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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectthe hate that hate created.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2651634&mesg_id=2652227
2652227, the hate that hate created.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Mon Jan-23-12 05:00 PM
and what i mean by that is
*we* (rubs skin) sort of get irriated when
rolling stone doesn't include prince in the patheon of
"guitar gods." he doesn't get that eric clapton type of love
from the rock establishment.

it's sort of like how some folks get mad
when you mention the beatles around here.
they feel that stevie wonder should be getting that lennon/ mccartney love from "rolling stone" magazine.

they feel that EWF "that's the way of the world"
should be getting that "revolver" love from rolling stone.

now the truth is, great black musicians don't NEED
that type of validation from rolling stone.
but sometimes, *we* (rubs skin again) still feel some kind of way
for it not being there.

and i can understand that. really, i can.

but i think it more sense for *us*
to appreaciate prince for the legend that he is,
and quite worrying about the fact that the establishment
will never give "purple rain" the same amount of love
as that unpronouncable led zeplin album.

prince doesn't need "their" respect.
he's prince.

my opinion: prince is an incredible rhythm guitarist,
an exceptional lead guitarists,
and he can rock out convincingly (when he wants to).

but that's not really enough for all of us.
we want him to be "accepted."

it is what it is, i guess.

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