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Posted by PG, Mon Nov-05-18 12:21 PM
13295823, MONDAY
Posted by PG, Mon Nov-05-18 12:21 PM
13295831, stuff to unpack...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Nov-05-18 12:36 PM
the weekend was good
I put a dent in my cleaning...

what’s the deal again, with not being able to accept compliments?
So like...
While training a new hire at my part time gig
the boss asks...in front of me, “what do you think of trinity?”
she goes. “she’s really sweet”
boss agreed, “yeah. we all love her”

after he walked off, I thanked her and said, “you don’t ever wanna see me mad”
(not as a threat)
I guess, had trouble accepting the good
I always follow it up with my flaws....

all things considered, I just know how to treat people. like. really, really well...

excuse the boast...

If I get asked on a date
“where you wanna go?”
I’m choosing a steak house
been dying for one....

13295832, Aunt turned 70, had a dance party to celebrate...
Posted by flipnile, Mon Nov-05-18 12:41 PM
She's heavy into those black line dances. Ladies were getting DOWN. I felt left out that I didn't know any of the steps. About to watch some videos and get my girl to practice with me. Still not messing with The Wobble tho. Just doesn't seem like a dude's dance, lol. I have nothing to wobble. ...at least nothing I can wobble in public. (*smirks*)

Broke up a couple fighting earlier that day (completely-unrelated to my family). I'll write about it in that "do you stand up..." post. Went down almost exactly how I wrote in post #1 there. Was like the third fight I've broken up in the past month.

Bought a heated jacket for the motorcycle so I won't have to shiver this winter. Haven't worn it yet (not cold enough), but I'm looking forward to having heat.
13295834, lol. I can’t line dance either...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Nov-05-18 12:46 PM
you’re not worried about ice when you’re riding in the cold?
13295838, No. My entire ride is through the city, so most roads get salted
Posted by flipnile, Mon Nov-05-18 12:51 PM
>you’re not worried about ice when you’re riding in the

The biggest concern is if it rains then freezes, but that's pretty rare. It usually either rains or snows, and snow means no riding. Plus, if I get stuck I could always park-up and jump on transit and get the bike later.

The salt suck tho... makes the metal on my bike rust if it's not washed off ASAP.

I'm gonna learn some line dancing moves. Those ladies (all older) were kicking it. Looked like so much fun. Was beautiful to see.
13295848, i think im in the clear
Posted by mista k5, Mon Nov-05-18 01:22 PM
had a call from IT, called them back. dude was just checking if i was able to update my greeting.

still gonna take precautions.

i guess the board has to watch its bandwidth
13295872, Came in this morning and my key card no longer worked
Posted by flipnile, Mon Nov-05-18 03:09 PM
Card & account was 5yo, and has to be renewed every 5 years apparently. I'm good.

Not gonna front, worst-case scenario popped into my head for a brief second.
13295990, thats gotta be a scary feeling
Posted by mista k5, Tue Nov-06-18 12:58 PM
i only had to cancel one persons access while they were at work when i was IT. actually i think our IT vendor did it but he came asking me why he couldnt access anything. lucky the vendor gave me a heads up right before.

"talk to hr"
13295970, YOUSDAY!
Posted by PG, Tue Nov-06-18 11:59 AM
go vote if you haven't already!!!!... we're all watching!!!... don't F this up!!.. ."puh puh puh puhleeez eddie!"
13295986, I scared of the outcome...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Nov-06-18 12:42 PM
so glad I don’t have live TV lol
13295992, uh huh uh huh
Posted by PG, Tue Nov-06-18 01:01 PM
13295991, got that over with early
Posted by mista k5, Tue Nov-06-18 01:00 PM
first day of early voting. didnt wanna risk running into problems the day off.

im not getting my hopes up. hopefully it turns out well but i cant deal with expecting good results and being disappointed. cowboys got me completely over that.

lol but not funny
13296251, WEDNESDAY
Posted by PG, Wed Nov-07-18 11:30 AM
have a friend running for state house in Washington... damn results are too close.. nytimes has them 50 50 with 84% counted for the last 12 hours pretty much.... waiting on this... from another country.. smdh.
13296357, fricking non stop fire fighting over here today.
Posted by PG, Wed Nov-07-18 01:46 PM
oh man I am going to be glad when this day is over.
13296360, thats no good
Posted by mista k5, Wed Nov-07-18 01:52 PM
ive had a few hectic days. mostly calm today.

holding pattern for now.

found these two interesting reasons for disciplinary action in an unknown employee handbook.

Restricting production output,
persuading others to do so, or
promoting, encouraging,
agitating, engaging in or
supporting suspension of work,
slowdowns, or any other
interruptions of production or
administrative output

Advocacy of the overthrow of
the United States government
by illegal or unconstitutional

first one is a week off unpaid on first occurrence the second is immediate termination. STTS
13296367, lol anti-insurrection clauses.
Posted by PG, Wed Nov-07-18 01:58 PM
13296371, there goes my plans
Posted by mista k5, Wed Nov-07-18 02:08 PM
13296397, man the stats on that race haven't budged
Posted by PG, Wed Nov-07-18 03:18 PM
when is this going to be settled... I've heard maybe 5pm(west coast) tonight>?

c'mon.. count.. recount... announce dammit!
13296454, **sits and pouts**
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Nov-07-18 04:49 PM
I don’t wanna talk to anyone today...
13296458, hi
Posted by mista k5, Wed Nov-07-18 05:04 PM
how are you?

i think im gonna start asking folks to take their shoes off when they go in my home.

now to get people to go to my home.

