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Topic subjectThose voting Hillary in the PRIMARIES, explain yourself
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12837624, Those voting Hillary in the PRIMARIES, explain yourself
Posted by Jon, Wed Jun-24-15 08:02 AM
Is it electibility? Bernie seems simultaneously further to the left and more appealing to independents. I'd say he's more electable.

Is it just that she's a woman? That's pathetic. Btw, Jill Stein is my favorite candidate, and if my second choice (Bernie) loses the D nom, I'm enjoying full license to vote for Jilly from Illy. You should too.

Are you a big bank?

Are you a weapons manufacturer?

I accept that some of y'all feel she's easily better than the Republican option (I disagree), but while Bernie remains a choice in the primaries, what is it that makes you vote for Hillary Hawk?

And no I don't hate her. People mistook my pointed comments as anger in another thread. I don't think she's genuine though, and yeah if Bernie causes her to shift her rhetoric to something more populist, it will be fake, she won't mean it, and yes I'll say "fuck her" for that.
12837636, who in the fuck are you that anyone needs to 'explain' their vote
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 08:12 AM
at your command?

as the fuck if.
12837653, uh... he's white. Duh!
Posted by ScooterBug, Wed Jun-24-15 08:23 AM
12837658, oh shit. in that case...'YES SUH, BOSS, SUH. YES SUH.'
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 08:26 AM
'i so happy to even be's able to cas a vote, suh! i be vote fo who ever boss vote. yes suh!'
12837679, lol
Posted by ScooterBug, Wed Jun-24-15 08:34 AM
12837750, RE: oh shit. in that case...'YES SUH, BOSS, SUH. YES SUH.'
Posted by Tiggerific, Wed Jun-24-15 09:13 AM
Cracking the HELL UP!!!!!

I haven't voted in the polls. But, the reason why Hill-dog is getting so much love is her speeches lately. She's really on that Black Lives Matter and the Dreamers Deserve Better steez and she's talking the peeps language. Basically, she's saying what the minorities wanna hear.

Bernie isn't doing that. Plus, he looks older than dirt. Even though he and Hill aren't that far apart in age. Its just that Hill got Uptown Clint on her team and that's always a plus with minorities.

Bernie doesn't have that. As much as I think Bernie would be more along the lines of what I would want in a President, there is no guarantee he won't keel over before he gets elected into office. Hillary and her pantsuits look healthier and younger to the peeps so I see Bernie not getting the nomination.

Now, on the pubes side, if Donald Trump actually gets the nomination, then Hill will win off top. Basically, every republican candidate looks like a total idiot except Carson. And, he won't win because he's black. Republicans may like him...but that whole black thing is a big minus to them.

And, yes, this is all coming from a black woman.
12838195, lmao
Posted by melmag, Wed Jun-24-15 02:07 PM
12837662, Lmao
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Wed Jun-24-15 08:27 AM
12837736, LOL
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-24-15 09:01 AM
12837693, Get' out of my head!!!
Posted by Fishgrease, Wed Jun-24-15 08:43 AM
12837766, thank you. my son voted for the first time last month
Posted by Damali, Wed Jun-24-15 09:32 AM
one of the first things i told them is that he is not required to EVER tell anyone HOW WHO OR WHY he voted.
12839206, Post 13. I don't understand this at all.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-25-15 01:58 PM
What is the big deal about telling people who you voted for?
12839227, why do we keep ballots secret?
Posted by Mike Jackson, Thu Jun-25-15 02:08 PM
couldn't we just as easily keep the votes tallied on a screen in public? with your name listed next to who you voted for?

if someone wants to vote for a member of the communist party,
do you think there are any reasons why a person may not want everybody in town to know they voted for a communist?

if somebody asked everybody in town that was voting for a communist to 'explain' their vote, can you think of reasons ppl that support comunism wouldn't step forward to explain themselves?

>What is the big deal about telling people who you voted for?
12839282, Secret balloting is a different thing all together
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-25-15 02:34 PM

but to entertain your little scenario, if a person votes communist (or whatever party) and they have an actual interest in that party winning, they should probably tell people why they voted that way in an effort to lure more people to their way of thinking.

But that's neither here nor there.
12839292, are you sure?
Posted by Mike Jackson, Thu Jun-25-15 02:43 PM
if a white supremacist is running for office, do white supremacist need to tell everybody they are a white supremacist to win?

or would they be selective about who they tell that to and when?

would they need to publicly state that was their agenda to win?

or would they tailor their message to their audience?

ask folks that got elected with the southern strategy if they needed to talk in public about their political affiliations to win elections.

then ask the ppl that voted for them if they had to advertise their white supremacist leanings to get their guy voted in.

they probably won't tell you the answer.

