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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectCan you please stop talking shit about Europe...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13121513&mesg_id=13121604
13121604, Can you please stop talking shit about Europe...
Posted by TheAlbionist, Fri Feb-03-17 09:12 AM
... when you're clearly dangerously uninformed?

You get the power to vote for the first moron yelling "AMERICUHHH!" that managed to turn your selfish little head, but please don't get overconfident and assume the right to vote for whomever you please imbues you with any knowledge about the world at large.

134 people were killed by terrorists last year in Europe. Granted, our worst year for decades.

15,000 people died in the US last year in mass shooting events... this has also been steadily rising year on year... but you're voting in anti-Islam governments instead of gun control advocates? Right. Logic. Like it.

You're getting on for 200 times more likely to drown in the bath than you are to be involved in a terrorist attack committed by a foreigner in the USA. You're nearly 10 times as likely to die in a parachuting accident. Where's the firey debate about parachuting and bathing? Oh, that wouldn't involve persecuting anyone a bit brown, would it?

Get some perspective before you fall for the most obvious okeydoke in recent history. Terrorism isn't anywhere near as big a problem as they've made you believe, it's certainly not worth persecuting people, the vast majority of which are trying to FLEE.

Europe took on well over 1 million refugees last year. We had two terrorist attacks. You had more than that committed by natural born Americans.... and you've NEVER had a terrorist attack borne from any of the countries Trump has included in the ban. If it's about Terrorism why isn't he banning Saudi Arabians, since they conducted 9/11?

Because it's not about terorrism. It never was. You're all being played.