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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectI don't disagree but
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2930324&mesg_id=2930941
2930941, I don't disagree but
Posted by Anonymous, Fri May-08-15 09:07 PM
>...that life didn't turn out as you'd envisioned it would and
>that it's often filled with disappointment. Which is what just
>about everyone in the 20s goes through. I don't know if I'd
>categorize that as depression.

To me, the underlying theme is depression stemming from the youthful disappointment. He discusses how life used to be easy and fun in songs like In Remembrerance of Me and continues the theme by taking a very somber tone in his main point of "life hasn't turned out to what I thought it would be" and that spawns depression for many people.

The sub-title of the album is "In Hell Happy With Your Imaginary Friend" which I take as, life really sucks and we're just trying to get by with whatever we think makes us happy". That's a depressing outlook to rationalize life as being.

A lot of people in this post (not you in particularly) don't seem to grasp the concept of metaphors and underlying themes. People are trying to pass albums off as depressing because they learned an MC was depressed while making it. That doesn't necessarily mean the album is *about* depression.

Blu is actually covering topics that in fact lead people to depression. Not to mention the album has an overall somber tone to it.