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Topic subjectYoung people sagging their pants
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12868546, Young people sagging their pants
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-31-15 11:15 AM

What part of the game is that? That's a 20+ year old trend that's long since played out. It's not practical or fashionable, and it's not like these niglets are stuck in the 90s, because they were BORN in the 90s. I'm not outraged at the sight of someone's boxers, I'm just genuinely curious, like "for why?" Why aren't you wearing skinny joggers and shit? Or pants that fit.
12868555, saw a kid with the pants at the knees and long johns on underneath
Posted by T Reynolds, Fri Jul-31-15 11:21 AM
on the train this last winter

gotta keep the thighs warm while saggin u know?

I used to sag so I get it and all, but kids are going to stupid lengths with it and the style of pants are not conducive to saggin. The jogger pants already have the low crotch so when you sag to mid thigh the crotch is at the knee. It's poor form.
12868557, RE: Young people sagging their pants
Posted by double 0, Fri Jul-31-15 11:22 AM
I blame it on the lack of quad and hamstring muscles among the youth...

EDIT: Funniest shit I seen in a long time was 2 hood hipster dudes fighting outside of sway with pants sagged to the knee... it was like little tops falling over every 5 seconds..
12868558, this ain't even sagging... this is indecent exposure
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-31-15 11:23 AM
and it's HILARIOUS when it's a butch/stud broad doing it...

12868570, yes. usually the 'man' in the relationship fortifies the masculinity
Posted by T Reynolds, Fri Jul-31-15 11:30 AM
by saggin as hoard as possible
12868580, They whole shit so anachronistic. Looking like Allen Iverson
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-31-15 11:41 AM
in a Sporty Thievez video
12869051, Yo.
Posted by emeyesi, Fri Jul-31-15 11:19 PM
Best shit I've read on here in ages. You got me dammit. You got me.
12868590, Gotta look the part for when your woman starts acting up
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-31-15 11:46 AM
and you gotta publicly put hands on her with the quickness.
12868633, ain't shit funnier than watching a homosexual female couple go at it
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Jul-31-15 12:13 PM
I think I told y'all about the time at Walmart (of course) where this couple got to scrappin, and dudes were about to jump in and beat the nigga's ass until they figured out it was two WOMEN fighting. The "stud" or whatever looked so... HOOOOAAARD that folks genuinely mistook her for a burly ass man. IIRC Kangol beret, white wifebeater underneath a tough ass linen shorts outfit, manly belt, shorts saggin' with boxers underneath, and manly closed toe leather fisherman's sandals.

She was tossin her SO around like a fuckin rag doll too.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12868653, I know same sex couples act up too, but all I've ever seen is women
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-31-15 12:22 PM
couples scrapping. Train, restaurant, street, it doesn't matter.
12868673, kind of answers the question of who is the messier sex no?
Posted by T Reynolds, Fri Jul-31-15 12:39 PM
sice sice sice
12868677, I can remember only one male couple fight... and it was funny as shit
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Jul-31-15 12:43 PM
I know I've seen a couple more, but the one I distinctly remember was a masculine/femme couple there the femme dude was extra outlandish and crazy acting on the freight accusing his SO of trying to talk to some chick. They got off the bus and as soon as the femme dude got both feet on the ground the maculine dude turned around and slapped the living shit outta his SO. Dude fell back into the bus screeeeeeeeeeaming, jumped up and started windmilling and yelling while the other cat was on some stick-and-move shits.

Bus driver closed the door and drove off. Didn't call the cops or anything, just kept it moving.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12868738, yup. it's always funny when ppl who are lesser than us fight.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jul-31-15 01:37 PM
12868822, it's the yelling and screaming
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-31-15 02:56 PM
the dialogue be funny as shit.
12868861, *cuba gooding air punches*
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Jul-31-15 03:45 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12868931, lol!!
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jul-31-15 05:23 PM
12869152, Lesser? Come on man.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-01-15 09:37 AM
12868737, oh. 'same sex' = men only?
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jul-31-15 01:36 PM

12869151, My bad I meant hetero-- but I did see two gay guys fight once.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-01-15 09:36 AM
And it ended when the other guy tapped out j/k j/k.

Actually it was one guy knocking the other guy the fuck out in one punch. Dude had the leathers on and everything-- vest but no shirt-- chaps, very blue oyster. Other guy hit his orbital on the corner of a table on the way down.

Guy then staggered back up talking bout "give me a mirror!!". I think that shit got fractured cause you could see the dent but no blood was coming out. We were like "uhhh maybe you need to head to a hospital"

Dude that stole on him was all "oh my god tommy I'm so sorry!" Practically in tears himself and in whatever tone you imagine his voice might have sounded like.

