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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectWho is your "Poster Child MC"....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2683664&mesg_id=2683664
2683664, Who is your "Poster Child MC"....
Posted by Thanes1975, Mon Apr-09-12 02:02 PM
Who is your "Poster Child MC"....what I mean is when you think of Hip Hop and the definition of an MC, who is the example?

LIKE............If you were in a college course called Hip Hop 101: The Essence...they get to the chapter on Mcing...who would it be?

I go with KRS b/c he LOVES the culture, can rap, has flow, has lyrics, stage God, move the crowd, has dope singles and albums. If i got the the chapter on Mcing...I believe his face would be the one I'd expect..

Who is your Poster Child of an MC?
