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Topic subjectAmericans and our obsession with work, have we been hoodwinked?
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13228970, Americans and our obsession with work, have we been hoodwinked?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-24-18 11:31 AM
I hate how we feel about work in this country. You working? Gotta work, work, work, work.

I used to be against a basic income but I'm all for that shit now.

and this is mostly because I got young kids in daycare and I would rather spend my days with them until they head off to school. My wife on the other hand loves to work. She really thinks good work makes you a good person or a "better" person and while I disagree I want her to be happy. When she works she feels better.

Now this isn't to say I don't want to work at all but I get disgusted when I read about other countries where they take a month off because they value family time and living life.

I need to find a balance.
13228982, Yes. It's horrible. It's the source of so much depression in the USA IMO...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jan-24-18 11:42 AM
People define themselves by their job.
They let their job BE who they are.

My mentality has been that my job provides funding to do things I WANT to do and LIKE to do.
It's tough to hold to that...because you're surrounded by a society that doesn't invest in that mentality.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13228987, i agree with all of this, including my attitude/feelings about work.
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Jan-24-18 11:44 AM
it is a means to get me the life i am looking to live, but my job is not who i am. it's a big part of my life, but it is not my life.
13229017, It's worse in this region than any place I've ever been
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jan-24-18 12:04 PM
13229023, if the USA takes the cake in the idea of work...
Posted by The3rdOne, Wed Jan-24-18 12:07 PM
Then Japan takes the factory...

but their idea and viewpoint of depression differs
13229114, Man, that shit makes me so angry.
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-24-18 01:25 PM
Especially when folks only seem interested if you work for a Fortune 500 company.

13228988, RE: Americans and our obsession with work, have we been hoodwinked?
Posted by double 0, Wed Jan-24-18 11:45 AM
Europe will really open your eyes to how we have been hoodwinked..

The last century of the US and post wwii US especially has been built around these false value propositions around productivity and growth..

There def is a way to find the balance though.. schedule changes, working from home etc

I would say if you peep 20 somethings in the workforce... they do a good job of understanding THEY are the commodity.. not the job. Gotta bend the will of the workplace around those ideals.
13229053, yep
Posted by Boogiedwn, Wed Jan-24-18 12:30 PM
They still get shit done but make time for themselves & family

>Europe will really open your eyes to how we have been hoodwinked..

>The last century of the US and post wwii US especially has been built around these false value propositions around productivity and growth..

>There def is a way to find the balance though.. schedule changes, working from home etc

13229166, me and my boss used to butt heads bad about this
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jan-24-18 02:37 PM

>I would say if you peep 20 somethings in the workforce... they
>do a good job of understanding THEY are the commodity.. not
>the job. Gotta bend the will of the workplace around those

i remember she pulled me in her office to chat talking about "BK you're great at this job, but one of my problems with you is that it just seems like this is a 9-5 to you. when i get home i still work probably 3 or 4 more hours"

and before i could catch myself i actually blurted out you got a wife and 2 kids and you still work all evening? who does that? shouldn't you be working to make the actual workday & processes more efficient to get more done during the day instead of just...working your life away.

she got hot at me for a second and was like "hmmm i never thought about it like that. i can see where youre coming from"
13228992, this work shit is a trick
Posted by infin8, Wed Jan-24-18 11:46 AM
to feed our seemingly endless need to consume.

I took family leave and stayed home when my daughter was born.

best time of my life.
13229019, How long did you take?
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jan-24-18 12:05 PM
13229084, about a month.
Posted by infin8, Wed Jan-24-18 12:55 PM
13228993, we have to willing to give up some luxuries...
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Jan-24-18 11:47 AM
how comfortable is she with you being a stay at home dad? how comfortable are you? and what happened to you starting a business...
13229107, She would love it if I could stay home
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-24-18 01:14 PM
and I could still hustle from the house. I don’t need a brick and mortar to start my business. It’s still in the works.

More than likely if she took this gig we would sell the house and that would give us a nice cushion since we have some equity in this house. Only problem is she prolly wants to keep the house in charlotte and rent it out. I want that money. I don’t want to be a landlord.

it would only be for another 2 or 3 years tops too until they would both be in school and preschool
13229124, you really wanna move to overcrowded ass Atlanta?
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Jan-24-18 01:39 PM
13229160, nah.. it would be sleepy ass Savannah
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-24-18 02:34 PM
we loved when we went a few years back but you know, visiting is different than living.

