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Topic subjectsince tomorrow is 420
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12785059, since tomorrow is 420
Posted by Nvncible1, Sun Apr-19-15 12:21 PM
I never smoked before. never had the urge to smoke before. Until now.25.

Want to experience something new. something different. Open up a bit

What should I know.

I kinda would rather EAT than smoke. Don't like inhaling smoke.

So what should I do.

I'll five myself till the end of tomorrow to decide if I'm gonna do it or not.

I spent my whole life teriffied of "drugs"
And alcohol. So. There's that lol.

what should I look for? Consider? I don't know where to start with this.

I already got an addictive personality so I may be on the pipe come friday. We'll see.

12785067, since ur already 25 dont bother ur not missin much, go eat
Posted by Ezzsential, Sun Apr-19-15 12:39 PM

i dont have colors
my mmsic:
12785078, most first timers don't notice any affects.
Posted by Nodima, Sun Apr-19-15 01:37 PM
I first smoked when I was 15, and it was some reggies, but it wasn't until the third or fourth time I really felt different or had any prolonged affects.

Also, THC can be mentally addicting but it has no tangible physical triggers the way cigarettes, alcohol or harder drugs do. You won't ever see someone smoking marijuana and feel a sudden urge to smoke it, unless you have any complexes about "missing out" or "not being cool" which you should mostly be over at 25.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
12785079, you'll be alright either way
Posted by Grand_Royal, Sun Apr-19-15 01:40 PM
u won't be strung out and u can't miss what u never had.
12785084, Lisa Nicole Carson and Bernie got serious consequences from
Posted by c71, Sun Apr-19-15 02:07 PM
smoking joints laced with stuff (Bernie wrote about that in the book he put out before he died "I ain't scared of you: Bernie Mac on how life is"). So that's a possibility from smoking.

As far as eating.........


Marijuana Edibles Blamed For Keystone Death

March 25, 2015 6:00 PM

DENVER (CBS4) – The family of a Tulsa, Oklahoma, man who shot himself Saturday night in Keystone is blaming his suicide on his ingestion of edible marijuana candies.

“It was completely a reaction to the drugs,” Kim Goodman said about her son Luke’s Saturday night suicide.

Luke Goodman’s death is now the third death in Colorado linked to marijuana edibles.

The 23-year-old college graduate was in the midst of a two-week ski and snowboard vacation with family members. Saturday afternoon he and his cousin, Caleb Fowler, took a bus from Keystone to Silverthorne where Fowler says they bought $78 worth of edibles and marijuana.

“He was excited to do them,” Fowler told CBS4.

When the young men got back to Keystone, Fowler said they began ingesting the edible pot. He said his cousin favored some peach tart candies, each piece of candy containing 10 mg of the active ingredient in marijuana, the recommended dose for an adult consuming an edible.
But when Goodman consumed several and experienced no immediate effects he kept gobbling them up.

“Luke popped two simultaneously” after the first two didn’t seem to do anything, said Fowler.

Then he said Goodman took a fifth candy, five times the recommended dose. His mother says her son likely didn’t see the warning on the back of the container which says, “The intoxicating effects of this product may be delayed by two or more hours … the standardized serving size for this product includes no more than 10 mg.”

Several hours later Fowler said his cousin became “jittery” then incoherent and talking nonsensically.

“He would make eye contact with us but didn’t see us, didn’t recognize our presence almost. He had never got close to this point, I had never seen him like this,” Fowler said.

owler says Goodman became “pretty weird and relatively incoherent. It was almost like something else was speaking through him.”

When family members left the condo Goodman refused to join them. After they left he got a handgun that he typically traveled with for protection, and turned it on himself.

Summit County Coroner Regan Wood says the preliminary cause of death is a self-inflicted gunshot wound. As for the impact of the marijuana edibles, she said, “That’s what we’ve heard consistently.”

She said the impact the edibles had on Goodman will be more clear when toxicology results come back in a few weeks.

“It’s still under investigation,” said Wood.

While definitive answers may be weeks away, Kim Goodman, Luke Goodman’s mother, told CBS4 she knows why her son took his own life.
“It was 100 percent the drugs,” she said. “It was completely because of the drugs — he had consumed so much of it.”

She said her son was well adapted, well-adjusted and had no signs of depression or suicidal thoughts.

“It was completely out of character for Luke … there was no depression or anything that would leave us being concerned, nothing like that.”

Caleb Fowler echoed the feeling saying he fully believed the ingestion of so much marijuana laced candy triggered the suicide.

“He was the happiest guy in the world. He had everything going for him.”

A year ago a Wyoming college student jumped to his death from a Denver hotel balcony after eating a marijuana cookie. Witnesses said Levy Thamba Pongi was rambling incoherently after eating the cookie. The Denver coroner ruled “marijuana intoxication” was a significant factor in Pongi’s death.

