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Topic subjectTrevor Noah giving an incredible+accessible breakdown re: reparations
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13316176&mesg_id=13323089
13323089, Trevor Noah giving an incredible+accessible breakdown re: reparations
Posted by kfine, Thu Mar-28-19 01:30 PM

Was impressed and thought I'd share here.

It's sad that politics is so gamified that officials/candidates struggle to talk about this issue with comparable clarity. It is not as untouchable as they are making it out to be... not one collective *gasp* or *groan* heard from the audience. They need to stop being cowardly and engage in the conversation.

Also, just want to promote an example of black "non-ADOS --> ADOS" alliance. I understand the pain, anger, and resentment underlying Black Am/ADOS distrust of black immigrant groups... but I wish it was clearer that many (and I would argue most) non-ADOS blacks think similarly to what Noah articulated here and couldn't be more allied. Assholes exist in every group and they are often the minority. Don't push away supporters because of a few (non-representative) assholes.

Anyway, hopefully TDS will have Darity or somebody on the show one of these days.