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Topic subjectI didn't love the joke in the car because...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13065337&mesg_id=13069310
13069310, I didn't love the joke in the car because...
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-15-16 04:23 AM
1. Sister was darkskin (Since Martin I've been kind of sensitive to dark skin sister being the butt of certain types of jokes and 2. the girl didn't get a chance to snap back. If she got a chance to snap back It would have gone down a lot better for me.

Anyway, not sure I'd be watching with such a critical eye to female characters but now that yall mention it I've been watching for it.

I don't think they are doing terrible because Vann is awesome but looking forward to seeing her and others get an inner life.

When Light Saber dude showed up at the restuarant, best joke of the episode.

>Enjoyed the episode, but the lack of decent female characters
>(as I mentioned earlier) is going to be a blindspot.
>I don't have issues with the stereotypes RJ, you have millions
>of black women who take care of the households and got bums as
>baby fathers so thats whatever, but you gotta have women in
>the series who do more than exist as support beams and cum
>receptacles for the men. You gotta have balance because not
>all women are here for that life.
>Like the scene in the car about Eve and Jessica? I could
>totally see it happening irl BUT trust and believe a woman has
>had a similar conversation with a man about her dating life.
>Women can be just as if not more trifling as men, so please
>show more than us emasculating men and caring for kids. We can
>both curse you out while working at the DMV and love Carl
>Sagan so show that. We can do ecstasy on Saturday while still
>going to church all day Sunday. Flesh out the characters.
>I want more ain't shit women, more boss women, more gay women,
>more funny women, more church women, everything. The same care
>and refinement that the show has given to the men needs to
>happen to the female characters.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"