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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectyou're talking sonically...i'm talking about the whole package
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2902366&mesg_id=2902796
2902796, you're talking sonically...i'm talking about the whole package
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Sep-25-14 10:04 AM
i've said it for years, if ANOTHER ARTIST had put out some of the stuff he put out over the past 25 years, they would have been massive hits...from "black sweat" to "dreamer" to "call my name" "laydown"...the whole Rainbow Children album....dogg, those projects would've made STARS outta folks. because they woulda been new and they'd be packaged for TODAY. man, you know how much richer Jill Scott would be if he woulda just GAVE her Chelsea Rodgers? REALLY RICH!!! that song a hit! but, ugh...he put it out.

"art" isn't judged in a vacuum. it IS a story. prince's story USED to be "forward-thinking PRODIGY, amazing fashion sense, the guy who everyone else follows...the coolest guy in the room"....now? "OLD...BAMMA ASS...GENIUS...best years passed...cool in a nostalgic kinda way"

and he's a BAMMA because of LARRY. all this wack ass funk-tinged crap i keep hearing in these tracks and in the way he LOOKS. he look a damn fool. ain't nobody gonna follow THAT GUY, lookin like my aunt blossom at a 1978 picnic in rock creek park.

he need to get his hair game tight and go minimalist with his wardrobe. do you know how crazy it would be if he did a video for "U Know" in jeans and a damn tee? or leather pants a tee...and a short haircut? just him and a mic and an audience of one? like insatiable or something? that's a statement. that's unexpected. but, i already know he gonna do something wack and it's not gonna be received well. BECAUSE HE'S A BAMMA!!! his instincts for visuals and manipulating the zeitgeist are SHOT, dogg. i'm sincerely disgusted by some of the moves he makes.

the music ain't ever been the REAL problem. the problem is LARRY!!! the problem is the whole vibe of prince. in his lyrics. in his look. it's LARRY!!!