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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectis JT's "mirror" unwittingly the beginning of 00 retro music?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2819384&mesg_id=2819384
2819384, is JT's "mirror" unwittingly the beginning of 00 retro music?
Posted by bavid dammer, Mon Jul-08-13 11:52 AM
of course, mirror wasn't made to sound like a leftover from futuresex or justified... it just... does.

an aging boyband teen sensation out of touch with contemporary trends and sensibilities, coupled with an aging formerly great producer and his team of underlings trying to make "timbaland"-esque beats for him...

because of JT's status - an overwhelming success regardless of how passe it sounds.

could this be the beginning of something bigger?

eminem's "relapse" had this same calling card but it was still the 00's when he dropped an album that sounded like it was recorded in 2004.

j. cole's "can't get enough" was another great example of people unwittingly making music so out of style that it could be considered "retro". the beat and flow on the track was easily 10 years out of date but still had some success.

anyway i digress...

with the success of "mirror", which isn't even strong enough to be a single imo, do you foresee people "bringing back any elements of music from the 00's" to the delight of nostalgia-maniacs?

do you see the korg triton presets coming back?
the dangelo snare?
the neptunes clavinet and the drums they used on every beat for 3 years?
synth horns?
spanish guitars and clap snares?

...yeah, me neither.