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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectEh, Frank doesn't "pretend" to be a sAnger.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2758478&mesg_id=2758744
2758744, Eh, Frank doesn't "pretend" to be a sAnger.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Tue Nov-27-12 02:59 AM
What you hear on his recordings sounds like half-ass singing, and that's what you get at the show.
Not really any studio trickery there. He sounds like he's talking half the time, even on his recordings.
Take Drake and "Find Your Love", he can't even perform that song, because his vocal ability doesn't allow it.
Frank performing Bad Religion on Fallon was exactly what you hear on the recording... even the "brings me to my kneees" part.
I'm gonna youtube "Future" because I honestly haven't heard his shit. I thought he was a rapper.
One sec...
Ok, youtubed it. The autotune is mad annoying. MAD annoying. This "turn on the lights"
shit is basically the house that Lil Wayne built. Thing is, I don't need for my singers to
be great singers, so I might be able to tolerate the song if he didn't sound like a drunk yelling
into an autotuned mic. For instance, Musiq's not the greatest singer, but his songs are well-written,
and he writes within his range, for the most part. That's all I really ask.