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Topic subjectFYI: stating your race-based dating preference is racist.
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12797319, FYI: stating your race-based dating preference is racist.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 06:26 AM
and yes, holding a race-based dating preference does make you a racist. b/c you're literally engaging in race-based prejudice (aka pre-judging ppl based on their race) and even deciding which race is superior. it all adds up to 'race' and 'ism'. now, whether you find that a negative or positive is on you, i guess. i don't think it has to be a negative thing. maybe you prefer ppl of a certain race b/c you want to make biological children w/them and you want those kids to be of a particular race - that's all good. and it's racist as fuck. again, do you. if you like it i love it.

i feel hold my own prejudiced preference myself, i think - if/when i marry a dude i would prefer it if he's Black. i have pre-judged non-Black men based on their race and decided they will make inferior husbands. i have decided that Black men are superior - based on their race. i think my reasons are primarily positive. but this is a race-based preference that's rooted in prejudice. b/c i haven't met every single non-Black man or every Black man so how do i know that no non-Black man out there can make a great husband for me? how do i know that there's no non-Black man out there who would be better for me as a husband than a Black man? i don't but i'm using my prejudices and stereotyping dudes. and i'm okay w/that, for the most part. though i fear if i stick w/the absolute of my prejudiced preference i may miss out on a good man. but is he 'good' if he's not what i say i want? i dunno.

IMO the holding of the prejudice is racist and stating it is definitely racist. b/c why say that shit? what is the point otherwise? i can keep that shit to myself and just tell non-Black dudes i'm not interested on a case-by-case basis w/o alerting them to my prejudice. all they need to know is that i'm not interested - they don't need to know that i will never be interested solely b/c of their race. which isn't even about THEM as individuals it's about biological and social science facts that are beyond their control. they don't need to know that i'm not interested in getting to know them as ppl - i have written them off. they don't need to know but i tell them anyway and that's racist, i think. or it's at least hurtful and unnecessary.

anyway, yeah. DAS RACIST! but fuck it.
12797320, def agree. saw it in my okcupid days.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue May-05-15 06:34 AM
Black girls tawnbout "I date older white men only."

Look here, you backpage bitch...


Stay salty, my friends.
12797356, I like it when white guys put in their profiles
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 07:30 AM
They strongly prefer to date someone white. Or they are interested in every race but black women. It helps me out. There are ppl who I could have saved a lot of time dating if I had saw their okcupid profile before we started dating.
12797375, what bugged me was readin a page and thinkin "how cool...
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue May-05-15 07:52 AM
"... finally a Black girl who likes Idiocracy, Evil Dead and 4 non blondes. That's so rar-- no Black guys? Wtf? Have you met all Black guys? Fuck your daddy."
12798716, I avoid the controversy of this topic altogether by
Posted by Angelo, Wed May-06-15 01:43 PM
just talking about 'cultural compatibility' in whatever company... it is near enough impossible to condemn someone for...

<-------- definitive proof I never would get with a white girl...

Twitter: @innercity_griot

12797323, I'll bee dat.
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue May-05-15 06:40 AM
Mainly Black and Brown girls for me.

But I do like redhead Becky's.
12797376, *daps*
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 07:55 AM
12797335, Wanting to date within your race isn't racist. All other racial dating
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-05-15 07:07 AM
preferences is probably racist.

The difference is dating your race can be based on the desire to date someone with a common life experience as you. There is nothing racist about that.

All other racial dating preferences though is premised on some racist stereotype.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12797341, It's as racist as wanting to live & work around ppl the same race as you
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 07:19 AM
12797347, No, it's not. Edit; hang on. Reword.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue May-05-15 07:24 AM
Having a preference for blonde or brunette wouldn't equal only wanting to be surrounded by blondes or brunettes at work.

Aesthetic preferences for dating can surely be separated from the rest of equality - there is no accounting for taste, but there is plenty of accounting for hiring practises.

EDIT: Having a preference for dating "within your own race" may well be racist as fuck, tbh... having an honest preference isn't a problem, but blinkering yourself from the possibility that you'd find another race attractive probably is.
12797353, Black and Latina women come with
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 07:27 AM
Every eye skin and hair color
12797371, Yes, correct.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue May-05-15 07:46 AM
"Blonde and Brunette" was just an example of a couple of aesthetic preferences. There are others.

Everyone has traits they prefer and traits they're not attracted to. They're different for all of us.

Choosing a 'most attractive' race without evaluating the others or acknowledging that most people aren't aesthetic stereotypes to their race? Yeah, that'd be racist.

