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Topic subjectdna test showed only cops dna on suspect's (planted) weapon
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13072057, dna test showed only cops dna on suspect's (planted) weapon
Posted by Riot, Wed Sep-21-16 10:25 AM
the cop's partner went along with story
the DA tried to hide/seal the video
the fact that dude had his routine down, most likely hes done it before, and/or it happens in the dept like nothing.
and without the video, dude would be walking around right now protecting and serving

seems like we on some gotham city, corruption at every level mode. yall take care of yourselves

Newly released footage has shed a troubling new light on a 2011 police shooting in St. Louis, showing an officer gun down a black suspect and then planting a gun on the crime scene.

Officer Jason Stockley and his partner Brian Bianchi had engaged drug suspect Anthony Lamar Smith in a high speed chase. Stockley can be heard saying “I’m going to kill this motherfucker.”

The police rammed Smith off the road, and camera footage shows Stockley shooting five shots into the driver’s seat of Smith’s disabled car.

New footage now reveals Stockley taking a gun out of a duffel back from the back of his own cruiser and planting it on Smith’s body. Stockley claimed in his report that Smith had pointed the weapon at him, justifying the use of lethal force.

Subsequent DNA evidence on the gun, however, did not contain any DNA or fingerprints from Smith.

Stockley will be tried for first degree murder. One of his initial hearings takes place on Oct. 3rd.

Footage of the killing can be found here:

13072062, Years ago in the 80's I had heard this was a common thing
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Sep-21-16 10:30 AM
that cops have a bag with plantible evidence literally in the trunk
13072108, 80's and 90's.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Sep-21-16 11:10 AM
drugs, weapons, whatever would make their story believable. Some cops were good at palming a baggie and sticking it in your pockets while frisking you.

They're all crooked.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
13072065, which is why any report by the cops gets the side eye
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-21-16 10:34 AM
we saw what happened in South Carolina last year.
13072072, Nah you're just being a conspiracy theorist! Crazy and deranged!
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed Sep-21-16 10:42 AM
Like I always say...
any Black person NOT looking for the conspiracy
in police reports, autopsies, etc. as they pertain
to Black people, is out of their minds.
13072109, yup
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-21-16 11:10 AM
13072118, right.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Sep-21-16 11:19 AM
13072080, Sprinkle some Glock on him.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Wed Sep-21-16 10:47 AM
>the cop's partner went along with story
>the DA tried to hide/seal the video
>the fact that dude had his routine down, most likely hes done
>it before, and/or it happens in the dept like nothing.
>and without the video, dude would be walking around right now
>protecting and serving
>seems like we on some gotham city, corruption at every level
>mode. yall take care of yourselves
>Newly released footage has shed a troubling new light on a
>2011 police shooting in St. Louis, showing an officer gun down
>a black suspect and then planting a gun on the crime scene.
>Officer Jason Stockley and his partner Brian Bianchi had
>engaged drug suspect Anthony Lamar Smith in a high speed
>chase. Stockley can be heard saying “I’m going to kill
>this motherfucker.”
>The police rammed Smith off the road, and camera footage shows
>Stockley shooting five shots into the driver’s seat of
>Smith’s disabled car.
>New footage now reveals Stockley taking a gun out of a duffel
>back from the back of his own cruiser and planting it on
>Smith’s body. Stockley claimed in his report that Smith had
>pointed the weapon at him, justifying the use of lethal
>Subsequent DNA evidence on the gun, however, did not contain
>any DNA or fingerprints from Smith.
>Stockley will be tried for first degree murder. One of his
>initial hearings takes place on Oct. 3rd.
>Footage of the killing can be found here:
13072083, lol yo!
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Sep-21-16 10:48 AM
13072099, open and shut case Johnson
Posted by double negative, Wed Sep-21-16 10:59 AM
13072101, That sounds like a great album title.
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Sep-21-16 11:01 AM
13072093, Am I reading this right? The officer had an unauthorized AK47 in his hands?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Sep-21-16 10:56 AM
What in the hell?

"The dashboard camera and two cameras at the restaurant show the officers pull behind Smith’s rented silver Buick. As they get out, Smith backs into the police SUV and maneuvers his way out of the parking lot, speeding past Stockley and nearly knocking an AK-47 rifle out of the officer’s hands. Officials said Stockley was not authorized to carry the rifle, which he owned personally."
13072100, dumb motherfuckers.
Posted by double negative, Wed Sep-21-16 11:00 AM
13072119, my first thought
Posted by makaveli, Wed Sep-21-16 11:21 AM
obviously it is morally wrong, but it also sounds really stupid.
13072170, shit is literally out of a straight to video cop movie
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Sep-21-16 12:01 PM
13072207, lmfao @ straight to video
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed Sep-21-16 12:37 PM
Not even good enough for the big screen
13072212, yup something starring Ray Liotta and The Game.
Posted by Cenario, Wed Sep-21-16 12:41 PM
13072219, yeah, exactly...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Sep-21-16 12:44 PM
like one of them joints you see scrolling through Redbox, like "when the fuck did Steven Segal and Little Shawn make a detective flick?"