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12796859, 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by SuiteLady, Mon May-04-15 01:02 PM
16 questions with SuiteLady

1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?
2. What is your deepest longing?
3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or office?
4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of others?
5. What do you listen to or think about on your drive/walk/ride home from work?
6. How powerful do you feel?
7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?
8. What challenges do you face daily?
9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that was memorable?
10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?
11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?
12. What do you love about your life right now?
13. What have you lost interest in recently?
14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?
15. What projects have you started and not finished?
16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense of significance?
12796875, i'll give it a whirl...
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon May-04-15 01:21 PM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?

i dunno, make a nice comment on IG?

>2. What is your deepest longing?

to have the means to travel.

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or

i set the heat between 68-70 in the winter, but wear sweats and a hoodie. in the summer i can't remember what we set the AC on.

>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of

professionally, at this stage, damn near all of them.

>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?

Jay Mohr Sports

>6. How powerful do you feel?

not very

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?

we're too stressed out, mostly over money.

>8. What challenges do you face daily?

managing my son/household and balancing work, family life and personal time. i'm a bit introverted, so i need some alone time.

>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?

participated in a rugged maniac obstacle course thing saturday. also, a coed soccer team that i subbed for won the season championship friday night.

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?

i can't think of one, but pretty sure i've had one.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

whether or not fish had hair (with my 4 year old son haha)

>12. What do you love about your life right now?

i love my son, love my family, love my house and FINALLY love my job. i'm in a good place with lots to love.

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?

hmmm, not sure. i'll think about it.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?

i kinda value order and routine. consistency is vital in keeping those things going.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?

my backyard/deck, but it's getting finished as we speak!

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?

being a father. by far the most important and rewarding thing i've ever done.

12796890, Since I'm a post killer/D-lister, I'll start
Posted by Selassie I God, Mon May-04-15 01:32 PM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?

Sent me a note of encouragement when I needed it

>2. What is your deepest longing?

"True" equal rights and justice for everyone.

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or


>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of

Two, possibly three.

>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?

Sports talk radio, talk radio.

>6. How powerful do you feel?

Not very.

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?

That plutocracy runs the world.

>8. What challenges do you face daily?

Kidney disease, diabetes, being black in america.

>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?

Had an active part in my team winning a bowling tournament. (I have no life...lol)

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?

Virtually never remember a dream. Can't remember the last one I had.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

How law "enforcement" as a system is too powerful in the US.

>12. What do you love about your life right now?

That I still have it, health is improving.

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?

Potential long-term relationships.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?

Just knowing what to expect in a situation helps to minimize variables, makes things easier for the most part.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?

Transferring my vinyl collection to digital format.

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?

Loving my friends, and slowly, learning to love my enemies.
12796895, 16 answers
Posted by Sepia., Mon May-04-15 01:36 PM

1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?

I've gotten a lot of really nice inboxes wishing well and cheering me on.

2. What is your deepest longing?

Deepest buried is probably to have a baby.
Strongest is probably... to live somewhere semi-remote with a hot husband and cute little pets.

3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or office?

Hmm. 72? I guess?

4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of others?

None. Those goals are always doomed.

5. What do you listen to or think about on your drive/walk/ride home from work?

I listen to mood music, like Cocteau Twins, and think about EVERYTHING.
That's why I'm on Cymbalta.

6. How powerful do you feel?


7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?

The lost connection with nature and each other.

8. What challenges do you face daily?

Getting up and trying in spite of feeling hopeless.
It's called depression. It's a liar, but it's powerful.

9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that was memorable?

I can't think of anything.

10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?

Jumping off something high and gliding down, knowing that when I land, it will be incredibly painful.

11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

With my mom, about the fact that she needs an eye exam since like 20 years ago. But she won't get one.

12. What do you love about your life right now?

That it's changing for the better. And how much more activity it involves.

13. What have you lost interest in recently?

Holding grudges.

14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?

Trust. Success.

15. What projects have you started and not finished?


16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense of significance?

Caring for people and animals.
12796905, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by Overqualified, Mon May-04-15 01:45 PM
>16 questions with SuiteLady

>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?
Offered a seat at her VIP table at an event we were both attending.

>2. What is your deepest longing?
To be able to accept love without skepticism.

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or
73 degrees

>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of
Not many. Master of your domain and all that. But cooperation is good.

>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?
What it will take for me to reach a place of satisfaction/peace in my personal life.

>6. How powerful do you feel?
A good amount.

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?
Too much knowledge has made us cynical.

>8. What challenges do you face daily?
Being patient with people.

>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?
Good outing on Saturday. Got fly and went to a big derby party.

