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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWhere's a good (domestic) spot for a guys trip?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13296077&mesg_id=13296077
13296077, Where's a good (domestic) spot for a guys trip?
Posted by snacks, Tue Nov-06-18 06:30 PM
My best friends and I try to do a weekend-long guys trip at least once a year. After the last two, we came to the realization that the night life (read: club scene) doesn't really appeal to us. For example, on the last trip we went to Miami ... The first night, we stayed out until 7:30, and the last night there we started at happy hour, went to the Heat game buzzed, rented bikes and rode back to our room to drink/bs till we passed out ... and the last night was by far the most fun.

Anyways, we were originally gonna do Vegas next summer, but the aforementioned recent realization forced us to reevaluate which places would appeal to what we actually like. We'd prefer:

- good food
- nearby sports team
- warm weather
- live music scene (not a deal breaker)
- to be near water (but not a deal breaker if we're not)

Any suggestions?