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Topic subjectRE: SuperDelegate Count in Nevada: Clinton 16; Sanders 1
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12975861&mesg_id=12976888
12976888, RE: SuperDelegate Count in Nevada: Clinton 16; Sanders 1
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Feb-21-16 12:02 PM
>I'm not a hardcore Clinton backer...I'm not a Clinton
>booster....I'm a Democrat who is going with the candidate who
>I think can win in a general election

That's what is peculiar about your Clinton support - because Sanders is out-performing Clinton in General Election hypothetical match-ups - but you haven't even considered him as a viable candidate and actively seek to denigrate his candidacy with GOP talking points like:

>I don't think a 74 year old socialist can be elected President
>of the United States...

..which is a gross oversimplification.

But I'm no Hillary Fan Boy...I voted
>for Obama the last go around.....I don't worship
>candidates...I'm pretty pragmatic....And I'm more concerned
>about the future of the Democratic Party than anything

I think that's where there's a lot of splinter among progressives/democrats. You may not be a fan boy for Clinton - but you're a fan boy for the Democratic Party, en masse. A lot of progressives hold no such loyalty to the Democratic Party because they do not see the Party as an engine for substantive Progressive change, but instead an upholder of status-quo politics.

The support for Sanders really isn't about Bernie Sanders the man -- there is far more hero worship for Clinton as the golden girl of the Democratic Party than there is Bernie worship. Bernie's campaign is really about implanting a voice to the progressive wing that has historically felt alienated by the political process until Obama's candidacy.