Wild night.
12868821, and this is why women MMA is popular.
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-31-15 02:54 PM
not really
12868740, totally. b/c they're, you know, not like us.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jul-31-15 01:38 PM
and so domestic violence among them doesn't count. b/c they're not all the way ppl.

i mean, they're kinda ppl. but more like kids. or like real smart pets.
12869155, My point is it's often in public or so it would seem.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-01-15 09:43 AM
No color boundaries, no age boundaries, like-- you would think women would not be prone to get physically aggressive with each other and certainly not in public.
12868559, i legitimately dont understand this one
Posted by woe.is.me., Fri Jul-31-15 11:24 AM
i know i'm not supposed to and there probably isn't an explanation, but i'd like one from someone who does it.
12868577, i want to know if they buy their pants too small?
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jul-31-15 11:38 AM
like, how do they figure out which pants to wear when they won't pull them up above their knees.
12868562, i'm tired of seeing these lil niggaricini's boxer briefs on the reg
Posted by ambient1, Fri Jul-31-15 11:26 AM
they sag AND wear fitted t's tucked in the front

at least let your shirt reach your beltline in the back
12868565, I also like how you said "young people" cause you know them chicks
Posted by T Reynolds, Fri Jul-31-15 11:28 AM
out there saggin pretty hard too
12868569, that's why the murder rate is so high:
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Jul-31-15 11:30 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12868571, the funniest thing is watching them try to run or walk fast
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri Jul-31-15 11:30 AM
while holding their belt and moving with their legs all wide like they shit their pants or something.
12868578, like this? http://youtu.be/ofmJ4r9BYNM
Posted by double negative, Fri Jul-31-15 11:40 AM
12868591, haha, kinda. but i meant more like sagging skinny/slim jeans.
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri Jul-31-15 11:47 AM
they seriously have zero mobility.
12868595, yo that shit pains me.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-31-15 11:48 AM
I feel like dude(usually) is just awkwardly heading off to his or her next police encounter.
12868576, of course, the answer is they do it b/c we hate it.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jul-31-15 11:36 AM
well, in part b/c we hate it. the more we bitch about it the lower the sag goes. it's youth rebellion - pure and uncut.
12868581, The most hilarious thing to me is how do they prepare to go out?
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Fri Jul-31-15 11:42 AM
Like you just know dudes are in the mirror at home like:

"damn, is this too much ass to show?"

*pulls pants up*

"naw, you can just barely see my waist band, lemme pull down just a scooch.."

*checks self in mirror*

"nah, that's not enough ass..."

*pulls down pants slightly*

"hmmm, too much topcheek?, lemme do this again...."

Like what fuckin' part of the game is that?????



"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
12868683, *dead*
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Jul-31-15 12:47 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12868781, *changes into boxer briefs* "These really show off my cheeks well"
Posted by flipnile, Fri Jul-31-15 02:07 PM
*Keeps adjusting until the wedgie level is -just- right*

*looks at own ass in the mirror over his shoulder*

*does the one-leg-up-on-the-toes pose*
12868584, Is it European fits? Poor parenting? Both? lol
Posted by micMajestic, Fri Jul-31-15 11:44 AM
>What part of the game is that? That's a 20+ year old trend
>that's long since played out. It's not practical or
>fashionable, and it's not like these niglets are stuck in the
>90s, because they were BORN in the 90s. I'm not outraged at
>the sight of someone's boxers, I'm just genuinely curious,
>like "for why?" Why aren't you wearing skinny joggers and
>shit? Or pants that fit.

It's a really corny mostly Black urban anti-establishment thing. I mean our generation bought jeans extra extra baggy, but there were some who bought regular sized jeans and just sagged. Now 20 years later the baggy jeans are long gone, but tons of kids are still sagging. The doorags came and went, but kids are still sagging. The boots & military gear came and went, but kids are still sagging. The throwbacks came and went, but kids are still sagging.
I'm not sure when or how it can be stopped, but it needs to be stopped.

Let my love slide in and never slip out
12868585, Young dudes these days like to have their ass out, literally.
Posted by flipnile, Fri Jul-31-15 11:44 AM
Edit: And it's not "sagging" anymore. These young folks PLAN to have their pants below their ass. Even sizing up their belts for it.

Edit #2: At least, with our generation (folks born in the 70s/early 80s), it was something new. A fashion trend that didn't exist before. Same with 5XL jerseys.

I can't think of ONE fashion trend that these young folks have come up with themselves nowadays, except for maybe straight dudes wearing skirts and facial piercings. A whole generation of biters.
12868587, Didn't most of start sagging because the seams were too high anyways?
Posted by MEAT, Fri Jul-31-15 11:45 AM
Nobody wanted to wear short ass clothes and even the "loose" fitting stuff wasn't that loose.
12868674, Thats how I always took it. Hand me downs were too big/small
Posted by Brotha Sun, Fri Jul-31-15 12:40 PM
And black kids made it fashionable.

