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Topic subjectmeanwhile in Baltimore, cops break Freddie Gray's spine during an arrest
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12785327, meanwhile in Baltimore, cops break Freddie Gray's spine during an arrest
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Apr-20-15 08:30 AM
Police report says Freddie Gray had a knife and was arrested without incident:



City police wrote in court documents that Freddie Gray was arrested "without force or incident" for having a switchblade knife and suffered a medical emergency during transport.

The documents provide the first account of Gray's arrest last week, during which time he was critically injured and later died. The case has sparked outrage, and police have said little about the circumstances, saying the case was under investigation.

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

City police have said that video of the incident — which shows a portion of the arrest — does not show use of force at the time of Gray's arrest, and the cause of his injuries remains unclear.

An attorney hired by Gray's family said his spinal cord was severed. He died Sunday morning, a week after the April 12 incident.

The officers involved have been placed on administrative assignment pending the outcome of the investigation.

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12785343, Theres a protest march scheduled nm
Posted by Binlahab, Mon Apr-20-15 08:39 AM

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12785370, on some real shit...these mofos had more incidents this year alone
Posted by ambient1, Mon Apr-20-15 09:03 AM
than the rest of the country...Hell the feds are still in town investigating and they still give 0 fucks

I been jumping up n down for years about them bastards

Also I find it real convenient that the ccommish just so happens to be on the scene to save the day in 2 separate incidents...I think it was staged

But yeah. ...ain't nothing new
12785382, I said the same thing to my lady this morning...
Posted by Creole, Mon Apr-20-15 09:20 AM
>than the rest of the country...Hell the feds are still in
>town investigating and they still give 0 fucks

Da Mayor is eventually gonna be called to answer on these instances especially now that she has a higher profile considering her plance in the DNC and her seemingly regular appaearances on Meet The Press.

12785392, the Sun did an article on all the lawsuits the city paid out behind cops
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Apr-20-15 09:39 AM
beating on people.

and way what'chu want about Sheila Dixon, the lady cared about ALL of baltimore city...not just the gentrified parts. i feel like Stephanie caters to certain blocks within certain zip codes...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12785423, The blocks that helped her oust Ms. Dixon.
Posted by Creole, Mon Apr-20-15 10:06 AM
> i feel
>like Stephanie caters to certain blocks within certain zip

12785415, BPD been a gang. This ain't nothing new.
Posted by Overqualified, Mon Apr-20-15 09:59 AM
I knew a few people back in the day who got beat by cops for fun or for whatever on their way to booking. Northeast and Eastern district is full of wannabe Alonzos and I'm thinking of a couple officers in particular.
12787395, oh word?
Posted by lfresh, Wed Apr-22-15 10:37 AM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12785770, wait, they arrested him over a knife?
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Apr-20-15 02:03 PM
Practically all dudes carries knives, including me when I'm on the subway.

The sad thing about all of these incidents is that they stem from little shit.

Selling cigarettes
Brake light out

It's ridiculous.
12786043, Fuckin with that dude just because
Posted by Beezo, Mon Apr-20-15 09:34 PM
The knife was that bullshit
12786431, he was on a bicycle
Posted by brownskinbaby, Tue Apr-21-15 11:37 AM
And the cops supposedly had to chase him because they said he fled when they showed up. it sounded to me like he was riding his bike and they decided to fuck with him. They were also on bikes. So they chased him down, pushed him off his bike, broke his leg, arrested him for fleeing but only charged him for having a knife?! That they found after they arrested him.

I moved to west baltimore from the fells point area. In the two years that i habe lived over here I have had more ficked uo encounters with the cops than I have ever had in my entire life. When i lived in one of SRB's favorite neighborhoods the cops actually felt like they were looking out for you and they actually helped. Over here they just try and escalate a situation so they can shoot you.

I was driving my hisbands car on a friday night around midnight about a month ago and we were stopped because of a tail light being out. My husband was asleep in the passengers seat. We ended up having three cop cars and when they were running my liscense, I glanced in my passengers side rearvoew mirror and there was a cop crouched with his gun drawn. When it was all said and done, they didnt even give work order. Just a paper that said that i had come in contact woth the cops.

If my husband had been awake, or moved his hands too quickly, there was someone who was ready and waiting ro shoot him. And all we got pulled over for was a taillight.

12785872, ...anyone catch the press conference on CNN, just now...
Posted by Walk On, Mon Apr-20-15 03:35 PM
...they ain't got no answers.

Not even sure why they did this... other than to hopefully quell community outrage...

...however it appears to fail in that regard.
12785894, i peeped it...they settin us up for the okey doke
Posted by ambient1, Mon Apr-20-15 04:09 PM
oh he must have somehow tumbled around in the back of the wagon and that caused his injuries

Steph is clueless

and Batts...is a joke
12789959, and just as i said
Posted by ambient1, Fri Apr-24-15 03:52 PM
12786036, I watched it on ABC.com this afternoon
Posted by Selassie I God, Mon Apr-20-15 09:03 PM
a whole bunch of "We don't know"s intermixed with "seems like there was no wrongdoing on the officers' part" with a couple of "we'll give you the recording soon" for good measure. These folks were spinning away with no info...the BS ruling will come next friday.
12786108, Carrying a switchblade ?
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Apr-21-15 01:17 AM
WTF was he cosplaying WestSide story ? weird!
12786444, I'll push you down the stairs and tell your mama you fell (c) my dad
Posted by bentagain, Tue Apr-21-15 11:46 AM
they're trying to say his injuries


happened in the van

12786843, Police captait on the Situation Room now
Posted by Beezo, Tue Apr-21-15 04:19 PM
dancing around all questions
12786947, And now the cops are on that "Stop Snitching" SMH. FTP.
Posted by Castro, Tue Apr-21-15 06:57 PM
12786948, They always been on that
Posted by Siddartha, Tue Apr-21-15 07:00 PM
12787055, True.
Posted by Castro, Tue Apr-21-15 10:49 PM
12786956, ta nehisi coates at JHU april 28th
Posted by akon, Tue Apr-21-15 07:20 PM

JHU Forums on Race in America
April 28, 2015, 6:30 PM
Shriver Hall on the Homewood Campus

The national turmoil over racial inequality and community policing in recent months has not gone unnoticed in the Johns Hopkins community.

In Ferguson, Staten Island, North Charleston—and right here in Baltimore—controversy over the treatment of minorities has again turned a spotlight on America’s painful legacy on race. The products of institutionalized racism: police brutality, mass incarceration, separate and unequal schools, and an ever growing wealth gap between black and white Americans causes pain and frustration for our faculty, staff, students, and wider Baltimore community. Discordant views about race in our nation are also present in our classrooms, department meetings, and public spaces on campus.

In keeping with our commitment to diversity, community service, inclusion, and academic freedom, the Johns Hopkins University presents the JHU Forums on Race in America series. These forums will provide an ongoing opportunity for critical analysis and dialogue on the ways that race and racism affect American life and culture

The inaugural JHU Forums on Race in America event will feature a discussion between three of the nation’s leading scholars on race: Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic National Correspondent, Dr. Nathan Connolly, JHU Assistant Professor of History, and Dr. Debra Furr-Holden, JHU Associate Professor of Mental Health.

*dont know how i feel about jhu.*
12787047, I hope all they talk about it Baltimore...especially JHU
Posted by Castro, Tue Apr-21-15 10:39 PM
12787142, you should come
Posted by akon, Wed Apr-22-15 08:44 AM
12787375, Time permitting, I will be there.
Posted by Castro, Wed Apr-22-15 10:32 AM
12787306, I'll be there. May even bring my daughter.
Posted by Creole, Wed Apr-22-15 10:07 AM
Thanks for the info.
12787313, re: *dont know how i feel about jhu.*
Posted by BigJazz, Wed Apr-22-15 10:09 AM
i STILL feel like they're the EVIL EMPIRE but i applaud them for providing a forum for this.