13228995, It's pretty much to occupy time
Posted by Musa, Wed Jan-24-18 11:47 AM
that one could be spending doing something much more valuable.
13229001, Yup hoodwinked the people years ago. Maybe it's not too late but dang
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Jan-24-18 11:54 AM
things are really not good right now
13229029, for gen x and older...yes....young folks get it..
Posted by ambient1, Wed Jan-24-18 12:10 PM
reason #51598 i cant stand old heads
13229048, Yes we've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray.
Posted by Lurkmode, Wed Jan-24-18 12:24 PM
Someone posted a link to a Ted Talks about working on here a long time ago but I don't remember the name or anything.
13229069, Everyone could work a 20% less than they do (1 day off)
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jan-24-18 12:43 PM
and those people would be happier and it would give work to people currently unemployed.

out of work. When has being more productive with fewer people ever been a bad thing?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13229119, The problem is most companies will downsize
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-24-18 01:29 PM
If they can get the same production or more with less people they will do it in a heartbeat.

I think most places could get the same production in 30 hours a week.
13229116, Yes
Posted by sectachrome86, Wed Jan-24-18 01:26 PM
Since I started working from home Ive realized how fucked the average 9-5 is, and how conditioned we are. People are cogs in the machine instead of actually living their life.

Commuting is fucked for most people. Stressful time suck.

8 hour workday is bullshit. Nobody can actually do good, real, work for 8 hours. More like 4-5.

Most people don't take nearly enough vacation. I have unlimited PTO now and it's made me realize how little I had before. I can take a lot more PTO days than I was before without it having any adverse effect on my work. I don't worry about counting PTO down to the hour anymore. I took Christmas week off this year for the first time ever. No one comes in and nothing gets done during this week but I never wanted to "waste" my days on it. I'm taking a long weekend just go to see my Dad for a couple days. Wouldn't have done that before either for the same reason. I think most people are lucky to take 1 vacation a year, and I don't think thats nearly enough.
13229122, We get Christmas to Jan 2 off
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-24-18 01:35 PM
I worked for a University and that shit was pretty awesome. They also let me work from home for 6 months.

Having every holiday off, spring break, fall break and winter break was gangster.

My wife tho, 3 months off on the summer as well for professors and they pay for any artist development she is interested in doing?

Yeah, she may have to take this job of the offer is right. LOL
13229168, RE: Yes
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jan-24-18 02:38 PM

>8 hour workday is bullshit. Nobody can actually do good, real,
>work for 8 hours. More like 4-5.

yep if i work past 3pm im really in a zone. by that time im usually watching soccer at my desk and just doing cleanup work to close the day.
13229180, Bruh at 3:30 pm it's a wrap for me
Posted by sectachrome86, Wed Jan-24-18 02:46 PM
I don't even try and fight it anymore and lie to myself. I know I'm done for the day. I think pretty much everyone is. Now think about how all these people across the country are just sitting at their desks pretending to work for 8 hours out of the week. It's so stupid. We're not getting any more work done by staying those hours. Maybe time to cram in a few more useless meetings.
13229155, yup, yup, yup
Posted by benny, Wed Jan-24-18 02:31 PM
I see it mostly with older coworkers, who 120% define themselves by work, will come in on the weekend and stuff like that. And never ever question it, like it would be an insult to even do it.
The worst part is how inefficient their work mode often is, IMO it's because they don't see anything wrong with taking more time so why would they think of a better/quicker way to do stuff.

Granted I worked in Europe a while and don't come from a rah-rah Capitalistic background, but my fave is the German work culture, where it's seen as kind of a failure if you stay past 5pm. They see it as not handling your BI, and making the whole team look bad if it's repeated behavior
13229173, i'd say the 35+ crowd has bought into it hook line and sinker
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jan-24-18 02:42 PM
the folks under that age seem to get that work is not their life.

we've got a hard split in my job of 22-34 then 40+ folks. both sides used to be at each others necks until they realize the workforce is only going to get smarter and younger. them old heads could fight it if they want to or they can adjust their expectations of employees to match new mindsets.
13229184, I think we are all buying into it. I give you another 5 years or so
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-24-18 02:48 PM
then you will have the next generation looking at you the same way.

When I was mid 20's I shrugged at gigs. Bounced around, took all types of chances.

Once you get a family though I think it kind of creeps into folks in this country. "gotta keep this job or else"

Ionno, I'm not articulating it well but it's about finding that balance even after you have kids, wife and a picket fence.

13229191, that's one of the reasons I snapped up this 4 10's when I saw it was open...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jan-24-18 02:51 PM
still 40 a week, but the two extra hours a day is added on to the front...when my boy is in school and wifey at work, anyway. I have an day off during the week, that I get to relax by myself and then I'm home when they get home and we can chill, go to dinner, whatever. Also, 4/10 folks don't have to be a part of the Saturday rotation, so I get EVERY weekend off...unless I want to pick up some Saturday O.T....which I don't.
13229215, I'm thinking back to when I had random ass jobs that paid well
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-24-18 03:14 PM
but were off hours or teaching after school programs or working at a homeless shelter.

way more free time, sometimes it was stressful due to working with kids or homeless folks but overall I made more money than a traditional 9 to 5.

I'm trying to get my mind right for working from home or for myself and not on a strict 9 to 5.