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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: I've been meaning to dig in to Sun Ra forever
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2915799&mesg_id=2917244
2917244, RE: I've been meaning to dig in to Sun Ra forever
Posted by thebigfunk, Tue Jan-20-15 09:35 PM
>such a massive catalogue though - pretty daunting
>wheres a good place to start?
>I'm looking for stuff that might be more palatable to begin
>with - not the super tripped out experimental stuff - where
>are his grooves at?

Probably the earlier stuff like I mentioned above... I've heard the first four or five albums listed in his discography on Wiki- and they're very approachable. Supersonic Jazz, the one I listed here, still might be my fav of them, though. So much goodness. They were all remastered not too long ago, so you can find them relatively easily I think. But I'm still very much a Sun Ra beginner...

I think though, he's kind of like Zappa --- you sort of just have to plunge in at some point and then listen til you figure out what he does for you, then go from there.


~ i could still snort you under the table ~