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Topic subjectNOT FRIDAY POAST XV (christmas edition)
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13303598, NOT FRIDAY POAST XV (christmas edition)
Posted by PG, Mon Dec-24-18 11:59 AM
13303599, MONDAY
Posted by PG, Mon Dec-24-18 12:00 PM
twas the night before christmas and all through the boards not a player was stirring or poasting up words.
13303601, Was having a great day until my daughter pissed me off...
Posted by Creole, Mon Dec-24-18 12:15 PM
Sitting here, in my office, and sipping on some chai tea to help calm my nerves. Hopeful to get back to that space I was in before she called.

Shrimp creole was crazy good! Need to get more shrimp to add to it. Prolly another two pounds. Gonna go home and get back int smash mode.

13303606, damn kids lol
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Dec-24-18 12:46 PM
13303607, Especially when they're damned near 20 (which she'll be in 3 weeks)...
Posted by Creole, Mon Dec-24-18 12:53 PM
RE: damn kids lol

Makes you just wanna cuss dat a$$ out!
13303603, still on the sofa. living my best life...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Dec-24-18 12:43 PM
yesterday, I bathe and binged on Homeland
same process today
I might take the garbage out and check the mail box later...

making a holiday bunch for the family tomorrow
a pan of lasagna
and throwing everybody out

13303609, at work dying!
Posted by shygurl, Mon Dec-24-18 01:24 PM
It's slow at least, but I would love to be home reading on my couch.
13303611, this is me..
Posted by PG, Mon Dec-24-18 01:34 PM
at work dreaming of my couch and fuzzy pants.
13303616, whooot!... early release in effect... ciao fam have wonderful ones!
Posted by PG, Mon Dec-24-18 03:30 PM
will catch up check in before the week is through.
13303605, good weekend...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Dec-24-18 12:45 PM
saw Aqua Man, broke bread with some dear friends, great workout yesterday morning and then watched football/basketball all day. At work for another 3 hours, right now (volunteered for 2.5x pay). Be back home by 3:15 and nothing but chill til Wednesday morning. Wife and I catching up on some DVR shit, some light drankin'. Life is good.
13303627, Christmas traditions...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Dec-24-18 09:29 PM
there was always a “set” at our house.
drinks, loud music and lots of cussin’
my mother, uncles and em would talk shit to each other
fight every now and then too
tons of food, cakes, cookies and pies
and we always opened gifts at midnight
some Christmas they never went to sleep

Christmas ain’t about nothing anymore lol

13303800, i thought opening presents at midnight was a mexican thing
Posted by mista k5, Thu Dec-27-18 11:26 AM

i remember visiting my aunt in 8th grade for christmas break and her husband was yt. his family got together on christmas day for dinner and exchanged gifts. i was thoroughly confused. like yo christmas day is for staying home playing with the gifts!!! lol
13303802, Big mommas house on Chrimmuh Eve, My house Chrimmuh day
Posted by tully_blanchard, Thu Dec-27-18 11:48 AM
We'd open gifts at Big Mommas house on Christmas Eve, go home, and wake up to "Santa" on Christmas morning.


Fuck aliens





The Greatest Story (N)ever Told (finished)

13303807, i think we might had done christmas morning
Posted by mista k5, Thu Dec-27-18 11:55 AM
for some reason i remember christmas eve much more. i can remember a couple times coming home and there being more gifts left for christmas morning. i dont know if that was the exception or im just not remembering right.

we used to split christmas by spending christmas eve with my dads side in the US and going over to Mexico for moms side. not much gift exchange on moms side. it was much more about spending time with family.

13303841, lol...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Dec-27-18 01:27 PM
nah. my family did everything outside the norm. Like, on thanksgiving while all my friends were still waiting for dinner to be done ...we ate twice already....by like 1pm. My mother didn’t play. We also rarely traveled too...everyone came to our house.

I was the kid that knocked on my friends doors, “yo. what time y’all coming back out?” lol

13303846, early thanksgiving dinner is a no go for me
Posted by mista k5, Thu Dec-27-18 01:34 PM
still trying to adjust to that. growing up i think it was 5 pm or later.

last few years its been closer to 12 and it still feels weird.
13303858, its tradition for us...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Dec-27-18 02:07 PM
like. even Sunday dinners. whomever didn’t go to church prepared the meal so when church let out we went straight to the dinner table. I have fond memories of walking across the street from church into my aunt’s house to a set dinner table.

we’re prepared folks lol
there’s no such thing as eating late

most likely, from being decendents of slaves...

13303864, My mom was serious about a 1pm thanksgiving meal
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Dec-27-18 04:17 PM
We ate at 5 and my sister felt bad but that’s fine for me.

Used to eat at 1pm them hit up my dads side of the fam. My aunt wouldn’t finish until 9 or 10 PM. I could hit up 3 family members houses between football games to get a
meal on Christmas or Thanksgiving.

13303805, Awesome weekend! One of the best ever
Posted by tully_blanchard, Thu Dec-27-18 11:53 AM
Got to Charlotte and took my nephew (cousins son, but you know how we do) to Aquaman, then dropped The Kid off at her homies. My nephew wasnt ready to go home, so he rode with me to the AT&T store and to my sisters house to pick up the football tix. Took him home after that, then went record shopping a lil bit, then to Cookout, then to my parents house...then to bed.

Sunday, picked The Kid up, then went to the game. We left there and went to Mcadenville (https://www.mcadenville-christmastown.com/), then to Fuel Pizza, then to my parents house, then to sleep.

Woke up monday, back to the A, then the 23 year old showed up out of nowhere. Spent the night with us and we all woke up nad had an awesome Christmas together.

Then back to work yesterday.

It was an awesome time...busy, but awesome


Fuck aliens





The Greatest Story (N)ever Told (finished)

13303842, We went to McAdenville this year
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Dec-27-18 01:29 PM
Got out and walked around with the kids. That traffic is no joke.

Then we hit the traffic for that place on our way to ATL.

Had a ball in Atlanta. Didn’t do much besides drink way too much on Christmas Eve and then drank water till we left for Charlotte.

Finally got to meet my brothers daughter. She is a year older than my oldest and sassy as hell but they had a ball.

Played Taboo and the old heads kicked ass. These kids thought they were ready for prime time.

Damn shame what happened to my Steelers but we partied like we won because we knew the refs were on some bullshit.

Now I’m back at work and my kids are opening more gifts from fam who mailed them late. So spoiled, I love it.

13303853, I tried getting The Kid to walk it...smh...
Posted by tully_blanchard, Thu Dec-27-18 01:52 PM
Took an hour and a half to go one mile...then to drive through it for 15 minutes..smmfh...

Thats the one thing I miss about having younger kids...everybody pitches in on the gifts.

You got teenagers...they may throw some money at them, but now you gotta take em shopping...lol


Fuck aliens





The Greatest Story (N)ever Told (finished)

13304125, Back at work, NYE edition.
Posted by flipnile, Mon Dec-31-18 11:03 AM
Coworkers eating cookies behind my desk at 9am bruh. I'm at my desk distracted from the code listening to the crunching like: https://giphy.com/gifs/disgusted-horrified-family-matters-ILhlmcFLnYEms

Would it be wrong if I was like "Aye... y'all need to stop doing that to yourselves" *motions at midsection, then at cookies*

13304126, Why not end 2018 with a bang?
Posted by Creole, Mon Dec-31-18 11:09 AM
Do dat shiggidy!
13304130, https://media.giphy.com/media/GbX7lZTNCrBUQ/giphy.gif
Posted by PG, Mon Dec-31-18 11:46 AM