Having a preference of traits after evaluating all traits? Nah, that's just human. Taste is a thing. No answer is correct or incorrect when it comes to sexual attraction.
12797390, Middle Eastern, Asian, and North African as well.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue May-05-15 08:10 AM
12797373, I find it the same thing
Posted by soken, Tue May-05-15 07:48 AM
whether you specifically want to date your race or you specifically don't want to date your race. Point is you drawing that race line
12797396, I don't understand how people don't see this. It's the same thing
Posted by John Forte, Tue May-05-15 08:17 AM
12797441, hell no, it isn't the same AT ALL
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-05-15 08:58 AM

if enough of the same people get together who want to live and work together it can lead to discrimination, redlining, etc...

12797378, Race-based prejudice. Exercise of power based on race.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 07:56 AM
Ranking of races to determine which is superior.

12797406, Do you agree that most men would be able to 'order' hair colour?
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue May-05-15 08:28 AM
Does that make those with a natural blonde preference 'prejudiced' against natural brunettes?

Or is it more like deciding between Jazz and Soul? i.e. Entirely subjective and therefore inconsequential? Neither are objectively "better", but one is "preferred".

I think using terms that pertain to race is probably backwards and may point to underlying racism, but it's an incredibly difficult call. Variation amongst members of the same "race" is probably high enough for "I'm not attracted to black women" or "I'm only attracted to white women" to be factually incorrect (and therefore evidence of internalised racism), but having aesthetic preferences is not, in itself, racist... it's true of most people.

I lean to agreeing that verbalising it along racial lines is problematic and arguably racist. But then I'd think it would be unnecessary to write "I only date blondes" - what's wrong with only messaging/responding to blondes! It's the need to advertise that's weird...
12797408, yeah. it's called 'colorism' too.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 08:30 AM
>Does that make those with a natural blonde preference
>'prejudiced' against natural brunettes?


>Or is it more like deciding between Jazz and Soul? i.e.
>Entirely subjective and therefore inconsequential? Neither are
>objectively "better", but one is "preferred".

no b/c jazz and soul aren't ppl.
12797439, Where is the Race-based prejudice?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-05-15 08:58 AM
Where is the Exercise of power based on race in wanting to date someone who has shared experiences?

Where is the Ranking of races to determine which is superior by deciding you want to date someone who you can relate more easily with?


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12797465, Prejudging ppl based on their race.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 09:12 AM
Deciding their attractiveness based on race w/o even meeting them.

>Where is the Exercise of power based on race in wanting to
>date someone who has shared experiences?

Exercising one's power to choose who one dates based on race.

>Where is the Ranking of races to determine which is superior
>by deciding you want to date someone who you can relate more
>easily with?

Deciding that Black women are more relatable as compared to non-Black women. BW's relatability is superior or BW's are superior based on their assumed relatability.

>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>"One of the most important things in life is what Judge
>Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to
>whether you're
12797480, you assume shared experiences just like ppl do when hiring...
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 09:23 AM
sometimes unconsciously. they think this person will fit in and be like me because they share the same skin color.
12797507, I am not assuming anything. I've dated all types of women. Over time
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-05-15 09:49 AM
I've found that I am most attracted to a certain subset of Black Women.

That doesn't mean I can date ALL black women.

It's stupid to compare my dating preferences to work place discrimination because in my dating preferences there is nothing wrong with selecting a partner based on shared experiences, eye color, height, whatever.

There is no reason to make hiring decisions based on such arbitrary factors.

>sometimes unconsciously. they think this person will fit in
>and be like me because they share the same skin color.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12797565, I give them props for trying....
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-05-15 10:31 AM
12797477, you are assuming they have the same experience as you
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 09:21 AM
because of their race and they may not. they may be from an entirely different country/culture and or class and have had completely different experiences than you.
12797512, You're 'assuming' a LOT.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue May-05-15 09:54 AM
Given that we're talking DATING WEBSITES, most people are making that first selection based off the photo. There's nothing guaranteeing there's anything more going on than "I'd hit that" or "I wouldn't hit that".

Not all people confer special "personal relatability" traits along with other aesthetic traits - i.e. I think most people would agree it'd be ludicrous to say "I relate to blondes better than brunettes" but it wouldn't be ludicrous to say "I only date blondes because they get my dick harder".

There are certainly cases and it might even be a LOT of cases where racism and the sort of thinking you describe above come into it... but the OP said it was racist full stop. It's not. It only can be.
12797345, no it's not.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-05-15 07:22 AM
and nobody should feel shame for their preference.

Is it heterophobic for you to state your gender based preference??

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12797366, Right. And what's the "ism" for my preference for...
Posted by Brew, Tue May-05-15 07:39 AM
...brunettes over blondes? Or ass over titties?

>and nobody should feel shame for their preference.
>Is it heterophobic for you to state your gender based
>"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that
>you'll have is some memories..."
12797379, the things you mentioned are variables available to all races
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue May-05-15 07:59 AM
But to discount whole races has its basis in discrimination. No two ways around it.