12868599, Have to feel sorry to the teachers
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Jul-31-15 11:49 AM
that are subjected to this on a daily basis.
12868644, It obviously hasn't played out if younger kids are still doing it!
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-31-15 12:19 PM
12868688, lol, right? we just got old
Posted by Government Name, Fri Jul-31-15 12:50 PM
12868662, In just about every society having your ass out shows severe ignorance.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-31-15 12:33 PM
It's an open invitation to have a foot put straight into it. '

I get that it's thought of as fashion, but sometimes function needs to win over fashion.

I think it's more often than not a sign of how broken one's home could be. I remember when I first started seeing kids doing this and I hated it then as a teen. Lol and to think I thought it would pass. at least the "ski mask" trend died down a little bit. I just don't understand sometimes why some of us want to make life harder for ourselves.

12868681, I grew up wearing hand me downs that looked weird on my waist.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Fri Jul-31-15 12:44 PM
My pants would be too high and you'd see my ankles n shit. Sagging saved me. Either that, or they were too big and they sagged no matter what I did because my belt wasnt my size so it wasnt tight enough.

The dudes that wear tight jeans and sag, iono what's going on there. Either way, its not my business and its counterproductive to police how low someone's pants hang. Fuck will that change.
12868693, i love all the *they* talk in here. if you're in your early 30s you* were
Posted by Government Name, Fri Jul-31-15 12:52 PM
doing the same sh*t too. only difference is the waist size. why do we expect any different or better from these kids?
12868710, Nah, even with sagging jeans the ass was covered by a 3XL jersey
Posted by flipnile, Fri Jul-31-15 01:08 PM
These kids literally have their boxers out. We never had to wear two pairs of boxers to make sure the shit stains wouldn't show.
12868745, the wearing of 2 boxers....
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jul-31-15 01:42 PM
it's fucking absurd.
12868744, nope.. our pants sagged but they never showed cheeks
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-31-15 01:40 PM
these kids out here with full ass out bruh

what part of the game has full ass out?
12868803, In my teenage years
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Jul-31-15 02:32 PM
I never ever wore jeans sagging to my knees. With a belt buckled in. That makes zero sense to me.
12868912, Im an old head and I remember when sagging first got popular in the 90's...
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Jul-31-15 04:58 PM
it was when "designer underwear" bacame popular like Calvin Klein/Tommy Hilfiger/Joe Boxer etc. back then we only sagged enough to show the waistband of your underwear sort of like this...:

they took it to a new level with all this ass out shit...
12868696, I feel the same way. I think it's kind of dumb now
Posted by Dr Claw, Fri Jul-31-15 12:58 PM
but I dunno, maybe it's still cool to younger folks
12868716, fewer things look more fucking stupid
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Jul-31-15 01:11 PM
12868772, Always thought it was dumb (presently and back in the day)
Posted by Ishwip, Fri Jul-31-15 02:01 PM
To me it's just not practical. Constantly having to pull them up, can't walk right.

I don't like the beat anymore because its just a loop. ALC didn't FLIP IT ENOUGH!

Flip it enough? Flip these. Flip off. Go flip some f*cking burgers.(c)Kno

Allied State of the National Electric Beat Treaty Organization (NEBTO)
12868806, its like, kind of totally its own culture at this point
Posted by double negative, Fri Jul-31-15 02:38 PM
like a subsect of a subsect of youth culture
12868816, whoever sags the hardest...wins
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-31-15 02:52 PM
12869126, Youth is too broad a term-- drill down a bit more.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-01-15 08:39 AM
There's a very specific group that dresses this way.
Posted by Mongo, Fri Jul-31-15 02:44 PM
12868827, we're seeing it before our failing eyes.
Posted by woe.is.me., Fri Jul-31-15 03:00 PM
12868843, get off my lawn
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Jul-31-15 03:20 PM
I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12869127, I want that!
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-01-15 08:40 AM
12869091, Seriously people talkin' about...
Posted by mc_delta_t, Sat Aug-01-15 05:49 AM
"when we used to sag, we did it the right way!"
12869098, LMAO really
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat Aug-01-15 07:18 AM
>"when we used to sag, we did it the right way!"

"These youngins don't know nuthin bout no saggin!"


This is "culture"... these are our elders.


12869108, smh, niggas dead serious too
Posted by southphillyman, Sat Aug-01-15 08:08 AM
12869244, there was a smooth subtlety to it that evolved into something...ugly
Posted by mikediggz, Sat Aug-01-15 03:39 PM
in todays climate of skintight nut-hugger pants that are literally hanging down to your knees u pretty much had to be there to get it. these niggas can barely walk and look like ducks waddling around
12869385, Anyone who ever did it for style rather than necessity gotta stfu
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sun Aug-02-15 08:49 AM

If you're one of "pioneers" who passed this shit down, then double shame on YOU...
hell, myself included. Fuck we look like bragging about the dumb shit we used to do
and telling the the now generation that they're doing dumb shit wrong?
How ridiculous and hypocritical.

