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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: yo, it's not that serious lol
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2902366&mesg_id=2902784
2902784, RE: yo, it's not that serious lol
Posted by murph71, Thu Sep-25-14 09:27 AM
>but murph u are overly positive ab0ut Prince and even his
>crap music lol..so thats where Im coming from. I need more
>objective ears to inform aka..Olp Pro etc. Not that what you
>have to say isnt a valid contribution.

U got me mixed up with some other Prince fans, homie...I'm the guy who has gone on record saying that Prince needed new inspiration...In fact, I'm the guy who has talked extensively about how shaky the 3EG album project would be (and I was right...I like him and the girls as a live band....But there's only about 3 songs that pop on Plectrum Electrum...the rest should have been left on the cutting room floor)...

Now just because I don't think Prince's 90's era was not the turd some Revolution obsessed fans make it out to be or that I have battled it out with Maxxx on this board on all things Prince doesn't mean I'm slurping that Purple...And just because I think he is the best live performer of his era doesn't mean I'm sucking the Midget off...I have criticized Prince on everything from his frankly out of touch and stupid handling of online media to his rushed output throughout much of the '00's...

>But at this point its akin to opposite of having to hear
>AFKAPS take on anything Dangelo (yes afkap I know u try to be
>impartial and fair blah blah blah)

Nah dog...it ain't even on that level...lol...I'm in this very thread backing up a post made by Basa how Larry G. watered down P's funk for the most part over the last 10 plus years...Could you imagine KAP even agreeing with anything Warren has to say about D? Nah...not in this world...lol

This is what I'm sticking with: Prince made a "PRINCE" album with AOA...It is his most cohesive, conceptual album in nearly two decades...It's the freshest the man has sounded in years...What you won't hear me say is "this is the best album since blah, blah blah"...

But yeah...I'm not that dude u r painting me out to be...lol...At all....

Just saying...