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Topic subjectRE: here's my list...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2291465&mesg_id=2294447
2294447, RE: here's my list...
Posted by howisya, Wed Jan-06-10 10:00 AM
>...I would make a post of my own, but I honestly can't be
>bothered to do descriptions for each, no disrespect, but
>sometimes I find writing little blurbs about albums takes the
>fun out of them.

i wasn't sure if i wanted to write a blurb for each, but when i realized i had something to say about most of them i just decided to write something for all of them. writing also helped me with ordering them since i debated with myself what to include and where.

>(in order, first to last)

i appreciate that. i'm not sure why Madvillain didn't order his past the first 10 as i think a "random" order defeats the purpose and creates confusion.

>Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago

i really need to hear this album. i like the bon iver song(s) i've heard.

>Murs & 9th Wonder - Murs 3:16

i like murs and 9th but have had no real interest in their collab albums even though most of the songs i've heard from them have been good. i think marketing and image selling effects me because i just have a hard time getting excited about a murs or 9th wonder song (solo or together), but i'll listen to every jay-z album no matter how bad they get.

>OutKast - Speakerboxxx / The Love Below

i've been surprised these last few days to see people rank this above 'stankonia.'

>The-Dream - Love vs. Money

do you see yourself listening to this for many years to come, maybe for life? i enjoyed the album the time i listened all the way through, but i mainly come back to about 4 songs on it, especially "fancy."

>Charles Hamilton - This Perfect Life

people can say what they want about chuck, but i think it's sad this album didn't come out. i haven't heard it and don't plan to, but it seems like he put work into it.

>Eminem - Relapse

this was one of the albums i bought last year and wanted to make myself listen to before picking my album of the year (last.fm journal linked above to imcvspl) and doing this favorites of the decade list, but i just couldn't bring myself to do it.

>Nas - Gods Son

i wanted to include a nas album. i considered this one, 'streets disciple,' HHID, and 'untitled,' but i couldn't honestly put them at the same level as those 50.

>The Field - From Here We Go Sublime

good album... i'd have sooner included gas' 'pop' though for that style of music and label.

>P.S. - sorry for jacking your thread, broski!

it's cool with me.