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Topic subjectNot really, homo sapiens are savages
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13492524&mesg_id=13492885
13492885, Not really, homo sapiens are savages
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Oct-17-23 09:30 AM
Brutality is not new nor exclusive to any geographic, cultural, or ethnic grouping. The selective application of rage around it though, is hard to take and I normally avoid it all. And folks expecting others to feel anything when their own pain (Black people) has become so normalized that it's called a "political issue" rather than human rights violations.

The world's most prolific destroyer and disruptor of nations across the world is crying for Israeli children while doing NOTHING about its own children who continue to get mowed down by gun violence...

what is a different look is the amount of people openly calling out the Israeli government for its oppressive regime. Even 3-5 years ago, any criticism of Israel was career suicide and almost instant exile. I know folks who went to college 15-20 years ago who were merely supporting Palestine and were subjected to threats, harassment, all types of vile shit for JUST SHOWING SUPPORT.
The Victoria Secret founder recently withdrew his financial support for Harvard because of the student statements, but it seemed that most of his money was for Israeli interests AND his ass was buddies with Jeff Epstein, that's why he stepped down from active board participation for Vicky's.

There is very little desire for PEACE among those in the world who flex their muscles. Rather, the illusory aspiration of peace that gets too many sheep minded to accede to ORDER.

So yeah, I'm not affected.