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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectWhat can I say. I prey on people's mistakes. I'm horrible.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2654836&mesg_id=2656584
2656584, What can I say. I prey on people's mistakes. I'm horrible.
Posted by Qwerty Uiop, Wed Feb-01-12 01:22 PM
It makes me feel good about myself when I can point out that someone else is wrong. I'm an asshole. Illmatic is not an EP, by the way - and it's length has nothing to do with why it is considered a top album. Sorry.
Nobody is perfect, and we all say dumb things from time to time. It happens. What's important is knowing how to pick up the pieces and try to grow as an individual. You'll get through this. It's only a small bump in a long road. Good luck to you.