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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectThat's he reason he's there
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2822901&mesg_id=2823198
2823198, That's he reason he's there
Posted by Anonymous, Fri Jul-19-13 07:23 PM
There aren't many MCs that at time amaze me but he is one of them.

Coming from the stand point of someone who has been writing and rhyming for years, there are some MCs that I hear and just say "damn, that dude is incredible" and then there are others that I just acknowledge that they're nice.

For example, Redman is a great MC and one of the best to do it but he has never made me stop and say "what the fuck yo".

Nas, Thought, 3000, Mos, and AZ are in that category for me. Those are my 5 favorite MCs to listen to for pure lyrics and delivery.