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Topic subjectAlways listening enabled devices, do you have one and to what end?
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13217838, Always listening enabled devices, do you have one and to what end?
Posted by MEAT, Tue Dec-05-17 01:30 PM

My MIL and FIL both have an echo. MIL also has internet connected cameras now at her home. For the life of me I don't understand why.

How did we even get here? My dad asked me to get one of those new iPhones with facial recognition and I just don't see that happening. At what point do the minimal ease of use gains come with redline considerations that shouldn't be crossed?

Side note: your iPhone spies on you in weirder ways each iOS update. Start typing keywords in your photo search bar and see all the weird shit that comes up.
13217842, for iOS, your indexed photo data is stored on the device only
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Tue Dec-05-17 01:32 PM
Which is why it indexes when you wipe or get a new device. Not too scary if you're the only one in control of it. *supposedly*
13217854, Is the learning algorithm pre programmed? And/or how does it improve?
Posted by MEAT, Tue Dec-05-17 01:40 PM
13217857, that facial recognition is scary as shit
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Dec-05-17 01:42 PM
gonna be at home broke as fuck cause you walked past a kiosk and looked at it for too long.

Not a fan
13217860, Nah, but Android be all up in your business too
Posted by flipnile, Tue Dec-05-17 01:43 PM
I get messages talking about "hey, flipnile... so how'd you like that Jamaican food spot you were at yesterday from 2:06pm to 2:22pm? *picture enclosed of the Jamaican spot* Was the food banging? Leave a review!"

I cut my always-on stuff off as a default, since I hate it wasting the battery and I hate saying "Hi, Galaxy!" (can't change this shit, either).
13217864, When I don't know how to turn that off (work phone)
Posted by MEAT, Tue Dec-05-17 01:49 PM
I just tell it I wasn't there.
13217870, i hate that. i hate it so much.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Dec-05-17 01:56 PM
13217866, It's too late Meat...we're all done for
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue Dec-05-17 01:52 PM
The people off the grid or who don't 'really' trust tech might be done a little slower but it's inevitable.

No one cares about privacy anymore. No amount of litigation will change that either.

Me personally, I'm just waiting until I can become a cyborg and control the hack prevention internally.


I gave up the fight sometime last year. smh
13217880, My bigger issue is cost versus worth
Posted by MEAT, Tue Dec-05-17 02:13 PM
Like how much innovation are the newest innovations really doing?
13217909, Me personally...I want a house I can talk to
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue Dec-05-17 03:03 PM
I don't let my devices listen 24/7. They are muted (which I know doesn't mean they aren't listening) most of the day. I un-mute them when I want to give commands/will be home and need the assistant.

People panic about a device listening but EVERY space story we've ever seen has had a ship with a computer that is always listening and does your bidding.

Now all of a sudden we are scared of the future/present.

Right now, I have smart lighting, appliances (TV, Fridge, Stove, dishwasher, washer/dryer), video intercom, thermostat and external cameras. I will soon have a robot vacuum. I want them all connected so I can speak and things get done.

I'm on that Jetsons life!

Family room:
Oven and Microwave:
Sleep Number Bed:
Real Life Homey:

13217867, Fuck no
Posted by shygurl, Tue Dec-05-17 01:53 PM
I have a computer, a tablet, and a phone, I don't see the point of those sort of always on units. There's never anything so pressing in my life that it can't wait 15 seconds for me to open up one of my personal devices I already have.
13217869, no sense in fighting the inevitable...'they' already got 'ALL' your ish
Posted by ambient1, Tue Dec-05-17 01:56 PM
no one is safe or immune
13217872, They really don't though.
Posted by MEAT, Tue Dec-05-17 02:05 PM
They have an abundance of data that they lack the sophistication to handle or parse to make sense of
If we really wanted to shut down the system just have everyone contribute to the system honestly

Most systems you use that are tech have a high level of human backend to make them run
Which in my opinion makes it worse
Receipt scanning tech is data input by third party humans (yikes)
Abusive content flagging is checked by humans aside from some choice keywords (YouTube, google, Facebook, twitter all have human back ends)
And those are just two examples

Even your Spotify recommended playlists (which are excellent) get by from using software mixed with human created affinity playlists.
13217878, they do
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Dec-05-17 02:12 PM
I bet if they wanted they could tell you where you have been these last 30 days, what you ate, wheat you bought, what you watched..

and real talk, while I think about unplugging from all this I smh at folks who try to act like they are unplugged from it all.

There is a coworker who is a little older and I set up his Iphone. Dude was like "how do I make a call? How do I send a text message? How do I..." I just walked away.

Folks who say "I never heard of that (insert artist, song, movie, show) are also side eyed. If you don't know google that shit. You don't sound cool you sound uninformed.
13217888, That's historical data, their predictive capability is still crap
Posted by MEAT, Tue Dec-05-17 02:23 PM
Particularly if you're a minority
I'm far less concerned with someone knowing what I've done than I am with their capability for predicting what I'll do.
13217897, lol...ok
Posted by ambient1, Tue Dec-05-17 02:41 PM
13217898, My argument isn't that they don't have it
Posted by MEAT, Tue Dec-05-17 02:46 PM
It's that they have so much of it and lack the sophistication and capabilities to properly use it

Old but relevant
13217904, Yet...Funny sn..i work with a system that they (NSA) also uses...but yeah
Posted by ambient1, Tue Dec-05-17 02:55 PM
...it's definitely a 'yet' situation

all they need is analysts and a reason

and k.i.m. the govt has red tape that the private sector doesn't...so it's already being done just not on the scale you think..............yet
13217910, I believe it's being done on large and imprecise scales
Posted by MEAT, Tue Dec-05-17 03:05 PM
And that's it's subject to the blind spots of near every major system; that it's developed by and to be used by a majority of white males who have huge blinders in a number of different arenas, blinders which allow them to not understand the data they acquire and develop faulty assumptions off of it.
This can be seen in credit scores, video recommmedations, advertising, and health studies amongst other things
13217916, I agree 100% with you there
Posted by ambient1, Tue Dec-05-17 03:18 PM
13217895, The way Android listens to/records your conversations tho...smh
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue Dec-05-17 02:34 PM
We were in Nashville talking about finding a rib joint.

My phone just blurted out "here are some barbecue restaurants in your area"

...and nobody said "OK Google"

Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..

13217925, Not cool at all
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Dec-05-17 03:31 PM