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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectThey are very important and they achieved a lot, yet......
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2858229&mesg_id=2858232
2858232, They are very important and they achieved a lot, yet......
Posted by c71, Tue Nov-26-13 10:16 AM
They never quite hit a grand slam where it's clear they are a TRUE classic band.

They are a classic band but that achievement feels a little weak.

Like, music fans go on and on about Nirvana and even Dinosaur Jr. but....you don't really expect music fans to put RHCP in a "classic" status like that.

Some would say it's because RHCP were so popular but.....I'm not too sure about that.

I know "Blood sugar sex magic" has some good music on it but I never really heard the whole thing and it really isn't on my radar.

I heard "Californication" over and over because I worked at Tower Records (village NYC) when it was released and I like that CD a lot but....the quality of the songs of that CD aren't "enough" for me to really be "impressed" by it like "End hits" by Fugazi or "Wolf songs for lambs" by Jonathan fire*Eater really impresses me.

I was hoping "Stadium Arcadium" would do it for me ("by the way" didn't, from what I heard of it) but....nah, it didn't do it.

They know enough about good music (they love P-funk, Hendrix, Black Flag, Ohio Players, etc.) that they could have done stuff that should have been OVERWHELMING but.......when they kept coming up with songs like "Dani California" (even with supposed genius John Frusciante in the band)...something just wasn't right.

Now that supposed genius John Frusciante is not in the band anymore (supposedly because John couldn't, again, take the music he was making with them anymore) I can't see much hope of them really "going off" the way a band with their influences should have gone off by now.

Rick probably did mess them up because Rick talks a lot of the quality of individual songs whereas they should have been about making an "album experience" type of CD where the overall CD just hits the listener (like Fugazi "end hits" or Tony Williams Lifetime "turn it over").