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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectLMAO! So music opinions have nothing to do with the music??
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2759985&mesg_id=2760982
2760982, LMAO! So music opinions have nothing to do with the music??
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Dec-04-12 05:18 PM

Glad you admitted it.

That what you judge as good or bad has nothing to
do with whether or not the music is good.

Brooklynwhat said Kid Cudi is a better artist than
Lupe Fiasco. He all but admitted that it has more
to do with Kudi's tweets than it does his raps.

I was just born in the wrong generation, and its all
good. I'm down with the movement when people actually
formed opinions based on the way the music sounds.

>It's 2012, people don't diss someone because they think
>they're wack. That just ain't the game anymore.

So people don't listen to music and comment on the quality
of the music anymore?


Yeah, sounds about right.

>Plus, for better or worse, he's a star, so they likely hope
>he'll work with them and they get some of that rub.

This I can understand. But again -- it shows no integrity.
We're supposed to listen to the music and judge accordingly.

But you guys don't really listen to the music.

>Also, he seems like a nice dude, mad humble, so he get a pass
>that way.

There are lots of nice people who are horrible rappers.

I mean, a guy like Wiz is about 1/400000000th the rapper that
Lupe Fiasco is, and that's obvious the second you hear either of
them rap. But according to you, that Wiz is horrible doesn't
matter as long as he's a nice guy?

LOL -- I love 'The Lesson'.


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