No Irish Need Apply? Thats racism.
12797382, There's a difference between
Posted by Anonymous, Tue May-05-15 08:02 AM
Discounting a race because you hold hatred against them directly related to their skin color and simply having a preference because you're naturally attracted to a certain type of person.
12797391, because not even skin tone is exclusive to one race.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue May-05-15 08:11 AM
So to even be on the lookout for tan or pale or super dark, any number of races can fit that bill. Why discount people in advance? And advertise that your mind is exclusive that way?
12797395, This is an extreme though.
Posted by Brew, Tue May-05-15 08:16 AM
My only point, personally, is that I don't think it's racist to acknowledge "I haven't historically been attracted to many darker skinned women". It's as natural as preferences to girls who look a certain way based on hair, eyes, ass, whatever. It's the same thing.

That's WAY different than someone saying "I won't date black girls". That has basis in prejudice, you're right.

But I don't think it's racist, at all, to acknowledge what your preferences tend to be based on your life's experience.
12797491, I honestly hit dogged about this, strictly from the race exclusion standpt.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue May-05-15 09:36 AM
Not "I tend to like this" but "I will not date (x)"

That's the bit I find racist.
12797535, Word. We're on the same page.
Posted by Brew, Tue May-05-15 10:09 AM
12797557, Exactly
Posted by Anonymous, Tue May-05-15 10:22 AM
People try to make those two the same thing.

"Oh you like light-skinned women...you're racist or have self-hate"

That shit just isn't the case. Having a preference is different than "NOT dating someone solely based on race."
12797401, It's not about "looking out" for anything
Posted by Anonymous, Tue May-05-15 08:21 AM
People need to stop fighting reality.

It's about, you're at South Beach and your eyes naturally going to a specific type of person time and time again. Yeah you look at ALL of the fine women, but if I said...pick one to take out tonight...you're going to pick one and you know what...if we did the same thing the next day, your end choice would be similar. And it has nothing to do with you being racist and everything with how your eyes and brain view the women.

People have preferences.

12797393, Exactly.
Posted by Brew, Tue May-05-15 08:13 AM
12797389, I'm pretty sure my Johnson is not racist....it just likes what it likes....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-05-15 08:08 AM

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12797407, colorism.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 08:29 AM
12797519, Well, this seems to be getting silly.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue May-05-15 10:00 AM
Because in my head racism is a deeply harmful thought process leading to false schisms in society... and having a favoured hair colour is just having a favoured hair colour.

Are all the white women going bottle-blonde just fanning the fires of their own self hate? Are you saying they think Scandinavians are superior because they've got lighter hair? Does "more fuckable" really equal "superior"? To anyone who isn't a porn agent?

This sort of conversation is why a lot of reactionary dicks dismiss racism in 2015 as petty. Racism is not petty, but as a society we often get bogged down in petty interpretations of it.
12797611, colorism != racism.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 11:00 AM
>Because in my head racism is a deeply harmful thought process
>leading to false schisms in society... and having a favoured
>hair colour is just having a favoured hair colour.

i don't think colorism is necessarily as harmful to society or individuals as racism.
12797380, Glad someone asked...
Posted by Anonymous, Tue May-05-15 08:00 AM

>Is it heterophobic for you to state your gender based

It's sexist...lol

I'm bout done with the over sensitivity and all the rules.

12797417, i agree that ppl shouldn't necessarily feel shame for the prejudice.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 08:38 AM
>Is it heterophobic for you to state your gender based

at times, yes. it definitely can be.

i agree that i have some irrational fear of heterosexuals and heterosexuality. if that's heterophobia i'll be that. just like i also have some irrational fear of homosexuals and homosexuality. i'm a homophobe - as many of us gays are. even those of us who're out.
12797350, I'd rather know if a guy who's dating me considers me an inferior
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 07:25 AM
Option to some blonde chick. But I don't really date anymore so it doesn't really matter.

12797381, I've never been in a situation where I had to tell somebody they were
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue May-05-15 08:00 AM
not in line with my preferences

Why even let it get to that level unless it was a preference you could overlook in the first place, is my thinking

12797387, exactly. and why sound bigoted when you can just pass on an individual?
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue May-05-15 08:07 AM
The publishing of that myopia says volumes to me.
12797508, i thought that was his point
Posted by teefiveten, Tue May-05-15 09:50 AM
he says as much in the original post
12797579, I think we're all in agreement
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue May-05-15 10:38 AM
sorry if I sounded contrarian in my response
12797626, we are
Posted by lfresh, Tue May-05-15 11:13 AM
people just aren't understanding
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12797787, I disagree. I think people should make their preferences known.
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 01:16 PM
12797879, i'll dither
Posted by lfresh, Tue May-05-15 02:09 PM
if and when they do
i prefer they act like their underwear is showing
fine show me your faults
but don't act like its a plus
you shouldn't be this proud of being an ass

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12798039, uh, yeah in a situation where you get that deep with somebody
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue May-05-15 04:15 PM
I'm talking about just not dating a type of person you are not into

I've had white girls throw it at me but i keep it friendly without saying 'i'm not into white girls'

i don't think when you first meet someone and they are trying to spark interest you have any obligation to tell them the reason is due to your own dating prejudices. I was assuming this post was dealing with more depth than that, maybe I'm wrong
12798041, that's how i see it.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 04:16 PM
there's no reason to go there - except to be an asshole.
12798475, or they are just being honest when pressed for a why
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-06-15 11:30 AM
12798470, why? I think that is one of the chances you take when you pursue
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-06-15 11:29 AM
people outside your race.