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?
Lunches and talks with my (deceased) mother.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?
My grandmother bitching about a plane ticket I bought her to attend my younger sister's college graduation.

>12. What do you love about your life right now?
That I can do, go, buy whatever I want whenever I want.

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?
Football. But I'm sure it will ramp back up once the season starts.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)? So that I can manage my expectations correctly.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?
I was throwing parties for a while recently and had a lot of fun doing it and we were gaining a lot of steam. We had a setback on a major project and it soured me on the whole game and I've been lukewarm on doing it again.

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?
People relying on me for advice, guidance, leadership. I am your big brother...
12796906, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by Fishgrease, Mon May-04-15 01:46 PM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?
wished me a happy bday

>2. What is your deepest longing?
to finish packing up my apartment.
>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or
72 degrees.

>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of
>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?
106.7 fm (talk radio)

>6. How powerful do you feel?
I feel invisible..when i'm not dealing w/allergies.

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?
society's reliance on technology (i.e, cell phones)

>8. What challenges do you face daily?
I'm challenged by not wanting to get up and bring my a$$ into the office.
>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?
I lost $300 betting on the KY derby.

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?
my car keeps getting broken into.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?


>12. What do you love about your life right now?
I'm relatively drama free

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?

Reading. I went from reading at least 2 books a week to barely reading articles online.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?
I like dependability.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?
packing up my apartment for which I have to vacate by 5/23.

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?

Parenthood. I thought I'd fail at it miserably.
12796937, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by Monkey Genius, Mon May-04-15 02:16 PM
1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?
I dunno. Tell me I was hamsum?

2. What is your deepest longing?
Peace. Stability. Consistency.

3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or office?
I usually keep it around 73.

4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of others?
Just about everything. Even the ones that rely only on me rely on having the money that I rely on others for.

5. What do you listen to or think about on your drive/walk/ride home from work?
I work from home but, when in the car, I'm either listening to comedy podcasts or boom bappy rap music.

6. How powerful do you feel?
Somewhere in the middle. I don't feel powerless, but I'm not particularly powerful. I'm confident in the shit I have control over.

7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?

8. What challenges do you face daily?
Self-motivation. I'm not good at getting started on {whatever}.

9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that was memorable?
Had an interesting unexpected conversation.

10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?
I don't remember my dreams. If it's a good one, I'm missing out on it.

11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?
I don't be arguing. Nobody be arguing with me. I'm chill.

12. What do you love about your life right now?
I do what I love for a living.

13. What have you lost interest in recently?
Fresh Off the Boat.

14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?
(Lol @ #2)
I dunno. What's the point of something/someone you can't rely on?

15. What projects have you started and not finished?
Children's novel. Graphic Novel. Moving slowly on the former. At a standstill on the latter.

16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense of significance?
I don't think I've ever considered how significant I am or to whom.
12797035, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by no_alias, Mon May-04-15 03:38 PM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?


>2. What is your deepest longing?

To love and accept myself as I am.

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or

Somewhere in the 70s

>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of

There is some level of cooperation that I rely on for most of my goals. Can't do it alone

>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?

I have a lot of musical ideas in my head that I may nod my head to when there appears to be no music playing lol

>6. How powerful do you feel?

As powerful as I decide to be, which most times isn't very powerful.

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?

A lot of people are impatient and get caught up in instant gratification, since it seems like a lot of things nowadays happen quickly due to technology.

>8. What challenges do you face daily?

Waking up, making it through the work day, trying to avoid being too tired to do anything once I get home from work.

>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?

Nothing really :(

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?

Haven't had many of those lately.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

Not a serious argument, but it was about who should be named NBA MVP

>12. What do you love about your life right now?

I am alive and have the ability to change the things that I don't love.

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?

Daily Fantasy Sports. It is deceptively difficult to make decent money from it.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?

There is a lot of inconsistency in the world. It becomes difficult to depend on anything going as planned.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?

The main one is another instrumental beat tape/project.

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?

Can't think of anything at the moment
12797039, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by Kim Jong Trill, Mon May-04-15 03:50 PM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?


>2. What is your deepest longing?

to have a child

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or


>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of


>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?

ive been listening to a lot of Future, more specifially, "Trap N**ga's"

>6. How powerful do you feel?


>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?

lack of empathy

>8. What challenges do you face daily?


>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?

got into a REAL DEEP discussion on deprression

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?
>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

personal space

>12. What do you love about your life right now?


>13. What have you lost interest in recently?


>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?

Because I'm reckless

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?


>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?


Fuck your fort!
12797111, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by Kira, Mon May-04-15 05:30 PM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?

They gave me some great advice and didn't know it.

>2. What is your deepest longing?

To find that happiness sweat spot with a house car, and dog.