Richard Kirk of Denver faces first-degree murder charges stemming from the fatal shooting of his wife in Denver last year. Before her death his wife called 911 and said her husband had eaten marijuana candy and taken prescription medication and was hallucinating.

Luke Goodman’s family is now planning a memorial service for Friday in Tulsa. His mother says she remembers her last interaction with her son.

“We both said ‘I love you’ and I said ‘Have a great week.’”

Kim Goodman told CBS4 she believes marijuana edibles should be removed from store shelves.

“I would love to see edibles taken off the market … I think edibles are so much more dangerous.”


Suburban Chicago housekeeper hospitalized after unwittingly eating pot brownie

Two young men made the brownies for themselves, but left them on a counter. They face charges for violating a local Orland Park ordinance.



Even the brownies have gone to pot.

A housekeeper tasked with cleaning a suburban Chicago home ended up hospitalized after she unknowingly ate brownies laced with weed.

Two men, 22 and 23, used the Orland Park, Ill. home to make the trippy treats last month and left them on a kitchen counter, the Chicago Tribune reported. When the 57-year-old woman came to clean the pad, owned by the 23-year-old’s parents, who were out of town, she ate a fudgy brownie and got more than she bargained for.

The unwittingly drug-addled maid told the 23-year-old she felt sick, so he called her an ambulance. Once at the hospital, the woman tested positive for marijuana, sparking a police investigation.

The men ultimately admitted to making the pot brownies and the 22-year-old led cops to a trash can where they had tossed the rest of the batch. The Tupperware containers filled with brownies “smelled very strong of marijuana,” a police report said.

Both men were charged with violating the town's reckless-conduct ordinance and are scheduled for a hearing Aug. 13. The maid, who has since recovered, doesn’t plan on pressing charges, the Tribune reports.
12785093, edibles are dangerous, man
Posted by NikaMandela, Sun Apr-19-15 02:45 PM
i fear they're going to undermine the legalization movement if ppl keep OD'ing on these shits and harming themselves.

i had a BAD trip on some edibles once and i am an experienced weedhead. at least i knew to tell myself that i was just high as fuck but if i was new to it i know i'd be spazzing out.
12785111, I think that whole "laced" thing is such urban legend bullshit
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-19-15 04:02 PM
I heard Bernie Mac tell his story in an interview and yes I knew a guy who once smoked sherm unknowingly (though it was more of a misunderstanding than any sort of deception) but overall why would people lace weed? What would they lace it with? I hear all these stories about weed being laced with cocaine, that is laughable. Even dudes who smoke chewie are just wasting the coke, it burns on impact with the flames and has no psychoactive effect when consumed that way.

I guess it could be laced with sherm but more likely is a patch with much insecticide or some other chemical from the growing process. I guess that's moderately harmful if repeated over time but nothing that will affect a one-time or occasional user.

Edibles are weird because it's hard to gauge the strength of them and they take a while to hit you. The most negative experience I have had with them is just being really tired, like *needing* to sleep, and it was just a matter of eating way too many.

That kid who killed himself, eh, I wouldn't take that at face value. Besides how many people commit suicide under the influence of alcohol? Hell it's listed as a potential side effect on all sorts of prescription MAOIs and SRIs. Millions of people do those things every day without incident. I think that is just anti-marijuana people in desperate search of the elusive smoking gun and an understandably devastated family playing into their hands.
12785130, RE: I think that whole "laced" thing is such urban legend bullshit
Posted by c71, Sun Apr-19-15 05:25 PM
>What would they lace it

There was a pretty big thing in the NY Press in the early 2000's that it was getting pretty popular to lace weed with angel dust and embalming fluid.

The OKP luv-ed/adored rapper Beanie Siegel once had a line in a rap tune that said: "I used to wil' off embalming fluid"

So the NY thing for a while was "wet" - weed + angel dust + sometimes embalming fluid.

So the thing is: should the consumers trust a dealer so much that the dealer would keep his or her "wet" stash completely separate from the non-wet stash?

I'm guessing you'd say dealers would be extra-careful but as a square-never used anything person, I wouldn't trust a dealer for nothing, esp. keeping their different "varieties" separate.
12785135, first
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Apr-19-15 05:40 PM
if someone is lacing an entire sack i call complete BS

now you buying prerolled blunts or something? I could see that.

but as a dealer you are screwing yourself because obviously the laced ones cost more so it would be prohibitive to get them mixed up, from a business stand point
12785139, yeah it just makes no sense at all
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-19-15 05:50 PM
12785086, first step to being a meth head. weed.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Apr-19-15 02:15 PM
12785109, First step to being an alcoholic is breast milk! Put that titty away!
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-19-15 03:56 PM
12785094, do not do edibles
Posted by NikaMandela, Sun Apr-19-15 02:45 PM
just smoke a regular j and see how you like it.
12785108, Smoke it, don't eat it, start out with a sativa, not an indica
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-19-15 03:55 PM
Smoking is much easier to control the dose and the onset is immediate. I think eating it your first time is a mistake.