schedule permitting, i'll be there...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12787416, awesome. looking forward to seeing y'all
Posted by akon, Wed Apr-22-15 10:53 AM
12792568, event got cancelled
Posted by akon, Tue Apr-28-15 10:00 AM
12786961, expect a lot more of this
Posted by ambient1, Tue Apr-21-15 07:24 PM

Our folks wired a lil different
12786969, Plenty more to come
Posted by Beezo, Tue Apr-21-15 07:57 PM
12786994, 'we are now moving on to North street which is a very big avenue
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-21-15 08:55 PM
here in Baltimore' (c) overwhelmed news reporter
12787093, Yea , his mind was focusing on an exit strategy.
Posted by Beezo, Wed Apr-22-15 06:36 AM
Looking like, "I didn't sign up for this"

>here in Baltimore' (c) overwhelmed news reporter
12789257, Lol I didnt catch that at first!
Posted by nativesun07, Thu Apr-23-15 11:20 PM
12787023, The police are going to keep this up until cities burn
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Tue Apr-21-15 09:43 PM
Mark my word, if they keep killing unarmed niggas at a hefty clip.... as it gets warm expect riots. People are angry and that anger is growing....the way police are spreading shit around just about every major and minor city will have their very own home grown Mike Brown and Eric Garner.

I'm stocking up on these as we speak http://www.fireextinguisherpittsburgh.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Amerex-Fire-Extinguisher.jpg

They are operating like the fucking KKK at this point. I'm not sure how they think this pressure is going to be released. It's only so much marching young niggas are going to be willing to do when they are literally executing niggas in the streets like dogs twice a week.

12789051, you say that like the cities burning is gonna stop them. prolly not.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Apr-23-15 06:10 PM
it hasnt in the past.

time to demand accountability. this has got to reach beyond the black community and into everyone in america. it should. it affects us all.
12787098, 7 more days til Apr 29th..Whatchall niggas gon do?
Posted by LAbeathustla, Wed Apr-22-15 07:01 AM
niggas in LA shut it down for a few days solid.....we gon see who wired a lil different
12787103, did you riot?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Apr-22-15 07:28 AM
12787373, lol...ok
Posted by ambient1, Wed Apr-22-15 10:30 AM
12787398, whet?
Posted by lfresh, Wed Apr-22-15 10:41 AM
you making this a competition?
the fuck is wrong with you?

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12789045, We tried that in 1967. And 1968.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Apr-23-15 06:05 PM
How'd that work out for us?

How did that 1992 shit work out for South Central?
12787106, made it ten seconds in and already i want to hurt somebody
Posted by kayru99, Wed Apr-22-15 07:33 AM
12789039, 11 days after Freddie's death and still few answers
Posted by Beezo, Thu Apr-23-15 06:03 PM
12789213, :(
Posted by lfresh, Thu Apr-23-15 09:39 PM
It's pretty much what the lawyer said
Police are too busy seeking ways to avoid prosecution with the DA office assisting in the avoidance
While politicians hope the citizens calm down
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12789273, that's because the people looking for them are actually avoiding them
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Apr-24-15 12:54 AM
this was no accident, obviously, he didn't scoot the wrong way in the back seat and break his fucking back.

you got people trying to pass the buck and even a watered down version of the truth would be a match to a gas leak right now. what a disgusting situation. how much do we have to pay in terms of money, anguish and blood before the public gets fed up with this shit for real?
12789309, Yea, it's a fucked up situation all around
Posted by Beezo, Fri Apr-24-15 06:36 AM
I feel for his family.
12789328, ppl talkin bout a BOYCOTT BMORE campain like they're doing to Indiana
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Apr-24-15 07:57 AM
i think taking away tourism money will do more harm than good because alotta people feed their families off them tourist dollars. the service industry is probably the 2nd biggest employer in the hood behind the hospitals...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12790009, Another major march and rally planned for tomorrow
Posted by Beezo, Fri Apr-24-15 05:17 PM
adjust your travels accordingly
12790447, *smh* at this so called press conference by our raggedy mayor
Posted by Beezo, Sat Apr-25-15 09:04 PM
12790460, deer in headlights
Posted by BigJazz, Sat Apr-25-15 09:32 PM
Posted by Kira, Sat Apr-25-15 11:06 PM

BMore OKPs, stay safe out there because SHIT GOT REAL.

*Does not look forward to the media painting us as thug hooligan criminals*


They locked people in the stadium until the situation quieted down.
12790547, if Batts comes out and says cops laid hands on Freddie and then
Posted by BigJazz, Sun Apr-26-15 08:45 AM
charges the cops, this thing can go one way.

but if the official statement tries to play it like my man's spine got severed just from falling and bouncing around in the back of the paddy wagon, shit gonna go the other way...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12790570, The thing is that no seatbelt paddywaggon shit is worse
Posted by BigReg, Sun Apr-26-15 10:20 AM
>charges the cops, this thing can go one way.
>but if the official statement tries to play it like my man's
>spine got severed just from falling and bouncing around in the
>back of the paddy wagon, shit gonna go the other way...
>I'm tryna be better off, not better than...



It's a thing they do, hog tie em, drive crazy home, have them knock around to give em a 'rough ride'
12791224, Oh oooo! Here comes Brother Sharpton and Jesse!
Posted by Creole, Mon Apr-27-15 10:55 AM

Are they needed? City leadership has done pretty well without them. What value will they add?
12791270, absolutely nothing.....like that Shabazz cat...and i like Al
Posted by ambient1, Mon Apr-27-15 11:16 AM
but we don't need no more outsiders f'real

they bringin a bunch of energy without a specific purpose

hence the kids wylin out on the yt folks Saturday...they just needed a lil nudge and they got it

We are a Black city, with Black leaders, Black police and Black money and carrying our anger n frustration out on random white people from Ellicott City n Aberdeen.... instead of...idk..
the actual police officer(s) who did this (and the BCPD as a whole)

we need our 'smarter'(not necessarily booksmart) demographic to stand up and grab the mic and cameras...I can say a lot of bad about Jamal Bryant but he is front n center as far as this goes
12791279, I feel you wholeheartedly on all of this and even on Pastor Bryant/
Posted by Creole, Mon Apr-27-15 11:23 AM
I've been, up until Saturday night, extremely proud of how the city has reacted. For all of its warts, this city has been exemplary in how it has responded to this.

I'm just hoping and praying we continue to shine through this while waiting for justice to be served.

Jesse and Al need to keep it moving though. Our city leaders (those helping to galvanize and lead the people) have done a fine job of leading. I don't see any value being added by those two cats.

Edit: By "city leaders", I am not talking about the mayor or commissioner who I believe are doing the best they can under the circumstances. We'd all be hard-pressed to act in the most perfect manner if we were in those positions. Not to speak for everybody but I know I would.
12791300, it coulda been ALOT worse...and they know it
Posted by ambient1, Mon Apr-27-15 11:37 AM
i was lookin at the crowds(size wise) like....man ....

that look like a club let out
12791299, What exactly are the political demands of these protests/organizers?
Posted by Overqualified, Mon Apr-27-15 11:36 AM
I see a lot going on, but to me, from afar, not really a unified voice. Besides an investigation into that specific incident, what are they asking for that addresses the systemic issues? Without that kind of accountability on both sides, this has the opportunity to just blow over or chalked up as another Baltimore incident.
12791306, The demands were made during a closed door session...
Posted by Creole, Mon Apr-27-15 11:40 AM
with the Mayor and Police Commissioner last week when many of the city's leaders were invited to City Hall. The systemic issues and concerns were raised there during that meeting from what I understand.

So, we've gotta see how it plays out. And with three separate investigations being run, I'm positive that the systemic issues are addressed.
12791328, that's the problem...it's like 2 or 3 different issues and a million
Posted by ambient1, Mon Apr-27-15 11:51 AM

the problem is they killed that boy
and everybody is tired of the police
the police have been wylin the fuck out for a long time...moreso recently

i been sayin it for as long as i been postin here

so folks are protesting because they think they are gonna basically brush this off....why the cops aint charged yet...whats this bs ya'll feedin us

so the protests are moreso like nahhh buddy...not no more...like a pre-emptive strike

the victims are black....but so are the leaders and the power base

u turn on tv on Thursday/Friday and u got channel 13 talkin about
'Oh...there is a plan to SHUT DOWN THE CITY TOMORROW'

it's like they threw out a bat signal to the young boys

nothing happened ALLLLLLLLLLLL week while they was protesting by Gilmore (cept yo with the fuck cnn lol)

12791366, That's what disappoints me (and has) for a long time
Posted by Overqualified, Mon Apr-27-15 12:08 PM
As you said, the so called "smarter" black Baltimore that has run the the gov't for a long time, bootlicks powerful whites (JHU, Paterakis, etc.), simultaneously disdains and takes advantage of the rest of the populous, all while protecting and placing their friends needs to be held to the fire. Where are those people? Sometimes it seems that despite almost seemingly lifelong appointments, no one is standing up as a true Baltimorean with the best interest of the city in mind, just their next election, maintaining their relationships, or keeping their current seat. Maybe that's the nature of politics. Maybe that's the nature of Baltimore. Either way, we can't afford it anymore.
12791402, I got friends in some of those new leadership positions...i know their
Posted by ambient1, Mon Apr-27-15 12:22 PM
Character b4 the power and i pray they stay on par

I think a change is coming

12791276, Good. What's wrong with Sharpton helping to bring some order.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 11:22 AM
Ain't nobody else taking the initiative accept Jamal Bryant and he needs some help.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791287, aint nothin Sharpton or Jessie capable of doing that'll help bring order...
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Apr-27-15 11:27 AM
I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12791316, Sharpton has a national platform an a voice.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 11:45 AM
Yet, Black people always eat their own.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791323, the people that looted 7-11 or the ones kicking in windows by the Gallery
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Apr-27-15 11:49 AM
woulda chilled if Al told them to?

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12791329, Nah, Name a person. Stop defecting.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 11:51 AM
Name a person.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791292, There's more than Pastor Bryant leading and involved with...
Posted by Creole, Mon Apr-27-15 11:29 AM
>RE: Good. What's wrong with Sharpton helping to bring some order.
>Ain't nobody else taking the initiative accept Jamal Bryant
>and he needs some help.

organizing. There are people here who love their city and want the best for their city. They are right there with Pastor Bryant. Despite not having the name, they are just as passionate about the cause and seeing that justice is served.

12791321, Can you name one.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 11:47 AM
Who else in the clergy that has a platform that is doing anything locally? I don't know so I'm asking.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791381, Rev. Heber Brown and Rev. Frank Reid are two of them
Posted by Creole, Mon Apr-27-15 12:15 PM

And according to this piece, Baltimore city leaders and Baltimore city community leaders are working hand-in-hand to control and lead the city through this. And there are leaders of varying denominations, faiths, etc who in on leading the community through it all.
12791412, OK Cool.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 12:27 PM
>And according to this piece, Baltimore city leaders and
>Baltimore city community leaders are working hand-in-hand to
>control and lead the city through this. And there are leaders
>of varying denominations, faiths, etc who in on leading the
>community through it all.

The morning after Freddie Gray's death, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake sat at a table with two dozen clergy members, activists and community leaders she had invited to City Hall.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12792320, Its not just preachers....
Posted by Castro, Tue Apr-28-15 01:03 AM
NOI has has a big impact...

12791298, Nah, we don't need Sharpton down here, bro.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Apr-27-15 11:36 AM
And I like Al.

But being here I now understand what other people from places like Ferguson meant when they said the same.

Baltimore can handle it on its own.
12791326, Who do you need? Name them? Who's able?
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 11:50 AM
>And I like Al.
>But being here I now understand what other people from places
>like Ferguson meant when they said the same.
>Baltimore can handle it on its own.

Oh and y'all are doing a fine job at handling it. It will get worst if it keeps going the way y'all are managing.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791367, You do realize that protests without incident have been..
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Apr-27-15 12:09 PM
going on for the past week, right?
12791379, Yes, I do. I know the media's game.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 12:14 PM
But you best believe that perception is important.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791376, Baltimoreans are VERY VERY territorial and prideful
Posted by Overqualified, Mon Apr-27-15 12:12 PM
almost to the point of having an eternal chip on our shoulder. This is a BALTIMORE issue and we need BALTIMORE people to solve it. Al and Jesse add nothing to the equation.
12791382, My Baltimore bro broke it all down to me.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 12:15 PM
This is why it's going to be a mess.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791483, You're speaking from a place of ignorance right now.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Apr-27-15 01:07 PM
12791485, idk why ya'll go back n forth wit yo lol
Posted by ambient1, Mon Apr-27-15 01:08 PM
12791634, Dude, I was agreeing with you. What's your deal?
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 02:06 PM

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12792321, Its not going to be a mess. Al and Jesse will be put in their place shortly.
Posted by Castro, Tue Apr-28-15 01:05 AM
And that place is on the boarding call at BWI back to NY and CHI.
12791425, BMore Bloods & Crips Call Truce/Unite to Fight Police Brutality
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 12:35 PM
Baltimore ‘Bloods’ and ‘Crips’ Call Truce and Unite To Fight Police Brutality


In a move reminiscent of the Los Angeles gang truce during the Rodney King protests, Baltimore area Bloods and Crips have agreed to put aside their rivalry and focus on fighting rogue police officers.

Last Saturday, both Bloods and Crips marched side by side in the Baltimore rallies against police brutality. Putting aside differences, both groups united in one voice to demand “Justice for Freddie Grey.”

Reports among members indicate that members of the Nation of Islam organization brokered the truce, much the same as happened in Los Angeles two decades ago.

“I can say with honesty those brothers demonstrated they can be united for a common good,” Carlos Muhammad, a minister at Nation of Islam’s Mosque No. 6 said.

“At the rally, they made the call that they must be united on that day. It should be commended,” he continued.

“We can unite and stop killing one another, and the Bloods and the Crips can help rebuild their community,” Muhammad said in an interview with the The Daily Beast.

A community organizer, DeRay McKesson, confirmed the ceasefire between the groups.

“The fight against police brutality has united people in many ways that we have not seen regularly, and that’s really powerful,” McKesson said.

“The reality is, police have been terrorizing black people as far back as we can remember. It will take all of us coming together to change a corrupt system,” he added.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake acknowledged the peace-brokering efforts of the Nation of Islam, singling them out specifically for helping to stop the violence in the community.

“I want to also thank the Nation of Islam, who have been very present in our efforts to keep calm and peace in our city,” she stated.

The mayor had nothing to say, however, about their criticisms of police violence.

(Article by M. David)

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791587, of course the cops tryna paint this like they are declaring war on BPD
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Apr-27-15 01:47 PM
basically saying they are gonna stop fighting each other to target cops. SMH.
12791630, Right
Posted by Beezo, Mon Apr-27-15 02:04 PM
>basically saying they are gonna stop fighting each other to
>target cops. SMH.
12791640, Did you even read the article?
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 02:07 PM
Because your comments don't line up

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12792324, They=BPD, not the author of the article
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Apr-28-15 01:35 AM
12791685, for those of us HERE now.please get ya'll kids and this purge
Posted by ambient1, Mon Apr-27-15 02:20 PM

KIDS organized this goofy shit

12791696, Oh, Nah, Let them take care of if. BMore got it under control.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-27-15 02:23 PM

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12791705, Yeah, because Al Sharpton is so connected to Baltimore teens.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Apr-27-15 02:26 PM
Surely he can come save us all from ourselves.
12792415, Man, y'all love deflecting form the core issue.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Apr-28-15 07:49 AM
>Surely he can come save us all from ourselves.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12792879, Deflecting from the core issue?
Posted by daryloneal, Tue Apr-28-15 01:12 PM
My comment directly relates to your rejection of the notion that we don't need Al Sharpton.

Your comment mocks our stance on that and I responded accordingly.
12791740, Yea.. Heard they are down Mondawmin Wilson out.
Posted by Beezo, Mon Apr-27-15 02:36 PM
12792222, damn
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Apr-27-15 09:07 PM

shit is fucked up...