13296467, I get it but
Posted by PG, Wed Nov-07-18 05:47 PM
every time I hear someone talk about making people take off their shoes I think of that brutal scene in Donny Brasco.
13296549, THURSDAY
Posted by PG, Thu Nov-08-18 11:30 AM
they still haven't resolved the senate seat my friend ran for... nytimes has had it at 50/50 with 95% counted for the last 24hours basically... the site updated 36 minutes ago so it's as current as they have... what is the frickin hold up already.. count you fools count!

and what the hell is up with the last 24hrs anyway?! do you think maybe your country could take like just one day off from being a complete shitshow?!

I think we'd all appreciate it.

be safe out there people... come visit.. it's nice here... and we almost never shoot people.
13296556, whats the rush for the count though?
Posted by mista k5, Thu Nov-08-18 11:43 AM
i saw in AZ the republican is trying to rush the vote and just throw out absentee ballots because its taking too long. they arent even being seated until january. get every vote counted, accurately hopefully.

got a stupid work email this morning.

"what are you going to use for this item"

there was already an email from a few days ago telling me what they wanted to use. we sat down and made sure we were on the same page a couple of days ago. now that we get the green light i am questioned on it. i could tell it wasnt a "i really dont know so i need you to help me" but instead "i want to make sure youre not stupid and forgot already" why not just remind me what to use instead of ask what im going to use.

has me in a mood.

i waited until i got in the office and sent an email "i am going to use ___ as we previously discussed. let me know if we need to use something different" response "that is correct, i just wanted to confirm" that youre not stupid im guessing.

im going to start reading up on the history of the hart family so i can be prepared for canadian citizenship.
13296558, yeah ok
Posted by PG, Thu Nov-08-18 11:50 AM
I just want to know I guess.. suspense and all... but I'd rather they got it right than fast so ok I'll chill... too bad it's so damn close she should've walked away with it imo..

wow @ your work email! that's rude... I'd be feeling some kind of way about that too.. I'd almost reply "why are you asking me? has something changed since our previous discussion?" without directly stating that you'll use XYZ.. put them on the spot as to why they are conducting themselves that way imo... but I don't know maybe this is a supervisor or something where you can't get too slick.. but that's a shitty way for them to go about confirming shit... testing you.. I'd be choked and on a bad day it would be a real issue.
13296562, i imagine your friend is dying of suspense
Posted by mista k5, Thu Nov-08-18 11:59 AM
i thought the wording of my email was the right balance of calling him out. im planning to ask him in person "oh you forgot what we were going to use?" if he says, no i just wanted to make sure you remember or whatever ill tell him next time just remind me what to use. just wasting time by asking me a question to test if i know it.

i can tell im on edge though so gonna give it some space to make sure i dont go too far.
13296565, this is key
Posted by PG, Thu Nov-08-18 12:21 PM

>i can tell im on edge though so gonna give it some space to
>make sure i dont go too far.

it's never good when you consciously let yourself go with that energy.. good move.

you're wording was the right balance imo.. mine would cause conflict.. but it's all just letting my gut reaction go.. easy for me cause it's not my issue.. you know what you're doing. still that email buddy sent you was a chump move.
13296578, chumps are gonna chump
Posted by mista k5, Thu Nov-08-18 12:39 PM
hes usually cool. everyone is on edge right now cuz a customer is making a mess of everything.

had another moment where i was gonna post something and i forgot what it was lol
13296617, have I fallen out with the crew or y'all just mia?
Posted by PG, Thu Nov-08-18 02:00 PM
I know I'm not exactly offering up amazing content over here but this ish seems deader than usual the last two weeks... I've glutted the market for my brand of shit shooting haven't I?.

shame tho..I keep trying to grind through and kill these days one by one.. the noise we make here helps but yeah I get it.. it's a bit dull unless we got something going on otherwise it's pretty routine so yeah no worries.. carry on.
13296676, what did you do dude?
Posted by mista k5, Thu Nov-08-18 04:09 PM
is everyone salty because you dont live in our crap of a country?

who do you owe money to?
13296692, *shrug* enough is just too much I guess.
Posted by PG, Thu Nov-08-18 04:33 PM
13296690, yo, man
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Nov-08-18 04:30 PM
i guess i just haven't had much to contribute to the daily weekly this week. it's been a pretty heavy netflix week for me.

i am off tomorrow and monday. me and the lady are going to visit some friends in New York. looking forward to the weekend away with no kids. thank the Lord above for Grandma.
13296696, nice! have a good time in NY
Posted by PG, Thu Nov-08-18 04:41 PM
yeah I get it... day in and day out there isn't always that much to offer... s'exactly what I figured. I'm there too.
13296697, i've still been silently checking in on yall, though
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Nov-08-18 04:41 PM
i'll do better next week.
13296700, lurkinazz.. lol.. all good fam.
Posted by PG, Thu Nov-08-18 04:54 PM