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Topic subjectRE: Wednesday's roster: Which 5 are you dropping?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13337851&mesg_id=13340595
13340595, RE: Wednesday's roster: Which 5 are you dropping?
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jun-27-19 10:03 AM

>Bill de Blasio - Had a surprisingly strong night, but not strong enough. Also the forced way he let us all know he has a black son, was grating to me.

>John Delaney - Might be one of our stronger GE candidates. But there's no way for him to get there, and as long as he's in the race he's giving talking points to the right.

>Tulsi Gabbard - Never should have run.

>Beto O'Rourke - What a catastrophe this has been!

>Tim Ryan - He's just never been convincing to me. I don't think he believes anything he says. He's playing the part of a candidate for blue collar workers. Ryan just makes me wish Sherrod had run.


>Cory Booker - I don't know why he's always been dismissed. I think he gained ground last night.

>Julián Castro - Same as Cory, but even more so.

>Jay Inslee - Ehh, I dunno. Candidates get GE points for being governors. I wish Steve Bullock had made it to the debate. He might have had even more upside.

>Amy Klobuchar - I've always thought she might be promising in the GE. She seems to be holding up in that regard.

>Elizabeth Warren - Still my personal favorite candidate, but as she explicitly tries to elbow Bernie out of the race she's taking positions that are more and more poisonous to the general electorate. My enthusiasm is fading.

I'm reminded, with dread, of the succession of "flavor of the month" candidates that the Republicans had in their clown car primaries in 2012 and 2016. *Newt Gingrich* was a clear frontrunner on two separate occasions. For all we know even Beto could come back.