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Topic subjectRE: no, but I've hugged a lot of people.. especially in college
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13209951&mesg_id=13210090
13210090, RE: no, but I've hugged a lot of people.. especially in college
Posted by MEAT, Tue Nov-07-17 02:16 PM

>I don't think so but what if one was like "yeah.. he stared at
>me too long and I don't like being hugged"
>I like to think I was a good dude in all those interactions
>but what if a woman felt otherwise?

You know how we handle these things as adults? And how you personally are
not likely to have to worry about these things right now today based on your level of awareness.

That's been me most of my life. That's my answer. I didn't start thinking like this in adulthood. I didn't need to reflect on my behaviors past or present based on the news of today.
As a man you get a very close view of skeevy behavior by men your whole life. It doesn't take much for you to say "I don't want to be like them" and then just don't.