won us loyal fans all over the world. We also picked up a few detractors along the way. Our song “Mind of a Lunatic” scared the hell out of suburbia America. Politicians and special interest groups put so much pressure on our distributor that our distributor refused to press and distribute our self-titled album, Geto Boys. To add insult to injury, we were banned in a number of cities throughout America. Venues wouldn’t allow us to play, and many stores wouldn’t sell our albums; if they did, they would keep them behind the counter and require our fans to ask for them if they wanted to buy one.


In the nearly 30 years since the group was formed we have received almost no radio play, but we still managed to drop 8 albums, sell millions of records, and amass a catalogue that has stood the test of time. Most people know us for our chart topping single “Mind Playing Tricks On Me” because it received a ton of radio play, but many of our other songs are considered hip hop classics. Some of those classics include, Do It Like It G.O., Scarface, Read These Nikes, Size Ain’t Shit, Gangsta of Love, Let A Ho Be A Ho, Fuck A War, Chuckie, Crooked Officer, 6 Feet Deep, World Is A Ghetto, Geto Fantasy, Gangsta Put Me Down, G-Code, Yes Yes Y’all, and I Tried. Many of our songs can be heard in movies, such as Damn It feels Good To Be A Gangsta, and Still, which are featured in Mike Judge’s classic cult film, “Office Space.”


For the past 9 years, our fans have been pleading with us to drop one more album, and we’ve been having light and sometimes heavy talks about getting back in the studio. Well, we hear you; the wait is over! Like you, we see all the madness going on in the world from terrorism to the economic downturn, to the slew of police shootings, and brutality incidents. Our intent is not to fan the flames and divide, but to put out the fire, and unite. But don’t get it twisted, we’re still not kissing no ass to be accepted. The new album is entitled, Habeas Corpus, and like past Geto Boys albums, no topic will be off limits. But before we can go into the studio to make the album, we must first raise the money to do so. Since we’ve been independent for going on a decade now, and we are not signed to a major label, we need your help funding the project.

We thought long and hard about how we wanted to go about creating the album, and concluded that crowdfunding would be the best way to go because it allows us to cut out the middleman by dealing directly with our fans, and most importantly we can make the kind of music we want to make without having a label censor our message. That’s what hip hop is all about. Being independent and free to express yourself without restrictions. So you say you want that real shit? Well let’s see. Kickstarter is ALL or NOTHING, which means if we get enough pledges to reach our GOAL of $100,000, Kickstarter will release the funds to us to make the album, if we don’t raise the entire amount, we get nothing, and the album won’t get made. So click one of the green buttons to the right and back us to help bring this project to life.


This is a new platform for us. It’s hard to get all three of us excited about the same thing at the same time, but we’re pumped up about our new album, and being on the front end of this groundbreaking approach to how music will be delivered in the future. The plan is simple: After our campaign is successfully funded in mid July, we will book studio time in Houston for August or September to begin recording the new album, HABEAS CORPUS. As for production, we will be in full attack mode - leaving no stone unturned. We're going to work with both seasoned and new producers to give you that Geto Boys uncut, raw feel that you love, while simultaneously developing a unique sound that takes our music to the next level. We will feature a couple of well-known skilled artists who we respect, but that’s about it. We owe it to our fans to make a Geto Boys album, not a compilation. It usually takes us 2 to 3 months to complete an album, and 3 months from the date of completion to get the album in stores.

Another first for us will be our “PIECES OF INSANITY” ART BOOK, authored by Willie D, curated by artist Lee Carrier and designed by Mario Jaramilo of the Robot Agency. The 100 Page art book will feature over 40 artists from around the world paintings, inspired by select Geto Boys songs from the past three decades, and will include EXCLUSIVE VIP ART SHOWS. We are currently on a 22 City US tour that began on June 7 in Washington DC at Howard Theatre. We partnered with SiriusXM Radio to record our performance and air it at a later date. So check back here for updates - you’ll be able to see some of the cool pictures and videos from the tour as well as get important updates about our Kickstarter. The cherry on top of the creative process will be the BEHIND THE SCENES DVD we’re going to create that shows the MAKING OF THE HABEAS CORPUS ALBUM. For the first time we are going to share with our fans and supporters how we go about the creative process of making an album, how we decide what tracks we will use, and what inspires us to create. Plus you’ll see what we do in our downtime when we’re waiting on the engineer to make technical adjustments, stuffing our faces, or when we’re just hanging out shooting the shit. We want every serious music lover in the world to be involved with this project.

WE WANT YOU TO HAVE A VOICE IN THE MAKING OF OUR NEW ALBUM AND THE MUSIC THAT’S CREATED TODAY. To show our appreciation for your undying support, we are offering loads of EXCLUSIVE GB MERCH, and NEVER BEFORE ACCESS.


After Kickstarter takes a small commission fee, the rest of the money will be spent on recording, producing, mixing, mastering, designing, printing, pressing, legal, publicity, project management staff, and campaign rewards. If our fans pledge more than our GOAL, we’ll get even more ambitious and make the album, the art book, the DVD, the campaign rewards and everything else bigger and better. So if you’re thinking of pledging, check out the Rewards to the right and click one of the green buttons to back us! DON’T FORGET TO SHARE THIS PAGE with friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, etc. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now for the good stuff…

Risks and challenges

Although there can be delays in the recording process, we are pretty good with knocking out an album, and sticking to our targeted release date. The real risks are in volume manufacturing and distribution, but we’re sure we have a handle on it. We have commissioned a professional campaign staff that has taken every precaution to prepare for any issues that may arise, and we vow to keep our backers updated and informed at all times. We take the trust of our fans seriously. With the support of our manufacturing and distribution partners, we are well equipped for the challenges ahead.