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Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13245126&mesg_id=13351857
13351857, Me:
Posted by MEAT, Mon Oct-14-19 12:43 PM
6. The risks posed by this level of insight and access traditionally, historically, and currently lead to discriminatory practices; whether that’s making determinations of credit lending, setting interest rates, job offers, loan offerings, or housing decisions.
7. The risks are only curtailed and controlled by the government mechanisms and laws in place which additionally require willing enforcements.
8. The mechanisms that will be controlling government and tasked with enforcing laws will be
a. Advocates for industry over regulation
b. Advocates for selective enforcement of laws in a way that’s benefited them over society
c. Lacking the knowledge or experience necessary to serve the people.