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Topic subjectRE: $90 million is so much money it doesn't make sense to me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13178280&mesg_id=13178289
13178289, RE: $90 million is so much money it doesn't make sense to me
Posted by BigReg, Thu Jul-27-17 02:20 PM
>This is $90 million 1000 times over!

Yeah I mean what can you do? Like even with 90 mil you would be hard pressed to find ways to spend it.

What I find odd is at that level they all kinda fall into that same kinda billionaire/philanthropist level giving money to schools/orgs etc chilling on a private island. Its interesting to see how pro-active they were at getting their billions (him, gates etc) but kinda how passive they are when it comes to giving back.