>but to entertain your little scenario, if a person votes
>communist (or whatever party) and they have an actual interest
>in that party winning, they should probably tell people why
>they voted that way in an effort to lure more people to their
>way of thinking.
>But that's neither here nor there.
12839303, You're all over the place.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-25-15 02:52 PM
have a good day.
12837919, ^
Posted by Mike Jackson, Wed Jun-24-15 11:21 AM
12837953, End post. Nothing more needs to be said.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-24-15 11:32 AM
12837972, his name is even spelled wrong
Posted by rdhull, Wed Jun-24-15 11:47 AM
12839346, fuckin' agro
Posted by fontgangsta, Thu Jun-25-15 03:45 PM
he's clearly just asking question / curious about other peoples opinions
you don't have be offended and shit
12840262, Right? Maybe I'm missing some history but I'm curious too
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jun-26-15 06:33 PM
I'm curious why people would vote Hillary, and am willing to consider the possibility that i should, though that's not my first instinct.

I didn't think guy was demanding anyone justify their existence, maybe just break down why they chose Hillary. Seems like a fair question around election time.
12837738, whats funny is white people never tell you who they voted for
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-24-15 09:03 AM
one day at work we had a little fun and asked all the white people who they voted door or who they planned to vote for...

umm, not sure
that's my business

all types of excuses.
12837754, White People and Politics (NSFW)
Posted by neuro_OSX, Wed Jun-24-15 09:17 AM
12837920, that changed a bit in NY
Posted by lfresh, Wed Jun-24-15 11:21 AM
esp downtown and in brooklyn

they were loud and proud about voting Obama
and hectoring other white folks not doing the same
all the while giving me the wink nudge nod

i'm not sure that was better
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12837992, Obama was the first time they abandoned the code
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-24-15 11:59 AM
I can't front, I think half of them lied or didn't even vote.

Obama girl made that video, got 15 minutes of fame and then admitted she didn't even vote.
12839272, Whoa, Whoa...Enough With The Voting
Posted by RexLongfellow, Thu Jun-25-15 02:25 PM
I'm trying to tell you about me fucking my wife in the ass, and you're asking me all these personal questions (c) Dave Chappelle
12839583, Second paragraph
Posted by Jon, Fri Jun-26-15 07:12 AM
12837740, shorter election
Posted by Bluebear, Wed Jun-24-15 09:04 AM
she saves money that she can use in the generals. She doesn't get dirtied. She doesn't get forced so far to the left that she alienates some of the swing voters she needs to win. Pretty much looking to avoid what happened to McCain.
12837747, RE: shorter election
Posted by murph71, Wed Jun-24-15 09:06 AM
>she saves money that she can use in the generals. She doesn't
>get dirtied. She doesn't get forced so far to the left that
>she alienates some of the swing voters she needs to win.
>Pretty much looking to avoid what happened to McCain.

12839178, I missed this one reply right here
Posted by Jon, Thu Jun-25-15 01:44 PM
I hear you and respect where you're coming from, at least you have a reason that makes sense. But its a depreasing, sad, defeatist, soul crushing mentality.

12837743, You lost me at...
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jun-24-15 09:05 AM
"Is it electibility? Bernie seems simultaneously further to the left and more appealing to independents. I'd say he's more electable."

Clearly you don't know anything about this topic at all.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12837922, where's the H at?
Posted by rdhull, Wed Jun-24-15 11:22 AM
12839157, So, basically everyone above has no good reason lol
Posted by Jon, Thu Jun-25-15 01:38 PM
12839164, . . .
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-25-15 01:41 PM
12839184, Citgroup stole your soul and so you're deflecting like a professional
Posted by Jon, Thu Jun-25-15 01:47 PM
12839195, . . .
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-25-15 01:52 PM
12839229, more, more!
Posted by spades, Thu Jun-25-15 02:08 PM
These are great.
12839197, is that the only plausible explination you have for what happened?
Posted by Mike Jackson, Thu Jun-25-15 01:53 PM
could there be other reasons ppl decided not to answer your question?

12839249, i didn't indicate i plan to vote for Hillary.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-25-15 02:15 PM
w/o regard for who i will cast my vote - i don't have to explain the shit to him.


he could've phrased the question in a less offensive manner and actually spurred discussion. instead he came at folks in a way that puts them on defense immediately. as if they owe him some explanation.

12839267, i didn't answer his question because i find him patronizing.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Thu Jun-25-15 02:23 PM
i wonder if other ppl had even more reasons for not explaining their political positions to Jon.

so far, that's two reasons ppl didn't answer his question.
and the reason wasn't "I have no articlable reason for my beliefs."

12839273, this. yep.
Posted by dapitts08, Thu Jun-25-15 02:25 PM

>he could've phrased the question in a less offensive manner
>and actually spurred discussion. instead he came at folks in
>a way that puts them on defense immediately. as if they owe
>him some explanation.

12839431, yeah, he broke through the wall like the Kool Aid Man, demanding answers...
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Jun-25-15 05:30 PM
I can see how that would instantly turn a lot of people off.
12839218, At least ask us when the primaries have started and we've had a chance
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Thu Jun-25-15 02:04 PM
to decide who we're voting for.

