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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectYessir... that song killed me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2902366&mesg_id=2903213
2903213, Yessir... that song killed me
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Sep-28-14 02:16 PM
>The song that has really creeped on me over the past few days
>is Time. He creates a beautiful sound scape the way his
>vocals are muted, while Andy Allo's are not. Take the music
>on top of it and it creates this dreamy atmosphere. This is
>going to sound silly especially since I'm 37 years old, but
>when I listen to it, I just want to lay down in a field with
>my wife and watch the clouds go by. That is a good thing.

and that BASS!!!! the bass. Man. My dude ain't dropped something like that in so long, it feels like.

I had that on as day turned into night, on the highway... I had to eventually put it on repeat