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Topic subjectThat's that good conservative boogie man
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13040093&mesg_id=13040376
13040376, That's that good conservative boogie man
Posted by Stadiq, Fri Jul-01-16 12:45 PM
To your point about a company needing to maximize profits...

Why haven't they cut loose those 5 workers already??

If McDonalds could sell their burgers for $10 a pop, why aren't they now??

Both options above would maximize profits RIGHT NOW.

So, why don't they do it RIGHT NOW if they can and maximize that profit?

Why is a higher minimum wage going to suddenly enable them to do these things?

A lower minimum wage has made them go against their purpose to maximize profit??

The problem is, over the years, Americans have legit been scared into not ever harming a company's bottom line because it will cost a) jobs, or b)lead to higher prices.

So then, even the average person is against changes that would even benefit them or their neighbor directly because we have all been programmed to think you can't upset the delicate balance that is business or it may hurt you directly.

Its all boogie man sh!t. So we all worship at the alter of job creators.

Its like "1984" sh!t.

Trust, as soon as Micky D's can automate everything, they are going to do it regardless of the employee pay.

Business got everyone scared to deff to hold them accountable or make sensible changes- its maddening.

Its also funny that often these same folks who are scared a higher minimum wage will raise prices overnight, won't consider that it will help other wages increase over time.

If someone making burgers makes $15, eventually those warehouse workers are going to have to be paid $22, and so on.

It literally benefits everyone a lot more than it will hurt anyone, and big business will be just fine.

Its funny watching 'Muricans get mad over $15, but not over CEO pay.

Or the amount of money tied up in Wall Street, when they literally add no value.

Or folks who get mad at what athletes make, rather thank think about how much the owners who pay them must make.

We have been programmed to fight each other and blame the worker, it is literally insane.