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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjecthe overplays
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2651634&mesg_id=2651981
2651981, he overplays
Posted by thebigfunk, Mon Jan-23-12 08:17 AM
but here, I think it actually *works*

Before he comes on, that rendition was moving on a sleepy time schedule, with Petty practically reading "Goodnight, Moon" to the audience.

And I generally like Petty well enough...

But P just sort of sees that vulnerability in the moment - the sort of weakness of the performance - and explodes it. He *totally* cheezes it up, physically and musically, and virtually every lick he runs in there is from his standard repertoire...

but it *totally* works. particularly that run of deep muddled distortion about halfway through his solo...

my only complaint: he didn't one or two refrains sooner. He got weak in the last one esp.

I never saw Petty as salty here, though - he looks like overall he's enjoying it...


~ i could still snort you under the table ~