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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subject*daps*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2793006&mesg_id=2793043
2793043, *daps*
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Apr-03-13 01:44 PM
>makes me very happy
>made the music they wanted to and now getting paid
>musically its pretty good, not great....but god damn i love
>what they are doing

Agree to all

I like the album better than most. I think its pretty
damn solid, fun, great relaxing music, very inspiring
and Mack can spit better than people tend to give him
credit for


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "