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Topic subjectWell we both know you're familliar with that one.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13051640&mesg_id=13053512
13053512, Well we both know you're familliar with that one.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Aug-04-16 05:31 PM
>i value your perceptions on who is bugging out

I didn’t ask and don’t care what you do or don’t value.

>then why bring her into it in the first place?

Doesn’t matter since I wasn’t “relying” on her as you incorrectly assumed.

>u sure shut me down...

You moved the goalpost from “don’t you see it’s just a lesser form of apathy” to “well it’s insincere anyways”.

So yeah, I did. Otherwise… no need to move the endzone.

>if you can say the subject line and then follow it up with
>"sucks for them" as if that's not a common phrase for people
>who really mean "im glad my disdain for this group of people
>results in their misfortune"

Interesting take.

I googled this just for kicks to see what this common phrase “Really means” and the very top answer was

“phrase uttered to allow the person receiving it that you don't give a shit about their problems.”

That’s exactly the way I used it. Soooooo….. yeeeeeeah. Sucks for you.

>that assumes i initially got it from your original post which
>would be yet another incorrect assumption on your
>part..."sucks for them" is not normally seen as genuinely
>apathetic and especially nowhere near empathetic

“phrase uttered to allow the person receiving it that you don't give a shit about their problems.”

One definition of apathy is a lack of concern.
In other words, I don’t give a shit.
In other words… sucks for you.

So yeah. You’ve moved the goalpost trying to emphasize your personal perception of a colloquial phrase over not only my use but, as I’ve already proven, that of many others. At the absolute best, this is a wash and an absolute moot point for you.

Also, I certainly never claimed to be empathetic on the subject so that’s not exactly something to call me on. I claimed to be apathetic, which you claim is “insincere” and stated “sucks for them” as my phrasing for apathy which, yet again, is a colloquial phrase that means… I don’t give a fuck. Which is a lack of concern. Which is apathy.

Yeah. Just, you know, take the L on that one.

>no, i also found it to be idiotic phrasing in general and
>displays more disdain than the apathy you seem to be trying so
>hard to convince us of but please continue being as much a
>scumbag as those unlucky asshole pedestrians

Cool. I just deaded that like three times.
Please continue to clutch your little pearls.

>what did i dodge? and let's stay focused on what you've dodged
>since jump which i'll get to in a sec


The clear implication in that statement “Don’t focus on me, the other participant in this conversation. This is only about you.”

Which is fucking absurd. If you don’t want your words, or lack thereof, to be scrutinized, take your clutched pearls and go home.

>not my fault this is irrelevant...but i will take blame for
>bringing up other hypocrisy as a gotcha in this post but
>again...it wasn't worth responding to bc it showed little to
>no ability to even want to understand why i thought your
>initial phrase was fucked up...your statement was outrageous
>but i wasn't outraged

LOL you called it hypocrisy and I clearly articulated why it made no sense.
And you’re little “shitburger” or whatever idiotic word you used was absolutely a sign of outrage.

>again...YOU failed to NARROW that down as much as you seem to
>think you did mainly bc of one faulty assumption on the intent
>of certain pedestrians...as much as they annoy me with their
>poor decisions and perceived inconsiderate nature...i'm
>empathetic enough to realize

No. Again, it was plain, clear, and consistent. You wanted to add a bunch of ridiculous qualifiers. What about the kids! Mentally ill!

Again, you added extra shit to justify your emo tantrum.

>a.) i don't know their motivations for their poor decisions or
>mistake...so it's a bit harsh to justify apathy or disdain on
>the assumption that they intentionally meant to...true apathy
>would be silence...not jokes, backpedalling, and other forms
>of bullshittery

I don’t give a fuck what you think. I didn’t ask you for your thoughts. I don’t care about your stance.

More to the point, I don’t care about you.

And no, you don’t get to determine what “true” apathy is just to shoehorn your square pegged anger into this. You’re taking that ridiculously stupid tact of “well if you REALLY didn’t care you wouldn’t say ANYTHING AT ALL” even though the “anything” was me saying “I don’t care. It’s a ridiculously inept argument.

>c.) have you or yours ever jaywalked or not followed
>pedestrian guidelines (with or without being considerate of
>traffic)? would you also feel "apathy" in those instances?

Lol what. This is more of you trying to cram other scenarios into the mix. Also, I’ve already answered this.

>d.) your narrow set of circumstances completely ignores the
>role of the person in the vehicle

LOL That’s because I don’t care. You walk in the street like a tough guy because you know most people have the sense not to mow your ass down, sucks to be you when you come across another asshole like yourself.

>i've got a healthy disdain about a ton of people...and
>sometimes i take shitty stances on things...i rarely try to
>pass them off as apathy but that's me...and maybe you really
>are just that apathetic...that's really not that much better
>bc the consequences really don't fit with the offense (other
>than the causal affect you seem to think i'm not

Lmao thanks for the lecture but, again: don’t care.

That’s the thing: I’m defending my stance not because I somehow care what you think of my character, but because I’m not going to allow a worthless, agenda driven pile of shit like you to impugn my character. You’ll see that and take your usual reductionist tact of SEE IF YOU DIDN’T CARE YOU WOULDN’T RESPOND, but again: you’re a pile of shit driven to justify your baseless outrage and I’m just not going to allow that to go unchallenged.

>yes, making thoe mistakes can end fatally...but it's not like
>the vehicle is unmanned...there is a person who has a larger
>responsibility behind the wheel...and even if that person
>plays chicken with a car...it doesn't just "suck for
>them"...it sucks for everyone...period

Not everyone, just the dumbass trying to be a tough guy in the middle of traffic and the unfortunate driver who will likely catch a case and/or get sued into poverty.

And YES, abso-fucking-lutely, if they’re playing chicken with a car, it not only sucks for them, fuck them entirely.

At that point they do deserve whatever they get. That's a hard concept for many people to grasp: sometimes people actually do deserve the consequences they signed up for, even if they didn't think those consequences would actually arrive.

>wtf, yo is so aggressive and out of pocket...my bad fam

First, we’re not fam.

Second, you know good and well which post I was referring to.