12798640, it's a chance when you pursue someone in your race.
Posted by ndibs, Wed May-06-15 12:56 PM
if a black guy prefers white girls i'd like to know that too.
so i skip them as well.
12797384, I can't believe we really have to argue this point
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Tue May-05-15 08:05 AM
I mean I know this is OKP and a lot of us truly believe that the way we see things is rational no matter how irrational it is, but the only thing I'd ask of anyone is to at least not be an asshole about your racism or prejudices.
12797385, What have you people done with "Racist/Racism"?? Return it immediately!
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Tue May-05-15 08:07 AM
12797388, this is an area where 'race' being a made up construct becomes fragile
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue May-05-15 08:08 AM
It's better expressed as "I do or do not care so much about the ethnic features of the humans I date". Because the only interracial dating that has ever occurred (at least to me as an armchair anthropologist) would be between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens.

Interestingly enough whites and Asians have the highest concentrations of Neanderthal DNA (3-4% on average) which seems to suggest this as being the truest form of "race mixing" among genetically distinct races of human. And yet Darwin considered those aforementioned groups to be superior-- proving yet again his scientific motives are not to be trusted.
12797394, wanting to date your own race is racist? LOL... oh well.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-05-15 08:16 AM
smh....open-minded, deep-thinking, living single asses..
12797404, ndibs nails it in #4.
Posted by John Forte, Tue May-05-15 08:24 AM
12797415, nah
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-05-15 08:36 AM
12797486, yes people prefer to live around people "like" them
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 09:29 AM
for the same reasons, assumed shared experience, that's what they prefer to look at, that's who they're comfortable with, etc. we're not saying that makes them a bad person. but the reality is it's racist.
12797526, it isn't racist until you don't want OTHER people to date outside
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-05-15 10:03 AM
their race.

and people who want to work and live around their own people open up some serious liabilities like work discrimination, redlining, lack of funding in certain neighborhoods, etc...

preferring to date your own race isn't in the same boat.

it may be a life boat attached to it but that shit ain't the same.

12797409, plenty ppl who hold race-based prejudices
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 08:33 AM
and act based on those prejudices are wonderful folks who make positive contributions to society outside of their racism.

and those folks also think their race-based prejudices are positive or at the worst benign but definitely not negative.

my saying that dating preference for your own race or any particular race is racist doesn't necessarily mean i think it's a negative.
12797414, ok
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-05-15 08:36 AM
12797469, not when you say it from that perspective.
Posted by MrThomas43423, Tue May-05-15 09:15 AM
but not wanting to date someone else because of their race (which is the same damn thing) is racist.

i'm not sure what to do about it tho, cause i'm in the same boat that you are.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.
12797533, nah, if I didn't want OTHER people to date outside their race...
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-05-15 10:09 AM
that would be racist...

but having a preference to marry a Black woman isn't racist at all.

12797402, Arguing Semantics before my morning coffee??
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-05-15 08:21 AM
nah, i'll pass.
12797410, great.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 08:33 AM
the post is fine w/o you.
12797413, nope...fluidj pretty much nailed it
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue May-05-15 08:36 AM
but it can be based on bigoted views but isn't necessarily so
12797433, some good discussion here... good post.
Posted by mikediggz, Tue May-05-15 08:54 AM
12797436, lol...nah
Posted by dafriquan, Tue May-05-15 08:56 AM
in your words...you tried it though

12797453, ...what if I just dig fat chicks. Is that a thing?
Posted by Mongo, Tue May-05-15 09:06 AM
12797456, Thinism.
Posted by Brew, Tue May-05-15 09:08 AM
Posted by Mongo, Tue May-05-15 09:18 AM
Posted by Mongo, Tue May-05-15 09:19 AM
12797479, You thinist piece of shit!
Posted by Anonymous, Tue May-05-15 09:22 AM
How dare your only love the fat rolls!
12797500, LOL @ all 3 above responses.
Posted by Brew, Tue May-05-15 09:42 AM
I'ma start injecting thinism into my vernacular. When people get too heated about Baltimore I'm just gonna steer the conversation towards thinism and fucking fatties.
12797471, Fetishizing obesity.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 09:18 AM
12797483, ...but some of my best friends are fatties.
Posted by Mongo, Tue May-05-15 09:24 AM
12797493, they shall overcome someday.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 09:37 AM
12797503, RE: they shall overcome someday.
Posted by Mongo, Tue May-05-15 09:44 AM
12797628, ding
Posted by lfresh, Tue May-05-15 11:14 AM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12797627, yes
Posted by lfresh, Tue May-05-15 11:13 AM
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12797460, OKP tries so hard to be anti and pro that it's actually schizophrenic
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-05-15 09:08 AM
"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12797564, indeed
Posted by Lach, Tue May-05-15 10:30 AM
12798932, It makes no sense.
Posted by Case_One, Wed May-06-15 03:59 PM

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12797478, So?
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Tue May-05-15 09:21 AM



"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
12797482, Agreed.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 09:24 AM
12797485, yep.
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 09:27 AM
and i strongly encourage people to do it.
12797494, how is my preference a mark on deciding which race is superior?
Posted by Kim Jong Trill, Tue May-05-15 09:38 AM
I agree with the majority of what you wrote but confused by this.

Fuck your fort!
12797499, superior in terms of your preference.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 09:42 AM
Like, you prefer to date ___ bc they are ___ as compared to ___.
12797542, gotcha. im not really sure how anyone can front on that
Posted by Kim Jong Trill, Tue May-05-15 10:11 AM

Fuck your fort!
12797543, gotcha. im not really sure how anyone can front on that
Posted by Kim Jong Trill, Tue May-05-15 10:11 AM

Fuck your fort!
12797751, No that doesn't work.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-05-15 12:55 PM
I prefer to date short girls, because I am not that tall.

That doesn't at all mean that I think tall girls are inferior to short girls.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12797777, you have decided that short women are superior
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 01:09 PM
you have decided that short women are superior b/c you prefer the way y'all's bodies match up. which means IYO tall women are inferior girlfriends/wives for you.

no, that doesn't mean you think tall girls have worse character or that short ones are better ppl. but short girls are superior when it comes to choosing your wife or girlfriend.
12797797, superior? lol...
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-05-15 01:22 PM
12797823, "compatible" is superior to "superior"
Posted by rawsouthpaw, Tue May-05-15 01:43 PM
12797539, Yall need Jesus
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Tue May-05-15 10:11 AM
12797570, not if you don't have any power (i.e. Match.Com dating profile)
Posted by Vex_id, Tue May-05-15 10:32 AM

12797613, lol
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 11:01 AM
of course, when it comes to dating one has the power to choose one's dates. if one exercises that power in consideration of race by using race-based prejudices - that's racism.

12797584, my dating history is largely based on shared understanding
Posted by atruhead, Tue May-05-15 10:43 AM
for example I couldn't date anyone who would say "why cant protestors be less violent like MLK?"

as well, I know what Im most attracted to but I dont think black women are superior on a human level
12797618, right on.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 11:09 AM
but you decided that women of a certain race are superior girlfriends/wives and that women of certain other races are inferior girlfriends/wives - b/c y'all won't relate on certain issues. that's a race-based prejudgment.
12797636, i really dont judge people on anything other than their character
Posted by atruhead, Tue May-05-15 11:18 AM
if someone doesn't understand my blackness, that isn't a character failing. they aren't inferior to anyone who gets me. Bennetton ads were great and dreamy but I dont think we're all supposed to be compatible

I was once set up with a woman who was completely all about saving Africa. She immediately disqualified me as a prospect once she saw that didnt run my gamut of interests, but I hope she didnt view me as inferior to anyone else
12797640, you probably judge them on more than that.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 11:24 AM
we all do.

we judge ppl based on how they look. how they dress. how they wear their hair. how they speak. what car they drive. and on and on. little judgments and big ones.

>if someone doesn't understand my blackness, that isn't a
>character failing. they aren't inferior to anyone who gets me.
>Bennetton ads were great and dreamy but I dont think we're all
>supposed to be compatible


you've decided Black women are superior wives FOR YOU b/c (you assume) they understand your Blackness. their understanding of your Blackness is superior to that of women of other races. the other women's understanding of your Blackness is lesser which makes them inferior when it comes to wives for you.
12797620, given the dynamics of race in many societies
Posted by Dr Claw, Tue May-05-15 11:10 AM
I don't only agree with this statement, but such a viewpoint can be a case of "benign" racism.

it's still racism though
12797623, agreed - benign racism.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 11:12 AM
but racism nonetheless.

it's easy to think that racism MUST BE malignant/repugnant. but that's not true, IMO.

