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Topic subjectI'm trying to learn how to have casual friends
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13070795, I'm trying to learn how to have casual friends
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Mon Sep-19-16 12:07 AM
I'm in a place where I don't feel connected to many people, including friends I've had for years. It feels like I'm going through a purging socially.

Because it's not isolated, I'm trying to keep in touch/ maintain relationships casually with people even though I'm kind of not into them any more. They still good people, so disconnecting totally seems rash.

How do y'all do this?
13070797, RE: I'm trying to learn how to have casual friends
Posted by urbantea, Mon Sep-19-16 12:31 AM
If it feels like you're not connecting and that you're going through a purge, you probably are. People come and go in your life for all sorts of reasons. Just go with it and let it go.

I've had this friend from college study abroad days and one day he flaked out on paying me back for a NYE party ticket and just stopped picking up the phone,e tc. wtf right? haha.

Other people will leave for diff reasons and maybe no reason at all (on the surface).
13070834, I've learned that it is one of the secrets to success in life.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Sep-19-16 07:57 AM
Alot of the successful people I know are good at shooting random notes and saying "hey, let's hang out and grab a drink or dinner". We meet up and catch up and might be another six months before we do it again.

The really successful people I know do it 2 - 3 times a week. Like they build it into their schedule.

I am not great at it but my wife is pretty good. She has a random dinner probably once a week with a former colleague or someone.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13071127, This is proven.
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Mon Sep-19-16 01:24 PM
Most career connections come from acquaintances, not close friends, because our close friends know the same people we know.

This is the main reason I'm even entertaining having casual friends. Right now people are either family or foes (not really). Gotta make a space in between.
13070849, im trying to learn to be that way with men...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Sep-19-16 08:42 AM
I've never had guys as friends...
13071081, no, nO, NO!!!
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-19-16 12:32 PM
don't waste your time...

13071181, how did that show up for you?
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Sep-19-16 02:53 PM
cause I thought you were a believer that men/women can be friends.
just friends...
13071186, nah, I was lying
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-19-16 02:58 PM
99.9% of the time its a trap.

dont let these okp weirdos full you either. a few still keep in contact with old flames and invite them to their weddings but those people are fucking weirdos... or lying.

13070851, I don't maintain 'casual' relationships
Posted by flipnile, Mon Sep-19-16 08:47 AM
I'll see them when I see them.
13070968, ^^^ this is me...I just don't/can't be pressed anymore
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Sep-19-16 10:31 AM
13071139, Yup
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Mon Sep-19-16 01:43 PM
13071077, You are not alone
Posted by BabyYoda, Mon Sep-19-16 12:24 PM
It is a part of growing up and moving along with your life. People do come and go and you also every love as a person. As far as maintaining a casual relationship with people, I hope that those people are making an effort with you because friendship is a two way street.
13071119, best way to kit w/ casual friends is social media.
Posted by TRENDone, Mon Sep-19-16 01:14 PM
13071126, I hate social media. Next. nm
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Mon Sep-19-16 01:22 PM
13071130, It's 2016, how do you hate social media?
Posted by TRENDone, Mon Sep-19-16 01:27 PM
i understand there's ups and downs, but it's a part of our social world.
13071143, I find myself disliking friends post
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-19-16 01:47 PM
strictly based on how much they are on my feed.

people who post all day every day on FB...annoying.

I had a friend announce she was selected to be on Master Chef. Everyone was like "that's awsome, congrats.. this is God working a miracle"

then she replied "sike, I'm lying... I'm just bored"

13071154, Too much static and noise
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Mon Sep-19-16 02:11 PM
If I don't really connect with you in real life, social media sure isn't going to help.
13071457, all good. not trying to force it on you.
Posted by TRENDone, Tue Sep-20-16 10:43 AM
i'm just saying it works for me. i'm able to maintain longtime friendships as well as nurture new ones. it took me more than a decade to make the internet work for the social aspect of my life. now i need to learn the master the art of internet dating...
13071205, RE: It's 2016, how do you hate social media?
Posted by Flash80, Mon Sep-19-16 03:40 PM
>i understand there's ups and downs, but it's a part of our
>social world.

because, for the most part, it's a vain and bullshit portrayal of someone's idealized life, in an attempt to feel self-validated. that girl always posting how "happy" and "glowing" she is? trust me, she ain't.

as far your point about KIT --- i actually had more friends (gen-x) call me after i'd deactivated my FB profile for a few months. just 'cause i can click on someone's profile and read shit doesn't mean we're really that "connected"..

don't discount the intra-friend resentment factor that social media creates also.
13071370, Social media is like our Matrix, in a way.
Posted by flipnile, Tue Sep-20-16 07:13 AM
Something about that shit just never feels right or sits well with me. I avoid using it.
13071374, someone once said FB is where you go to lie about life
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-20-16 07:22 AM
and Twitter is where we find out the real truth

13071454, personally, I socialize more w/ casual friends on the net
Posted by TRENDone, Tue Sep-20-16 10:41 AM
i went away for college in 2012 and got cool with ppl on a facebook group i'm a member of. i turned 30 and found myself getting along more with FB group members close to my age than 18-23 year olds around me. i've made good friends with it's members irl and they also have a local tv show and community aspect to the group...learned from my mistakes on OKP of course lol.

i have my casual friends with a common interest: sports. i talk with complete strangers every day, but i have no commitment to them. whenever heated topics come up i can slide out of topics without any guilt..."my bad my cousin picked me up" or "my phone died." i don't get phone calls or texts, i get PMs or tagged instead. they have a better gauge of what's going on in my life currently cuz thanks to the FB algorithm, I'm on their timeline more than 4x per day!

ps. driving uber/lyft helped me balance real world and internet relationships better.
13071470, its easy to have "relationships" online...
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-20-16 10:50 AM
click a few likes, post a quick message, say whats up and KIM.

but IMO thats kinda weak and easy as shit to do.

13071497, isn't that what a casual friendship is in 2016?
Posted by TRENDone, Tue Sep-20-16 11:19 AM
>click a few likes, post a quick message, say whats up and

we need an operative definition of what "casual" is lol
13071504, ionno.. lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-20-16 11:23 AM
13071400, That's a tough one...people are fickle creatures
Posted by stattic, Tue Sep-20-16 09:19 AM

Good luck with that
13071446, RE: I'm trying to learn how to have casual friends
Posted by willothewisp, Tue Sep-20-16 10:32 AM
What makes you feel disconnected? What makes you not interested in them anymore? Can you articulate? Or is it just a feeling now?

What makes them good people?

Stay open for old friends/acquaintances who want to connect with you or whom you like to connect with (people you haven't seen in a long while) and new people also? Ccould turn out very pleasant if you meet them for drinks or something. That is what I did.
13071481, RE: I'm trying to learn how to have casual friends
Posted by willothewisp, Tue Sep-20-16 11:03 AM
And don't stay at home if you don't want to do social media. Sometimes being surrounded by people you don't know is good enough te resolve feeling lonely. Take a walk, go somewhere... the excercise is always good for you too ;)
13071882, It's good to do a purge once in awhile.
Posted by low2behold, Wed Sep-21-16 01:52 AM
Just start with a "good morning" text and see if you get good enough at it that you do it every day. This lets people know you are thinking of them and most times it's reciprocated.