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Topic subjectpoint of order....
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13242323, point of order....
Posted by Selah, Tue Mar-13-18 02:09 PM
>Hip Hop is how we view the world. Everyone 45 and under has
>lived in that space their whole life...

got it...

however hiphop was also where "don't bite" originated

there is a difference between taking a sample (be it a chop, or a loop of a breakbeat) "rappers delight" is different than "good times" despite both havignthe same musical texture

this got fuzzy (imho) when will smith did "summertime" because the theme is so close to "summer madness". on purpose, because he wanted to invoke the feelings of a summertime-classic song

and when it became a hit the seal was broken

>Take something you like.. flip it reinterpret it.. or just
>"rock" it better...


aretha franklin stole (in a good way) "think" -- made it hers to the point where the orignal is an after-thought and the answer to a trivia question

luther vandross had enough singing talent to sing you song JUST LIKE YOU and make it better (creepin', a house is not a home)

likewise i would be hard pressed to say that "wild thoughts" (fun-ness notwithstanding) is qualitatively better than "maria maria"

another point is the "saturation effect", when almost EVERYTHING sounds like something else it (or its popularity comes primarily DUE TO it sounding like something else) the overarching result is numbness and backlash

its the artistic equivalent of EVERY restaurant being "McDowells"

>You can look at these kids wearing Lo or HIllfiger or Nautica
>and think they are biting..

no...this is nostalgia. a totally different thing

wearing what "they bid kids" or "grown folks" wore when you were a kid

happens with every generation

>smashing ideas we couldn't have figured out in the 90s.

Couldn't...or wouldn't because of the "rules" of the times?

wearing an adidas sweatsuit with nikes would have gotten you talked about or looked at as weird

now, you're being "ironic" (intentionally provocative as a way of showing "the old rules don't apply no more"). or maybe just ignorant of the rules while claiming the other

>Bruno is reinterpreting something in his own way because he
>has the breath of years to cherry pick from. He can take an
>early 80s record skeleton (24kt) add scratching (wasn't
>invented yet).. Lo pass filter the pre-chorus (drake-isms),
>half-time the bridge (2010s) and use language of now (Hashtags
>blessed, fix your face).


>In one song he has reached back and sprinkled an entire trail
>to 2016. You COULDNT do that in 1982. It was literally
>impossible. Therefore this is original.

there you go with that "couldn't" business again, but either way

gumbo, good as it is, is still soup or stew player.

>Bruno's only mistake was indulging a little too much.. The
>back 2 back of Uptown & 24kt is what made this a problem.

two paragraphs ago you celebrated him for all this derivative hodge-podginess. now its being tempered/explained with "he went to the well too much"

i'm not a huge fan of his/theirs, but his *whole* deal seems to be "remember this.."

to me, listening to him reminds me of one of those discount compilations where they didn't want to pay for the rights to have the actual versions with the known singers so they instead hired a bunch of soundalikes

it would be nice to see him just be something that isn't something else for a while