plus i'm sure the folks who hold opinions and who act in ways that many of us would agree ARE repugnantly and malignantly racist don't agree w/our classification of their action or opinion. it's subjective, i guess. what's malignant to us is benign to someone else.
12797622, quite a logical leap
Posted by akon, Tue May-05-15 11:12 AM
12797625, <--- track star.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 11:13 AM
but see #89.
12797759, benign racism is an oxymoron
Posted by akon, Tue May-05-15 12:59 PM
i.e. 89 doesnt make much sense either
12797780, so is 'jumbo shrimp'.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 01:10 PM
12797624, true
Posted by Government Name, Tue May-05-15 11:12 AM
12797641, So What?
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue May-05-15 11:25 AM
12797645, see #56 & 59
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 11:29 AM
12797644, this is the most honest explanation of it ive ever heard.
Posted by now or never, Tue May-05-15 11:28 AM
people are uncomfortable with it obviously because they don't like being called racists
but i've always looked at it like "if you're gonna go out of your way to announce on whatever social media dating site that you dont like X girls/dudes, don't turn around and try to act like you're not sending a very clear message that you like certain people more than others solely on the basis of that X"
just embrace what you like and don't try to have it both ways
being a racist in and of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing
being a racist who kills people or actively tries to deprive people of opportunity that could advance their lives is whats fucked
people try to deny the shit because they hear racist dating preference and think you're lumping them in with george zimmerman.
but it aint that deep.

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. (c) HL Mencken or some other motherfucker.
12797729, well I put them in the same group--
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue May-05-15 12:38 PM
they would certainly be comfortable around each other.
12797880, sometimes it is though
Posted by lfresh, Tue May-05-15 02:10 PM

>but it aint that deep.

i'm sure Georges moms had her dating preferences
and look at the wonderful result!
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12798054, either way, people should just be honest with themselves
Posted by now or never, Tue May-05-15 04:38 PM
like yeah, you can have a dating preference based on race.
just know that it makes you at the very least prejudiced against people
and at the most racist as fuck
and even THAT is ok, as long as you not tryna start a neighborhood watch
or become a police officer
or a CEO of a company
now we're getting off topic
but yeah

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. (c) HL Mencken or some other motherfucker.
12798454, agreed
Posted by lfresh, Wed May-06-15 11:17 AM
work on it
try to be a better person

its not a plus
its a flaw
everyone has it
but everyone has an anus as well
try not to show off yours until i get to know you better
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12797856, new movement: de-pejorativization of term 'racist'
Posted by natlawdp, Tue May-05-15 01:59 PM
this will be a thing.
12798048, lol it will be fascinating... but doesn't ''racial'' kinda cover that?
Posted by Jon, Tue May-05-15 04:24 PM
12798050, wtf is 'racial'?
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 04:25 PM
12798094, racial = having to do with race.
Posted by Jon, Tue May-05-15 06:30 PM
12798243, oh okay.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 06:15 AM
12798018, it's a mistake continuously conflating bigotry and prejudice with racism
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue May-05-15 03:51 PM
12798021, I think if you only find beauty /attraction in one race you are racist
Posted by Deacon Blues, Tue May-05-15 03:52 PM

For me it's more cowardice or love however you want to look at it

I don't want to deal with the hassle of bringing Becky around family and friend s a, , dealing with race issues is hard enough, plus I have a stronger connection with sisters because of our shared history experience.

So if we lived in a truly post racial world I'd be more open to dating Becky but as long as the struggle continues I'm going to be with a sister
12798031, tehcnically, yeah. but i'm all for people being honest.
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue May-05-15 04:05 PM
even if it's racist. technically.

12798042, hmmm ... what about sexism?
Posted by PG, Tue May-05-15 04:16 PM
12798047, it's the sexiest of the 'isms'.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 04:24 PM
12798053, lol true.... and then there's the "Hedon"
Posted by PG, Tue May-05-15 04:35 PM
12798058, christians go for the "altru..."
Posted by c71, Tue May-05-15 04:41 PM
but y'all knew that
12798045, is stating sex-based preferences sexist?
Posted by Jon, Tue May-05-15 04:22 PM
12798049, stating right-handedness is dominism.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 04:25 PM
12798069, lol what if you state you're right-handed and very short?
Posted by Jon, Tue May-05-15 05:05 PM
12798074, *finger guns*
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 05:13 PM
12798092, lol
Posted by Jon, Tue May-05-15 06:29 PM
12798076, Im straight but I wont date a woman that wouldnt date a bisexual man (c)
Posted by atruhead, Tue May-05-15 05:18 PM
12798096, Is racist and helpful. No more hurtful that hearing someone prefers
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 06:35 PM
Fat chicks or blondes. I don't get the assholish argument.

12798102, of course YOU don't.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-05-15 06:50 PM
12798184, If someone tells me they're racist why would I feel bad about it?
Posted by ndibs, Tue May-05-15 10:50 PM

I guess I might think they're an asshole for wasting my time

But if they let me know up front/early on they are saving me time and doing me a favor.
12798241, that's great, player.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 06:14 AM
12798224, Slightly related: Are Chicken Fries a metaphor for interracial love?
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Wed May-06-15 02:11 AM
I tried my hardest to see these commercials as something else, but I really can't.

