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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: LOL!! I'm sorry this is comical man
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2902366&mesg_id=2903780
2903780, RE: LOL!! I'm sorry this is comical man
Posted by murph71, Thu Oct-02-14 07:09 PM
The only thing that's comical homie is you reaching...lol

Listen, the issue is not whether or not u think AOA is a shit album...U can think that until the cows come home because that's just opinion and I've always respected your no-bullshit gangsta with such things...

But about the ONLY thing on Rave that is remotely close to AOA is "Tangerine"....And that's about as pure Prince as we got on Rave...Beyond that? There is no Larry G. funk...No forced duets ("Honey Knows" with Sheryl Crow is sterile as hell)...No horrible covers ("Everyday Is A Winding Road")...None of that shit...lol

And u bringing up Rainbow Children...But a lot of Prince fans view that album as the last classic Prince album (I like it...but I wouldn't go that far...) But Rainbow has NOTHING to do with u making a dubious connection between AOA and Rave...None whatsoever...lol

Again, say that u don't like the album...I can dig it...But when u hear songs like "Time" and "Way Back Home" which r probably some of dude's most personal work in a minute and compare that to shit on that Santana--Supernatural wanna-be album u doing too much on that one...