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or

80 degrees

>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of

All of them

>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?

I listen to podcasts and think how to leave town during an emergency flee to Canada. How would I do this? How much prep time would I need? I had a situation in college where I slept on the ground of the college park and bought plane tickets to Costa Rica hoping cops wouldn't come for me. Wound up GETTING LUCKY this individual did not call the cops.

>6. How powerful do you feel?

I feel Jesus Yamato level powerful. I'm talking Aizen levels.

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?

Everyone is too focused on money and it sucks. People will sell they soul for such low amounts.

>8. What challenges do you face daily?

Just trying to secure a future for myself and crisis of culture clash with the church.

>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?

I saved $120 on a vaporizer thanks to Mass Drop.

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?

I'm on the run and forced to leave with less than six hours notice. I somehow wind up back home. Use alcohol on everything to get rid of evidence, dip my hands in cement to alter my fingerprints, set everything on fire I'm not taking with me, and may or may not boobie trap an IED to the apartment just in case. Wind up leaving under the cover of nightfall, getting a face transplant surgery and relocating to Morocco having gotten away scot fee.

The other dream is wake up 10 years, 5 years, and six months ago respectively and figure out a way to change history.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

Where to relocate to.

>12. What do you love about your life right now?

I'm not living in the abusive environment I lived in 10 years ago.

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?

Video games but I still play them.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?

It's important to have some type of home to come back to.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?

This financial statement for this non profit in Cali.

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?

12797468, *raised eyebrow*
Posted by SuiteLady, Tue May-05-15 09:15 AM
12797116, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by SoWhat, Mon May-04-15 05:44 PM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?


>2. What is your deepest longing?

To love!

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or

76 degrees

>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of

All of them.

>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?

Right now I'm listening to a playlist on my iPod - Before House Was Disco.

>6. How powerful do you feel?

Like 70%. I need a recharge.

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?

I can't find shoes that don't hurt my feet.

>8. What challenges do you face daily?

My feet hurt everyday.

>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?

My client who faced a 6 year prison sentence walked out of jail scot-free.

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?

I am hired to entertain a house full of horny frat guys. I'm only wearing my underwear.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

Whether my client should accept a probation sentence.

>12. What do you love about your life right now?

I ain't got no kids! Or a mortgage. Or a spouse. So if I want to move to the USVI on a whim I can.

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?

Moving to the USVI.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?

Bc I don't like surprises.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?

Decorating my apartment.

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?

My career.
12797790, my feet hurt everyday too! I need new shoes bad, but I hate shopping
Posted by SuiteLady, Tue May-05-15 01:19 PM
12797544, RE: 16 Questions with SuiteLady
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 10:15 AM
>16 questions with SuiteLady
>1. What was the most recent nice thing an OKP did for you?
Nice? lol Can't call it. Maybe a 'thank you' for some advice I offered.

>2. What is your deepest longing?
To dictate my time, all the time based on my idea of life as opposed to the structure I was born into.

>3. What temperature is most comfortable for your home or
73-74 degrees

>4. How many of your goals are reliant on the cooperation of
Most of them probably.

>5. What do you listen to or think about on your
>drive/walk/ride home from work?
I listen to my ipod, every now and again I'll mix in urban or pop radio. Sometimes I go without music and reflect/plan.

>6. How powerful do you feel?
Very. Like I can make things happen (or motivate them to at minimum) when I decide to do so.

>7. What’s one downside of the modern day world?
Disconnection coupled with a lack of empathy. Lots of people value followers/views/likes more than relationships which I think leads to waaaaay more narcissism than we use to have.

>8. What challenges do you face daily?
Desired level of comfort, time management (always more to do than I feel I have time to).

>9. Now that it’s behind you, what did you do last week that
>was memorable?
Provided some significant info about myself/my life to a few good friends.

>10. What is your reoccurring dream (if you have one)?
Nope. Not since I was a kid.

>11. What was the last thing you argued about with someone?

>12. What do you love about your life right now?
The fact that I love about 90% of everything in it. Working on the final 10%.

>13. What have you lost interest in recently?
Smart phones. I use to be all geeky about the latest and greatest. Now it's more 'it's just a damn phone/pocket PC'. Handy but...just that, handy.

>14. Why is consistency important (if it is important to you)?
Consistency is the backbone of security, dependability and fairness.

>15. What projects have you started and not finished?
Video editing projects (basketball), recording projects (2) and a writing project (2nd screen play). Soon though...hopefully. Have to clear my plate of a few real world distractions first.

>16. What area of your life has giving you the greatest sense
>of significance?

Fatherhood and facilitation. I feel it in dealing with my kids and when I can be helpful to significant people in my life.