Case in point: Chicken passes on every chicken on Tinder and opts for the fries. Marvelling at her exotic frenchness in a heavy Ebonic accent.


Chicken parents very upset that their chicken daughter is havin babies with Fries


Chicken sneakin out to date Fries against Dad's wishes.


Is it just me? Am I hunting for race bait?
12798242, it's there.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 06:15 AM
i LOL every time too. especially the one about them having babies.
12798228, Classic SoWhat trolling. Yall fell for it.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed May-06-15 03:54 AM
He knew yall would go cuckoo over being called racist.
When dating, you're also sexist (unless you're pansexual)... not to mention a whole
other host of "ists" (size-ist, intelligence level-ist, marital status-ist, the list goes on).

The thing about personal preferences is that people can have then for both benign
and malicious reasons, so to equate them all is ridiculous.

It's like you saying SoWhat is gay because he was molested. Sure, that's happened to
someone, but to think all situations are that one would be, again, ridiculous. And he would,
no doubt, say "fuck you" over such a generalization. Yall in here letting him insult your
intelligence left and right by saying you're no different from Jim Crow for a dating preference..... lol.

12798244, i don't think so.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 06:28 AM
i didn't say and don't agree that those of us who hold race-based dating preferences rooted in various race prejudices are doing the same thing as the various governments that enacted Jim Crow laws. b/c the impact of the 2 are so widely different, for the most part.

i would agree that the root is the same though - race-based prejudice. but the fruits are not the same. that Jim Crow fruit is much more sour - rotten, even. where as that racist dating fruit can be sweet (at least to most ppl, some will find it sour).

though i can see where one might make this connection - especially when it relates to choosing a mate of a particular race out of a desire to keep a blood line "pure". ppl of all races are into that. recently i heard my Japanese coworker tell me her parents raised her to want a Japanese husband in part b/c they want purely Japanese kids and not 'halfsies'. hell, if i were to want kids w/that Black man i want as my husband i'd want us to raise some Black babies. it'd be fine if our kids were not Black or not 100% Black, i guess...but my preference would be for Black ones. i think most ppl would understand that and not find it offensive, but there are likely some who'd be offended to hear i want 'pure Black' kids.
12798257, It's only racist if you preference is "White"
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-06-15 07:32 AM
Same goes if your preference is to live & work around White People.

You can say you want to date black people and live in a black neighborhood.

You can say you want to date Chinese people and live in a Chinese neighborhood.

You can say you want to date Jewish people and live in a Jewish neighborhood.

Heck you can even say you want to date Irish, Greek or Italian American and it's still not racist.

But "White" is completely different. Why? Because the only thing "White" means in this country is "NOT black, asian, latino, native american etc."

Nothing else connects all white people other than not being ethnic.

There is no "White Culture" or "White History" Or "White Pride" that isn't built on racism.

Think about it, what is unique and universal to the white experience that isn't experienced by non-whites in this country that isn't racism related? A love of mayonnaise? Full House Marathons?

SO yeah I can want to live in a Black, Asian, Latino, Italian community and it not be racism. It could be part of a desire to share in a common cultural experience. If you say you want to live in a White community, that's just racist.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12798264, Oh that's right. Only white ppl can be racist.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 07:52 AM
I totally forgot.
12798270, I didn't say that. I said anyone who states their preference is "White"
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-06-15 08:07 AM
is racist. If a black, asian or latino person said their preference is "white", that's racist.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12798282, you're right.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 08:25 AM
12798485, If a black man prefers not to date black women that's not racist
Posted by Crisco, Wed May-06-15 11:38 AM
That's a black man that doesn't feel like dealing with Black women issues. LOL
12799061, Agreed.
Posted by denny, Wed May-06-15 06:17 PM
I've thought on this some. In some ways....'white' people in north America have lost their identity. Too far removed from their heritage to relate to their ancestry. And nothing new that fills that gap other than a system of supremacy and exclusion.

I remember in the early 90's there was a significant skinhead problem in Toronto. My perception that in many cases....it was basically jealousy. Being surrounded by so much multicultural diversity.....white Canadians who had been here for multiple generations felt left out in a sense. Nothing to call their own. So these skinhead organizations popped up all over the place offering to fill that void for them. Of course, it was based on what they 'WERENT' moreso than what they were. They defined themselves relationally. There was not a skinhead problem in white communities.....only in or near areas that had diversity.

I can't prove it in any meaningful way....but the sense I got from the kids who became skinheads....they have THEIR food, their clothing, their music, their heritage events. What about me? And the absolute ridiculous results involved people who had descended from European countries later destroyed by nazis....pledging allegiance to nazism.
12798266, Nah. Preference is fine.
Posted by daryloneal, Wed May-06-15 07:57 AM
Everyone has preferences.

