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Topic subjectRE: help me get this
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13256848&mesg_id=13256867
13256867, RE: help me get this
Posted by GOMEZ, Tue May-08-18 02:35 PM
>>"When you remove all the bling and the bells and the
>sneakers and all >that," she said, "you've paid for a child to
>come to your school to >do what you wanted them to do for you,
>for free, and you made a lot >of money when he did that, and
>you've got all these rules in place >that say he cannot share
>in any of that. The only other time when >labor does not get
>paid but yet someone else gets profits and the >labor is black
>and the profit is white, is in slavery."
>not a lot of room for nuance there

She's talking about the division of profit on labor. She isn't saying the NCAA is slavery. She also compared it to prison labor in that regard. And it's a fair comparison.