If your angle isn't necessity vs style, you have no point.
The style evolved. You were part of perpetuating it. Let the kids live.

12868839, their pants aren't even BAGGY!!!!!!!!!
Posted by unity, Fri Jul-31-15 03:17 PM
wth?!!!!! why are their pants sitting so low when the waist band is so tight?!!!! it defies logic and reason! doesn't it cut off circulation to the nether regions?!!!! why would anyone do this tomfoolery?!!!!!

12868867, maybe they're too tight to get over the ass
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-31-15 03:51 PM
12868903, yep...the extreme sagging of skinny jeans adds a new level of
Posted by mikediggz, Fri Jul-31-15 04:47 PM
mystery to the equasion
12868881, I was a mess at that age...so glass houses & all that
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jul-31-15 04:03 PM
I've looked back at some high school and college pics. smh... you couldn't tell me s**t either.

I look at kids sagging, and yeah it's dumb, but teens and young adults are supposed to dress dumb. They'll laugh at themselves in the future too.

12868886, Yeah mam. Everyone here acts so above thee and old as shit.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-31-15 04:08 PM
12868891, RE: Yeah mam. Everyone here acts so above thee and old as shit.
Posted by double 0, Fri Jul-31-15 04:11 PM
to me...

The little issues I have are with these lil niggas acting like they invented shit I murdered in HS..

Starters, Snapbacks, Skateboarding, Polo, Timbs, Af1s, Jordans (every retro), Adidas etc...

Like I get it shits cool now.. but we BEEN did that.
12868895, human nature. Half my grown friends act like they invented parenthood
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jul-31-15 04:21 PM
Youngsters are hella self involved and lack self-awareness as a rule. You just gotta let some shit slide and be happy that as an adult there's no pressure to chase every dumb trend you see.

Maybe they didn't invent sagging their pants but I'd be happy to give them the credit for that one if they want it.
12868934, RE: human nature. Half my grown friends act like they invented parenthood
Posted by double 0, Fri Jul-31-15 05:32 PM
Oh I agree....

I am not tripping..

its funny when they fight and fall over though w/ them sags
12868956, 100% agree
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jul-31-15 06:12 PM

>its funny when they fight and fall over though w/ them sags

just the sheer impracticality of trying to act tough while sagging skinny jeans, and then trying to actually run or fight or something. Thank God for youtube.
12869112, in the mid '80s i walked around with a clock around my neck
Posted by BigJazz, Sat Aug-01-15 08:17 AM
and i still think saggin is crazy...
12869193, clock on ya neck, 4 finger ring with Superstar's or Top 10's
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Sat Aug-01-15 12:10 PM
... with no laces in 'em.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12868926, sagging was always terrible.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Fri Jul-31-15 05:21 PM
i never understood why it was fashionable.

i suspect dudes with subpar bodies like it because they can hide how not on-point their bodies are by covering their goods with ridiculous oversized clothing.

but I dunno.
12868928, sagging is awesome, especially when niggas exclusively started wearing
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Jul-31-15 05:23 PM
Boxer briefs and shit. Hope the trend never dies

I wonder if it would go out of fashion if these guys knew there was s good number of gay men checking out their asses lol
12869105, LMAO
Posted by Dr Claw, Sat Aug-01-15 07:48 AM
12869116, I honestly think they know
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-01-15 08:25 AM
I'm sure every crew has a dude on the DL who be checking dudes if they dont properly sag.
12869131, You hope young black men continue to have their ass showing
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-01-15 08:59 AM
In public? Which could be construed as meaning "I hope these young men continue to promote an image of ignorance within society"? Because few if any think a person who shows their butt in public is of any value to anyone.

Which is one reason why these kids stay bouncing between jobs at Starbucks, potbelly, etc.
12869135, lol
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sat Aug-01-15 09:04 AM
12869154, did you actually say starbucks?
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-01-15 09:40 AM
12869156, In the DMV-- yes.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-01-15 09:44 AM
12869160, damn, I would think a youngin sag gin with a Starbucks job was winning
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-01-15 09:52 AM
at least they got benefits and coffee
12869161, Starbucks is still a 'step up' like that?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-01-15 09:58 AM
I could be wrong on that one so let's make it dunkin doughnuts/Burger King.
12869358, I still sag.
Posted by denny, Sun Aug-02-15 05:57 AM
I can't wear pants where they're supposed to be. It feels uncomfortable. So I buy a bigger waist size and lower them 2 or 3 inches below my belly-button.