That doesn't infer superiority, it infers assumed compatibility based on natural attraction and comfort.

If one has a preference but is open to going "against" that preference should the right person come along, that isn't racist.

Same way it isn't racist to prefer to work with white people (i.e. due to basic comfort with your own) but be perfectly okay with the fact that black people are often more qualified, and then make the fair decision based on that and treat them fairly.

It would be racist for that preference to be immovable, so if that's what you mean by "holding" then I may be able to agree.
12798283, it sure is.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 08:25 AM
12798286, I was with you up to this.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-06-15 08:34 AM
>Same way it isn't racist to prefer to work with white people
>(i.e. due to basic comfort with your own) but be perfectly
>okay with the fact that black people are often more qualified,
>and then make the fair decision based on that and treat them

What's the non-racist reason for preferring to work with White People?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12798437, you can bring your dog to work?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-06-15 10:57 AM
12798439, lmao
Posted by MiracleRic, Wed May-06-15 10:58 AM
i'm mad this actually convinced me
12798457, lol!
Posted by lfresh, Wed May-06-15 11:18 AM
its a nice plus i must say
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12798488, RE: you can bring your dog to work?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-06-15 11:41 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12798942, Familiarity. Racism and prejudice aren't the same.
Posted by daryloneal, Wed May-06-15 04:11 PM
People are naturally drawn to those who are of the same environment/background
12798414, I haven't held race against anyone, but I've only dated sistas
Posted by Grand_Royal, Wed May-06-15 10:47 AM
I will say that I prefer not having to figure out if a woman dates brothas.
12798484, What if I don't date within my race by preference?
Posted by Crisco, Wed May-06-15 11:37 AM
Does that make me racist towards my own people? I don't think so. I think I just have a preference for submissive white women. It's my choice doesn't affect you or you or you..OR Her
12798487, yup. that's right.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 11:41 AM
12798590, Some people would label you a self hating coon
Posted by BabyYoda, Wed May-06-15 12:33 PM
>Does that make me racist towards my own people? I don't think
>so. I think I just have a preference for submissive white
>women. It's my choice doesn't affect you or you or you..OR

Not me, but some people. You prefering submissive white women eliminates every other woman of other ethnicities. Based on the OPs definition, you qualify as a racist and some others may say that you suffer from a host of other emotional, psychological and other issues.
12798945, likes them white and weak
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-06-15 04:16 PM
12798678, okay okay but what if
Posted by janey, Wed May-06-15 01:25 PM
what if I don't want to date white men because I have yet to date a white man who hasn't at some point told me about his experience of racism directed at him?

I'm about ready to smack my boss who has told me repeatedly that his daughter would have gotten into this or that college if she had been disadvantaged or a different race.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
12798695, i just heard something similar this week.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 01:34 PM
another attorney was talking about his kid's college choice and said TO ME that he wishes the kid were at least half-minority b/c then he'd have more college choices.

i wanted to just walk away from the conversation and thankfully one of my cases was called at that moment so i had an escape.

12798712, The best I've been able to do is show him the stats on white women
Posted by janey, Wed May-06-15 01:42 PM
and affirmative action. And I keep saying, "and you know this how?" and "have you heard of confirmation bias?" He won't even hear of the idea that her essays might not have been all that great. He thinks she's a great writer. I reviewed and critiqued her essays, at her request, and I thought they were okay but not brilliant.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
12798756, She probably would have...
Posted by ndibs, Wed May-06-15 02:17 PM
with the same scores. but she probably wouldn't have those scores if she went to an inner-city public school.

tell him not to worry because most of the disadvantaged and black/brown kids never finish college anyway because they don't have the money.

and if they do and wind up entering the professional class, they'll wind up 200k in debt. then when they go look for jobs guys like him will look down on them and assume they're affirmative actions slackers.

so they'll still be losers. that should warm his heart.
12798694, oh , this is about the action of explicitly "STATING" it
Posted by MiracleRic, Wed May-06-15 01:34 PM
oh ok...

i guess that makes a little bit more sense

there really is no reason to explicitly state it unless directly asked
12798952, .
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-06-15 04:23 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12798781, My okc setup searches for asians and latinas only
Posted by Deebot, Wed May-06-15 02:35 PM
No fucks given.
12798874, I wonder if white folks would date albino Indians, or Pakistanis?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed May-06-15 03:23 PM
too close to the source perhaps?


12798955, "NO BLACK MEN" isn't the same as "Prefer Black Men"
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-06-15 04:24 PM
One is clearly racist. the other is not. Heck "NO BLACK MEN" and "Prefer White Men" isn't really the same thing.

That's my only point at this point.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12799006, lol
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-06-15 05:15 PM
"No white men" is the same thing.