Start with a sativa, I think an indica or indica-heavy hybrid is likely to just put you to sleep.

Weed, especially early on, just makes the good shit way better. Comedy, food, sex, video games, I dunno, whatever you normally like doing when you chill the fuck out.
12785141, Gets in this line n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Sun Apr-19-15 05:53 PM
12785154, yeah people need to be careful eating
Posted by makaveli, Sun Apr-19-15 06:38 PM
you can freak yourself out if you eat too much.
12785253, ^^^^^
Posted by Madvillain 626, Sun Apr-19-15 11:46 PM
12785113, you're gonna eat waaay too much if you go that route
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Apr-19-15 04:06 PM
because it takes a while for the high to kick in

most people (especially noobs) think they didn't eat enough and will eat too much
12785133, LOL at y'all saying edibles are dangerous.
Posted by bwood, Sun Apr-19-15 05:37 PM
Just take a small dose. Shit kicks in in about 30 to 40 minutes and it's a high that last's all day depending on how strong it is. My preferred way of getting high. Especially before a movie I'm pretty sure is gonna be basura.
12785136, ya eating is fine just learn from every person before you's mistakes
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Apr-19-15 05:42 PM
eat a small amount, wait longer than an hour before deciding to eat any more.

12785138, RE: LOL at y'all saying edibles are dangerous.
Posted by c71, Sun Apr-19-15 05:43 PM
>Just take a small dose.

If you have to make sure you give the warning on "dosage" for edibles, then you are acknowledging there is a danger of a new user of edibles to do what the guy did in the article I posted in reply #4.
12785144, I took a large dose before
Posted by bwood, Sun Apr-19-15 06:00 PM
Nothing bad happened except I fell asleep and was high for a really long time.
12785149, oh, well if that happened to you then this other person will be fine!
Posted by bearfield, Sun Apr-19-15 06:26 PM
since substances affect everyone in the exact same manner
12785164, Cotdamn y'all be jumping to conclusions
Posted by bwood, Sun Apr-19-15 07:08 PM
Me an 12 other people did large doses and were relatively fine.

Y'all are trying to make it out tha you'll die.
12785168, i think you're conflating advised caution with doom and gloom
Posted by bearfield, Sun Apr-19-15 07:25 PM
all i see in this post is a bunch of people warning a first timer against the possibility of a bad trip. maybe some of these people are speaking from experience. perhaps they noted that the OP used the phrase "terrified of drugs" and took that into consideration when responding. telling this person to be safe on their first go isn't a bad thing at all
12785145, It's not even "danger" it's just that you'll be high as fuck.
Posted by Hitokiri, Sun Apr-19-15 06:00 PM
12785148, yeah wont really be able to enjoy it. i dont recommend wax either
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-19-15 06:18 PM
i mean if you have *good* wax even an experienced stoner will be gone off that shit.

something tasty and heady and lively. maybe some green crack or blue dream would be a nice introductory smoke.
12785156, ya for a firstimer and you trying to celebrate
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Apr-19-15 06:39 PM
get one of those comically huge blunts or joints

vape something

youll be good
12785140, yeah but for a first timer? not 'dangerous,' just not preferable
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-19-15 05:51 PM
also i find that if i have some edibles at one point and catch a buzz and then eat more later, i dont feel the effects the second time.
12785143, See that never happens for me.
Posted by bwood, Sun Apr-19-15 05:59 PM
I took it for a second time one day and got back to where I wanted to be.
12785142, only smoke with women. it increases your chances of getting laid
Posted by atruhead, Sun Apr-19-15 05:57 PM
but yeah, dont fuck with edibles your first time, if at all
you'll be stoned in a way that isn't fun

it's like losing your virginity to a nymphomaniac. you wont know what the hell is going on
12785155, if you have never smoked before, don't start now.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Sun Apr-19-15 06:38 PM
12785159, why not? my first time smoking was at 28
Posted by atruhead, Sun Apr-19-15 06:45 PM
I havent smoked since 30 (5 years ago), but that's mostly out of convenience. I dont feel like paying for it and even learning how to roll up etc.

if I cared enough, I would be a weed head because I dont drink much at all
12785165, why?
Posted by kinetic94761180, Sun Apr-19-15 07:09 PM
as an avid pot smoker, i still envy those who have never once tried it.
12785262, say whuuuuuuuu? fam, turn in your card, you're outta the union
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Apr-20-15 12:15 AM
12785297, the older I get...the more I want to get/back into it......
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Apr-20-15 05:38 AM

I might meander around the parks today and see if I can stumble on some folks celebrating...

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."