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Topic subjectWhat is you gut reaction when the word Black is spoken/written?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13132117&mesg_id=13132117
13132117, What is you gut reaction when the word Black is spoken/written?
Posted by double 0, Mon Mar-06-17 11:00 AM
"B" or "b" doesn't matter..

After this election and partially because of the all the semiotics and linguistics work that young Wasalu Jaco (S.O.S.A Guild) has been doing I found myself delving into a lot of republican messaging w/Frank Luntz and eventually cognitive linguistics with George Lakoff..

If you dont peep his work you should (especially about political messaging)..

I think the word black at a subconscious level is doing a number on minorities and white people alike.

Are we using it in a way that fully understands its impact? negative or positive?

- We bristle when white people even say it in a regular ass sentence (Adele at the grammys).

- White people immediately make it more radical than it is (BLM)

imo when rural/small city mid west white people saw the DNC alignment with BLM it was so foreign (and powerful) that it turned them off or at least mad them feel fully excluded.

I've watch pretty smart people make a mountain out of a mole hill and completely disregard context when it is used.

Lakoff's thesis is based on his idea of Frames... "Frames are mental structures used in thought; every thought uses frames. Every word in every language is defined relative to a mental structure — a frame. Frames, in themselves, are unavoidable and neutral."

What Frame is being activated when the word Black is used?

Just like Republican messaging has shifted the definition of "Liberal" (liberal elite, liberal media) to something so bad everyone on the left is "progressive" now..

Can activists/pundits/smart people purposely reframe the word so that in the long run the gut reaction isnt so jarring? That it can become a benefit to causes?

Some basic Lakoff


excerpt "How Can Democrats Do Better?

First, don’t think of an elephant. Remember not to repeat false conservative claims and then rebut them with the facts. Instead, go positive. Give a positive truthful framing to undermine claims to the contrary. Use the facts to support positively-framed truth. Use repetition.

Second, start with values, not policies and facts and numbers. Say what you believe, but haven’t been saying. For example, progressive thought is built on empathy, on citizens caring about other citizens and working through our government to provide public resources for all, both businesses and individuals. Use history. That’s how America started. The public resources used by businesses were not only roads and bridges, but public education, a national bank, a patent office, courts for business cases, interstate commerce support, and of course the criminal justice system. From the beginning, the Private Depended on Public Resources, both private lives and private enterprise.

Over time those resources have included sewers, water and electricity, research universities and research support: computer science (via the NSF), the internet (ARPA), pharmaceuticals and modern medicine (the NIH), satellite communication (NASA and NOA), and GPS systems and cell phones (the Defense Department). Private enterprise and private life utterly depend on public resources. Have you ever said this? Elizabeth Warren has. Almost no other public figures. And stop defending “the government.” Talk about the public, the people, Americans, the American people, public servants, and good government. And take back freedom. Public resources provide for freedom in private enterprise and private life.

The conservatives are committed to privatizing just about everything and to eliminating funding for most public resources. The contribution of public resources to our freedoms cannot be overstated. Start saying it.

And don’t forget the police. Effective respectful policing is a public resource. Chief David O. Brown of the Dallas Police got it right. Training, community policing, knowing the people you protect. And don’t ask too much of the police: citizens have a responsibility to provide funding so that police don’t have to do jobs that should be done by others.

Unions need to go on the offensive. Unions are instruments of freedom — freedom from corporate servitude. Employers call themselves job creators. Working people are profit creators for the employers, and as such they deserve a fair share of the profits and respect and acknowledgement. Say it. Can the public create jobs. Of course. Fixing infrastructure will create jobs by providing more public resources that private lives and businesses depend on. Public resources to create more public resources. Freedom creates opportunity that creates more freedom.

Third, keep out of nasty exchanges and attacks. Keep out of shouting matches. One can speak powerfully without shouting. Obama sets the pace: Civility, values, positivity, good humor, and real empathy are powerful. Calmness and empathy in the face of fury are powerful. Bill Clinton won because he oozed empathy, with his voice, his eye contact, and his body. It wasn’t his superb ability as a policy wonk, but the empathy he projected and inspired.

Values come first, facts and policies follow in the service of values. They matter, but they always support values.

Give up identity politics. No more women’s issues, black issues, Latino issues. Their issues are all real, and need public discussion. But they all fall under freedom issues, human issues. And address poor whites! Appalachian and rust belt whites deserve your attention as much as anyone else. Don’t surrender their fate to Trump, who will just increase their suffering.

And remember JFK’s immortal, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Empathy, devotion, love, pride in our country’s values, public resources to create freedoms. And adulthood.

Be prepared. You have to understand Trump to stand calmly up to him and those running with him all over the country."