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Topic subjectRE: this party needs to stop fucking around running against trump
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13048449&mesg_id=13049394
13049394, RE: this party needs to stop fucking around running against trump
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Tue Jul-26-16 08:10 PM
>seeing that shit from dunham and ferrera right now. the meme
>keeps spreading among people who already have strong party
>affiliations, and sure some republicans talked themselves into
>voting for her because of it already, but it really is not
>going to play any more than it's played already.
>you can't talk out of one side of your mouth about not being
>the party of fear, and then run a campaign based on fear (fear
>of fear?)
>and if there's ever been a democratic nominee that might lose
>a race to the bottom (unfair as it might be to her), it's
>people like michelle showed them the way last night. do that.

Yes. Go for optimism.