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Topic subjectthe isreali national election official post
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12753517, the isreali national election official post
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Mar-17-15 07:45 AM
incredibly dramatic election in isreal front n center. why does it matter?


BECAUSE...if he wins & carries through on this...palestinians will get their intifada on. more war! and nobody wants that.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12753582, Netanyahu is a mammoth piece of shit.
Posted by Mongo, Tue Mar-17-15 08:46 AM
He's privatized fucking everything, overseen two pointless 'wars' in two years, has overseen a dramatic drop in living standards, done nothing to regulate runaway real estate and food prices, crippled anything even vaguely resembling a peace process, alienated most of the planet, humiliated Diaspora Jewry, and most recently flat-out admitted there would be no Palestine under his continued tenancy -- after YEARS of saying there was no 'honest partner' for peace on the Palestinian side.

He's a slimy sack of bastard and I wish nothing good on him or his fuckboy party.
12753633, It's obvious that his agenda is ethnic cleansing
Posted by initiationofplato, Tue Mar-17-15 09:18 AM
Slowly, but surely, he is pushing the Palestinians out. He wants the Gaza strip and it's only a matter of time before Israel gets it.
12753687, Nobody wants the Gaza strip.
Posted by Mongo, Tue Mar-17-15 09:49 AM
It's one of the densest human-occupied regions in the world. Egypt and Israel are both content to leave it as an urban prison camp, apparently.
12753694, Hmm
Posted by initiationofplato, Tue Mar-17-15 09:55 AM
I never thought of it that way. You may have a point, however, from what I observed.

- Continued rise in illegal settlements
- Continued assaults on Palestinian infrastructure: "Schools, hospitals, power plants"
- Cut off financially and economically from the world.
- Every-time there is a conflict of some sort, Israel takes another inch. This has been happening for many years.
- I don't think the citizens of Israel want to live under constant threat of rocket attacks either, as a result, I think Israel is slowly, but surely, pushing them out. One way or another.

Also, this is not solely my opinion. Check out Chomsky's address to the United Nations on the matter.

12753688, Nope. That's what makes his antics wacko
Posted by BigReg, Tue Mar-17-15 09:49 AM
He probably gets it more then most and at the end of the day doesn't really care about the Jewish state at all; he just wants to keep power. He's trolling just to keep his job and whipping the right wing into a frenzy to regain power is a popular tactic across the world, lol
12753693, ^^^ Read my fucking mind ^^^
Posted by Mongo, Tue Mar-17-15 09:54 AM
12753696, He is a mad man.
Posted by initiationofplato, Tue Mar-17-15 09:55 AM
12754846, pretty much, not exactly unique in the world of politics but still shameful
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Mar-18-15 01:13 AM
12753689, ideally, who would you like to see win the election?
Posted by Vex_id, Tue Mar-17-15 09:50 AM
I'm trying to inform myself on the other candidates and the general political pulse
of the voters.

12753704, In a perfect world, it's a left/centrist government
Posted by Mongo, Tue Mar-17-15 09:58 AM
Composed of ZIonist Union, Meretz, the Arab Joint List, and Yesh Atid. United Torah and Shas will hopefully be marginalized.

Unfortunately, Likud is going to be a major bloc no matter what happens to Netanyahu, and sadly, so will Habayit Hayehudi and Israel Beitenu.
12753759, definitely using this whole quote on FB
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-17-15 10:27 AM
12753656, Abbas needs to dissolve the PA
Posted by unfukwitable, Tue Mar-17-15 09:30 AM
If Israel wants to be South Africa let them own it.

12753684, Fuck around, that's what Naftali Bennett is basically suggesting
Posted by Mongo, Tue Mar-17-15 09:47 AM
He's big into letting Gaza and the PA basically have banustans with continued Israeli occupation
12754844, Bibi wins
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Mar-18-15 01:10 AM
12754851, I'm confused. People say you are anti-Israel if you don't support Bibi?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Mar-18-15 01:27 AM
Was his opponent not Israeli?
12754975, It's reductive nationalism.
Posted by Mongo, Wed Mar-18-15 08:28 AM
12755253, this doesn't pass the smell test to me.
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Mar-18-15 11:35 AM
The election reminded me a lot of Bush v. Gore - and I hope I'm wrong
because it is my estimation Bush's presidency (particularly his first term)
was fraudulently administered. I'm convinced that a hidden-hand (yes, I'm referring to a shadow government) was paramount in instituting his entire administration
precisely to preside over 9/11 and the ongoing war in the Middle-East, and I see
Bibi's reign as an arm of that hidden hand. As has been the case in the U.S., I see
corruption of the highest order taking place in global power positions right now.

With Clinton/Bush poised to take the White House in 2016, I'm very concerned
about the course of global affairs right now.
