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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectRE: They shouldn't be bullied into silencing their mode of expression.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12697469&mesg_id=12698022
12698022, RE: They shouldn't be bullied into silencing their mode of expression.
Posted by kayru99, Wed Jan-14-15 05:40 AM
That's the most fucked up half-brained ass analogy possible.

There is no deep sentiment in saying your shouldn't get killed for what you write. That's obvious.

I ain't charlie because I ain't part of an oppressor class that only defends my right to offend and bully the oppressed.

To try and draw a parallel between those saying "I don't ride for racism and xenophobia" (which is the crux of most of the fuck Charlie crew) and those who blindly support the state sponsored murders of black people is lazy as fuck, offensive as hell, and mighty white of you.