12839288, Yes but how? Bernie!!! How?
Posted by PG, Thu Jun-25-15 02:38 PM
12839422, He's been a lot more specific than Ms Hawkery tho
Posted by Jon, Thu Jun-25-15 05:08 PM
12839434, only because he can afford to be.. but yeah
Posted by PG, Thu Jun-25-15 05:34 PM
believe I'm not fronting like I wouldn't vote for him were I 'murican.. but it's like he can afford to make the points he has been making and to not have a concrete plan to achieve it because he knows he will never have the opportunity to be put to task on it...

He's doing the very important job of raising the profile of issues and forcing discussions...

but for example he'll never have to deliver an actual plan for how to engage the rest of the middle east to take the lead against ISIS..

or how do you get better campaign finance regulations put into place and what specifically do those regulations look like..

I love his MO and I'd be thrilled if he got a chance to prove me wrong on all this.. he's a check and balance though and he knows it.. his main purpose is to ensure that certain things are not totally forgotten and unspoken... I may be cynical but I can't imagine he truly feels otherwise.

and to truly buy in one would have to admit that this is so perfectly indicative of the problem... we assume we can never have what want or need and that we must just get what we get and live upset.
12839582, Honestly, I don't think it's just that, but
Posted by Jon, Fri Jun-26-15 07:07 AM
even if so, its up to the voters to reward positions and ppl they believe in, and change that calculation.

But Hillary isn't Bernie on the inside who just can't afforf to be who she really wants to be. Her life's purpose is to feed the corporate beast and she's exceptionally hawkish beyond what is necessary to have a shot at the WH. But either way, her political career is more important to her than the people. She represents everything broken about American democracy. And voting for her because she can't afford to take the positions Bernie takes does nothing but reinforce that.

"Gee, I really like what this guy stands for, but this lady over here who stands for all the wrong things can't afford to stand for those things i like, so I'll vote for her instead."
12839846, true nuff but...imo.. he's running as a dem for one main reason
Posted by PG, Fri Jun-26-15 11:10 AM
so that he doesn't end up splitting the left vote...

I figure idealistic and correct as he is even Bernie knows the lesser of evils is better than the greater.

I'm certainly replying/commenting more to express my opinions on Bernie than I am to promote/defend Hillary so I'm not exactly on topic with the OP here.
12839340, Lol yall could twist a bocce ball i swear
Posted by Jon, Thu Jun-25-15 03:39 PM
Shits kinda impressive, in an Aunt Annie farting the alphabet and ppl believing they hear vowels kinda way
12839348, c'mon, son. You know the baggage ur online persona carries.
Posted by spades, Thu Jun-25-15 03:46 PM
You really could have phrased this question in a less offensive manner.
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jun-26-15 05:56 AM
12839579, Lol that's funny, except that wasn't my tone at all
Posted by Jon, Fri Jun-26-15 06:52 AM
I was being cheeky, not pissy. Y'all too quick to get severe in here

12839588, lmao right and as states the primaries are MONTHS away
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Jun-26-15 07:41 AM
12839372, man I love bernie but...
Posted by PG, Thu Jun-25-15 04:02 PM
I've heard plenty of "what" from him and not really enough "how"
12839419, Yet Hillary has no whats to have hows for yet
Posted by Jon, Thu Jun-25-15 05:07 PM
12839437, #47
Posted by PG, Thu Jun-25-15 05:35 PM
12839618, im a democrat
Posted by wluv, Fri Jun-26-15 08:13 AM
and she's the most electable democrat.

And i dont want Obama's agenda ripped to shreds by the next President.

And Hillary represents the best opportunity to solidify his legacy.

The narrative of the first black president is important to me.

Plus we see how important Supreme Court Justices are with the latest decisions. The first Obamacare decision helped Obama get re-elected and the second one solidifies his legacy.

Plus Hillary is the most qualified candidate out of all the people running because of her experience. I want her experience in the White House.

Let Bernie serve in her administration as an economic chief or something along those lines. His passion is undeniable and can be utilized there.
12839853, This was my view as well, but Bernie is starting to look good.
Posted by spades, Fri Jun-26-15 11:15 AM
Iono, man - I might be outta my cotton-picking mind, but I actually think he's got a shot.
12840246, yeah he has no shot
Posted by wluv, Fri Jun-26-15 05:11 PM
he just looks good now because he hasn't been put through the grinder and scrutiny of a long campaign yet.

14 months till the nomination is a long ways off for political flaws to show up.

We'll see.

I love the dude's passion though.

Just dont see him getting to the finish line and more importantly i dont see the BIG donors lining up behind him to get the nomination like theyve already started to do with Hillary.
12839941, I don't like her or Bernie, I'm hoping someone else emerges
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Jun-26-15 12:59 PM
12839956, Her I get, what's up w/Bernie, tho?
Posted by spades, Fri Jun-26-15 01:12 PM
12840236, Well, not speaking for above, but he's still too pro-Israel for my taste
Posted by Jon, Fri Jun-26-15 04:53 PM
I'd prefer Jill Stein, but Bernie is almost as good in most things and actually has a real legit chance this time
12840240, I feel like electing a 75 year-old white Jew for President of the United States...
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Jun-26-15 04:58 PM
would a step backwards from BHO. The only old white man I could see myself supporting would be Joe.