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Topic subjectBaby shower game ideas?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12908113
12908113, Baby shower game ideas?
Posted by godleeluv, Wed Oct-07-15 09:27 AM
Please share or link them...
Music is almost everything.
12908119, pin the sperm on the egg
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Oct-07-15 09:35 AM
12908121, crass
Posted by godleeluv, Wed Oct-07-15 09:41 AM

Music is almost everything.
12908126, well, it was a hit at our baby shower
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Oct-07-15 09:55 AM
there were a ton of tears from laughing so hard
12908160, sounds dope
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Wed Oct-07-15 10:26 AM
12908162, i don't know if my wife did that at ours since i didn't go...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Oct-07-15 10:28 AM
but at a friends they did it and yeah, everyone was laughing.
12908158, biology
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Wed Oct-07-15 10:26 AM
12908130, that butt-humping balloon game.
Posted by illegal, Wed Oct-07-15 10:02 AM
12908135, My wife did one I thought was fun...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Oct-07-15 10:08 AM
she had every trait you could think of on a person (everything from physical stuff like eye, nose, feet, etc to things like sense of humor, intelligence, etc), then the guests had to say if they thought the baby would get the trait from her or me.

it can be pretty funny especially when people know there's a certain trait that is "bad" on one person and "good" on the other.

in preparation for the shower she had me try it for kicks and i was laughing.

12908143, Spades
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Wed Oct-07-15 10:14 AM



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