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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectit should be because he is the musical Genius of our time
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2784163&mesg_id=2784339
2784339, it should be because he is the musical Genius of our time
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Tue Mar-05-13 10:35 PM
the Greatest Artist ever out of Chicago 1)

the most important R&B Artist since michael jackson 2)

only Stevie Wonder among the living can hold a candle to his Genius 3)

him and President Obama are from the CHI and we outta be steppin on 1600 in DC throwing up the CHI and bouncing 4)

he is a better sanger and more important artist than Beyonce 5)

ARRUH is a Greater Musical Ambassador in a modern day Ray Charles way and he is holding it down in the Bahamas now and off to Africa 6)

America needs to be reminded of his artistic Genius 7)

the Greatest Remix artist and a feel good song that is timeless 8)

how can't get with saying Beep,Beep,toot,toot that is so much fun right there 9)

his music and songs are fun and yet speak to a nation who wants to enjoy the weekend 10)

when Michael Jackson is in the backseat of a ride bumping to Igniation well that was the endoresement of all endoresements there 11)

rocking a motor Jeep to DC and partying and sipping. 12)